The nightmare  (who am I)

The nightmare (who am I)

By:  Beatrice Boafo   Ongoing
Language: English
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Have you ever had a dream and it feels so real or it feels like déjà vu ? Stella Bill Klein the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klein popularly known to be the richest in the whole of America. Stella is known to be the beauty goddess of America with good heart and very hardworking. Though Stella has it all, she is not happy. You want to know why , because of her constant nightmare. The repetition of the same nightmare gets her very worried. What happens when David King a very proud, rich,arrogant and powerful man comes into Stella's life just to take revenge but later falls in love with Stella... Want to know what the nightmare is and who David King really is, follow up and don't miss any part of this novel.

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44 Chapters
Chapter One
"No...No...No..." She woke up breathing heavily from the same nightmare again. "what's wrong with me and this same nightmare? Can this have anything to do with me or what ?" She was still deep in thought when Mrs. Klein shouted her name outside her door. " Mom, I've told you to stop shouting because the more you shout , the more you become ol..." She couldn't complete her sentence when Mrs. Klein held her ears twisting it and scolding her, "How dare you little brat call me an old woman for your information I'm still in my early forties and very beautiful too why do you think your dad loves me.". " Ouch, Mom I'm very, very sorry. I should have known better than trying to call you an old woman. Can you please forgive your little Princess just this once ? " Mrs. Klein was about to reply when her husband suddenly entered the room . "What's happening here my precious ladies?" Mr. Klein asked. " Darling can you believe your daughter just called me an old woman just because I shouted her nam
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Chapter Two
THREE DAYS LATER DAVID'S POV"Hello boss, I found out something about Miss Stella Bill Klein. Should we meet or I should just say it on the phone? said one of David's spy. " Just say it on the phone and make it quickly." " I found out that fourteen years ago something happened which I couldn't figure out and she lost her memory in the process. But it seems she has no knowledge about her memory loss and that's because they've refused to tell her the truth. That's all for now boss." " Alright your pay will be doubled ". The spy couldn't even thank him before he hanged up on him.David went to his bar straight up and served himself some wine and started thinking about what his spy just told him." So her own parents decided to hurt her... hmmm that's soo strange but I don't care whether she lost her memory or not that is my win and I'll make sure she pays dearly for parents sins. No one can stop me from taking my revenge on her not even Charles. But first I have to make her my friend bef
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ONE MONTH LATERStella has recovered fully but she is told to remain in the hospital for a week for proper check-up before she'll be able to go home. When Charles heard of the news he was happy but couldn't share with his friend because he was still angry with him.David also heard the news of her recovery and he felt happy but couldn't understand why. He decided to visit her one evening when he was sure her parents had gone home. Stella was surprised to see him when he came to the hospital at that time since it was late at night. "David what are you doing here by this time aren't you supposed to be sleeping. You have to go home and rest. " Stella said though she was happy that he was with her. " I can't sleep knowing that you're not fine. I'm sorry" David said and Stella looked at him confused. "Why are you apologizing to me because the last time I checked you haven't wronged me." Stella replied innocently. David just looked at her hesitating whether to tell her the truth or not. He
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"She's my girlfriend and she's my wife to be. Oh no let me say she's carrying my baby." David said proudly and Stella's parents turned to her with questioning faces. "Mom, Dad don't believe him he's..." "I'm being truthful here, why do you think she's more closer to me and sometimes doesn't come home early from work that's because we're planning our future. " David said with a side smirk. Stella's parents were confused and just staring at their daughter unbelievably. Stella saw their stare and hit David's arm causing him to wince in pain. "Baby that's bad manners. How can you hit your baby daddy so hard. Who will help you carry the baby when you put to bed." David said causing Stella to blush. She hid her face on his chest. Her parents were amused by their display of love even in their presence. "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Klein, I was just trying to pull your legs and as a matter of fact your daughter isn't pregnant so don't be scared. Till she's ready I'll forever wait. The only thing i
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TWO WEEKS LATER Stella was finally discharged from the hospital and she couldn't tell how happy she was from leaving the devil's cage. For her going to the hospital is more or less like entering the devil's cage. David wasn't able to pick her up because he was busy with some clients who needed his attention. At first didn't want to go but Stella pleaded with him to attend to his clients. Charles picked her up and sent her home. Immediately she entered the house the faces of their maids and bodyguards brightened up seeing their beautiful madam back home and strong. Stella responded to their tons of greetings before entering her bedroom. She was done bathing and drying her hair when she heard her phone ringing. "Hello, this is Stella Bill Klein talking how may I help you?" Stella teased knowing fully well that she was talking to David. David was with a frown on his face thinking Stella hasn't saved his number or she was probably playing dumb and decided to play along. " Since you don't
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Stella woke up in an unfamiliar room. She was wondering how long she slept since they've already arrived. She looked around expecting to see David but she couldn't find him. She took her time and studied the room in which she found it spacious and screaming of luxury. She wondered how much David wasted on the house. She decided to go out of the room and look around. She found the place looking very beautiful. She was still admiring the place when she heard a familiar voice. "Do you like it. I can still make some changes if you're uncomfortable." "Like is an understatement but I would rather say I love this house, is very beautiful. David was this the surprise because I love this surprise." She said sincerely. Some of the maids were watching them wondering who the lady is to their boss and some were burning with jealousy wishing to be in her shoes. David moved closer to her and held her by her waist before answering her question. "Yes darling this is one of the surprise I have for you.
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Stella woke up and realized that it was already evening. She checked beside her but couldn't find David. "But I was sleeping on him so how come I didn't feel it when he woke up". She muttered to herself. She was about standing from the bed when a package with a piece of paper on it caught her attention. To the most beautiful woman in the world, put this on and meet me on the roof when you're done. She She quickly opened the box and there was a sparkling diamond dress in it with a matching diamond heels. She was awed by its beauty and didn't know what to do only to admire the beautiful dress David bought for her. She came back to her senses and went to shower before putting on the dress. There she stood in front of the mirror looking as beautiful as always but one could swore that she was an angel in human form. Stella couldn't stop admiring herself in the mirror. She wasn't the make-up type so she left the make-up kit and wore her heels before going out of the room. Immediately the wo
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David and Stella decided to go back home after spending two weeks together at their million dollar house. They decided to resume to work since it's been a while they went there. It took a lot of effort from Stella before David agreed to resume working since he didn't want Stella to be far from him. Stella had to promise to always visit him before he agreed to leave their new house.Mr. and Mrs Klein were still not back in town so it was still left with Stella and the workers at home. Though she sometimes visit David and David does visit her, she still misses her parents. This sometimes makes her feel lonely in their absence.It's weekend already and she has nowhere to go. She decided to go to the garden and get some fresh air since it's been long she went there. On reaching there she sighted something lying on the ground and she went closer to have a proper view of it, there it was looking like something that has been there for long or probably her Mom might have misplaced her necklac
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Everything has been going on smoothly for David and Stella. Though David still complains of their distance but he lets it go saying she will surely become his one day so he needs all the patience in the world not to kidnap Stella one day so they have a secret wedding.STELLA'S POV"Though she's sometimes a sweetheart but we shouldn't forget our main mission here and she mustn't know the truth..." "That is Mom talking and who is the she that she's talking about and what mission is that. Anyways I came here just to show her the necklace, let me not eavesdrop on their conversation." Stella said and tried going to the kitchen but stopped when she felt that their conversation might be about her. "She's just as foolish as her mother falling for our lies easily without thinking twice but she's not to be blamed as she has no memory of her parents and what happened that night." Mr. Klein replied his wife. Upon hearing this Stella got more confused as she felt whatever that happened that night
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DAVID'S POV CONT."The truth is that you haven't lost your memory. This is just you living one life not a doubled life don't listen to whatever people say. Always remember that this is you and you alone not a doubled life okay." Stella nods her head obediently but then remembers her dream and frowns, "Why that frown what happened." "What of my constant nightmare everything looks so real and just recently I found a necklace that looks exactly like the one I saw in my dream today but the only problem is that i couldn't see their faces. What if the dream is real, what if..." " There is no what if here darling not every dream is real some are due to tiredness or overthinking okay. So enough of the what ifs and let's go downstairs for lunch." They went to the already set up table to eat by Stella's mind was still on her parents conversation and her nightmare. At some point she could feel the connection and at another point she just shakes it off trying to console herself that no parents wil
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