
Chapter Two



"Hello boss, I found out something about Miss Stella Bill Klein. Should we meet or I should just say it on the phone? said one of David's spy. " Just say it on the phone and make it quickly." " I found out that fourteen years ago something happened which I couldn't figure out and she lost her memory in the process. But it seems she has no knowledge about her memory loss and that's because they've refused to tell her the truth. That's all for now boss." " Alright your pay will be doubled ". The spy couldn't even thank him before he hanged up on him.

David went to his bar straight up and served himself some wine and started thinking about what his spy just told him." So her own parents decided to hurt her... hmmm that's soo strange but I don't care whether she lost her memory or not that is my win and I'll make sure she pays dearly for parents sins. No one can stop me from taking my revenge on her not even Charles. But first I have to make her my friend before she becomes my lover then boom she'll loose everything." David laughed wickedly with a smirk on his face for his final decision. " I'll just go to her office tomorrow and apologize to her telling her it was a mistaken identity so she should forgive me. The Stella I know doesn't like to associate with too many people unless she has changed." With this said he drank all his wine and went to his room to rest. Charles wasn't he yet so it was left with David.

David decided to forget about Stella's case for now and not spill his decision to his friend mistakenly.

Time flew so fast and it was evening already. Charles came home expecting to see David playing video games or busy with work as usual only to find out he was asleep.

Charles smiled wickedly and removed his worn sock from his left feet and pressed it on David's nose for him to inhale. David woke up from his slumber sensing a dirty scent on his nose but he later couldn't breath because of how it was pressed on his nose. He gathered the last strength in him and woke up pushing the person causing Charles to laugh at his facial expression. " Babe you look so funny right now but not to worry there is more coming don't feel soo comfortable around me not after how you made me look like a clown in public." Yes David can be childish sometimes. He once did make-up on Charles' face when he was asleep and woke him up immediately he was done telling him to wear his shirt because there's an emergency at the company, Charles not having any idea of what was happening did as he was told and followed David. Once they got to the company and got down from the car, people started looking at Charles with some weird eyes like he has gone nuts not until David introduced him as a lady. " Everyone meet my new secretary her name is Charline she'll be replacing Charles for now". Charles was looking around expecting to see the new secretary only to see people taking pictures of him and laughing at the same time. He managed to take someone's phone and looked at the phone and saw himself looking like a masquerade and he knew it was David's hand work so he decided to do same to him but in a different way. Though David warned his workers not to post the pictures but he later posted it himself making Charles the topic of the country the whole week. As if David was reading Charles mind, he suddenly burst into laughter forgetting what Charles did to him. " First of all I'm not your babe and second of all I hope that memory is still there because is something that you mustn't forget." David said to Charles with a smirk on his face. "Don't be too proud of yourself but rather be worried about what is coming for you." With that said Charles left the room planning what to do to David that will make him the topic of the year."

Later that evening both men walked downstairs to have dinner but before they started eating, Charles told David to pray before they eat. Although David found it strange but he never complained. He as he was told and they ate in silence.

After they were done eating, they decided to watch a movie and it was then that David started feeling uncomfortable. He suddenly stood up running to his room to use the washroom. After he was done he decided go and continue watching the movie before he could take his last step he felt pressed again and rushed upstairs. All this while Charles was laughing within and getting notification on his phone from people complaining of how David was looking while going up and down the stairs just because of how his facial expression any time he felt pressed.

David decided not to go downstairs again and slept off in the process. He woke up the next day with the little strength in him took his bath and dressed for work. He met Charles on the way but still didn't suspect him. Immediately he got to the company his workers started laughing at him but with a stern glare, they all shut up since they don't want to be sacked by their boss. He decided not to go see Stella because he felt weak. He decided to read the daily graphic to see what was going on only to find his face on it looking horrible. He didn't read the rest since he was fuming with anger. Suddenly everything became clear to him from how Charles asked him to pray before they eat dinner and his silly looks this morning. He quickly went to his office only to realize that he has run away. " Hello Charles, you can run but you can't hide from me for so long". With that said he hanged up to prevent himself from being mocked by Charles.

Weeks passed by quickly and David managed to stop the video from trending. Being very rich was something simple because for him you can get anything you want all you have to do is to say it and it will be done.


It's been one month already and David decided to go to Stella's company to start up with his plan.

David went to Stella's company claiming he has an appointment with Stella and the secretary allowed him to go inside.

Stella was in her office typing on the laptop when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in. I hope you've compiled all the documents?" She didn't even bother to look at the person because she wasn't expecting anyone. Not until she heard his voice, " You won't even raise your heard to see who's at the door. What if the person had come to harm you." David asked. "And I know that person will definitely be you." Stella replied harshly. "I didn't come here to argue" David replied truthfully. "I came here to apologize for what happened the other time." Stella just looked at him without talking. " I know it is hard to believe me but I'm really sorry. You resemble my childhood best friend and that was how we used to play anytime we meet so the moment you slapped me, it was then I realized that you weren't her. I'm deeply sorry." He said still maintaining his sad face. "Ummm, ummm I'm also sorry for slapping you. I didn't know about it. Please forgive me to. And I've also forgiven you." David smirked and said " then can I get a hug from you please". Stella didn't hesitate to give him a hug. "Also can I be your friend, I promise to be there for okay." David said. "Alright, we can be friends."


Charles was celebrating his birthday so David threw a very big birthday party for him. He also invited all his friends including Stella. The party had already started but Stella wasn't present not until they were presenting their gifts did she come inside. Suddenly everywhere became quiet and most of the people especially the men were looking at her. She was looking very beautiful and brighting like the star in her golden split gown with her pair of purse and heels matching her dress. She stood at the entrance because of the lustful glare she was receiving from the men and this made her uncomfortable. Charles looked at his friends face who was smiling wickedly. It then dawned on him that David invited her just to make her feel bad. He made to walk to her when David beat him to it. He was still thinking when he heard her angelic voice. "Happy birthday Charles. I'm sorry I was caught up in traffic." Stella said. "Thank you, no prob..." He was talking when he saw her hands shivering. "Come with me." Charles took her hand in his and went out with her to a quiet place.

Meanwhile David had other plans waiting for Stella at the party but all he needed was to distract his friend since he wants to spoil his plans. He was able to distract Charles and Stella was left alone walking beside the pool while the others were chatting and some were swimming. She was staring at them when she was pushed inside the pool.

Unfortunately for her no one saw her at that side but it was only David who was smiling and watching her suffocate.

Stella was suddenly pulled out of the pool by Charles who happened to have passed that place and she lost consciousness immediately.

The ambulance was called and Stella was driven to the hospital. Her parents were informed about it.

David on the other hand was feeling guilty but didn't want to show it since nobody knows that he's the one only the lady he payed to do the job knows the truth and he's hoping she doesn't confess. He chuckled thinking about how silly she will be," I have money and I can do whatever I want and nobody can stop me from having my revenge on her." " So it was you who did it right, I can't believe that you can be this heartless to the extent of trying to kill that innocent girl. She has nothing to do with your parents death. Face her parents not her for Christ sake man. You knew she couldn't swim yet still you pushed her inside the pool. What if I didn't see her on time ... I guess you would've been happy to see her die in the pool right?." Charles said. " So, what if she dies I don't care. Read my lips I don't care if she dies after all that's where she belongs six feet dow..." David couldn't complete his statement when a punch was landed on his face but he refused to fight back. " You know what stay away from me because I don't associate myself with people like you ". Charles said

Days went by and Charles stood his ground avoiding David since he is proving stubborn.

Stella on the other side is still receiving treatment and recovering. Her parents made sure no one goes in or come out of the ward except the doctor, nurses and Charles since he was the one who brought her to the hospital and informed them about her current situation.

David found his way through this by sneaking in and out of the hospital just to be with Stella and make sure she's safe and then sneak out before anyone sees him.

Charles has been seeing how his friend has been taking care of Stella at night and then he realized that David is in love with Stella but is too blinded by his thirst for revenge. He feels there is more to it and Stella's parents are innocent although he has no prove and he sometimes feels the connection whenever he's with her. But he can't place his hands on and he knows for sure that he's not in love with her. He sometimes do feel her pains whenever she's in pain. He later decided to let it go and go to bed since his friend won't be returning home until the next day which is early in the morning before people start waking up.

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