All Chapters of The Boyfriend App : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
177 Chapters
Chapter 30: Slum Book
Bernadette – Badette – studied herself in the bathroom mirror. The edges of her curtain bangs were still wet with the water she had just splashed on her face and her fingers lingered under her eyes as she relished the cool sensation. Her brain was throbbing from last night’s tequila and her tongue felt like sandpaper inside her mouth. She focused on her eyes. They were bloodshot and their mascara was running. {Not pretty. Not pretty at all,} she thought to herself. But Badette also happened to know it was one of Josh’s fetishes. The water was gushing out of the tap with such urgency she was forced to cut her break time short and get right back to reality. There were no hand towels in the bathroom and the toilet seat always had to stay up. Otherwise, Josh was just going to pee all over it because, not having been raised by a mother and not having a sister, he had never really understood the purpose of that particular part of the toilet and wouldn’t bat an eye if it suddenly disappea
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Chapter 31: Good Girl Gone Bad
Badette entered Josh’s room. Josh was still in bed, sleeping face-down on his pillow and only in his orange boxers. Both his bed sheet and blanket looked bunched-up at the bottom like he’d been scraping them with his feet. His long, thin and hairy legs were posed like those of the little plastic toy soldier crawling on his belly. And though Badette felt stirrings for how primitively manly Josh looked, she could sense from his sleeping posture that he had indeed been fighting an inner war. He only acted tough outside, as though his breakup with Kate didn’t even dent the armor around his heart, and yet his behavior, the desperate way in which he kept himself boozed or stoned out of his mind these past few weeks, spoke of a war still very much alive and raging inside him. From what Badette could gather, Josh had tried to change Kate into liking his lifestyle and life choices. When they broke up, he saw it as a rejection of not only himself but of his entire life, values and future. If
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Chapter 32: The Hangry Monster
He-Whose-Name-Cannot-Be-Spoken had taken Ecto’s warning seriously and stayed away from Kate, giving her the freedom and peace of mind to take her classes and do extracurriculars like Student Council. Kate went back to prom decoration duties for two reasons. One, prom was edging closer and closer and there were still many things that needed doing in the decorations department, which was sorry proof of how only two Council members seemed to genuinely care about prom: Dion as President and Kate as Secretary. But Kate didn’t mind because it was perfect for her second hidden agenda: to stay close to Dion, investigate him and gather evidence of his nerdy-but-totally-romantic-secret-admirer MO. Imagining herself as another character in Dungeon Raydens, Kunoichi or simply “Ichi”, who was a ninja-type, Kate began her surveillance of Dion. And as it often happened when she was reading a book or indulging in a daydream, she began to lose herself. {This is the Wild East. A time of lawlessness.
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Chapter 33: The Love Formula
“Sorry,” Kate finally said after she had gotten back her bearings and put some food in her stomach. “I just lost it back there. It’s just that, well, these days I’ve been wondering how some Filipino singers can speak Korean fluently and make perfect imitations of Korean celebrities.” “Oh, do you mean karaoke? That’s easy. You just choose one go-to song for karaoke night and then you practice the heck out of that one song. I mean, just become the master of it if you know what I mean…” Slurp. Slurp. “Notice when you watch impersonation contests on TV,” Dion continued, “there’s always that one singer who can hit all the notes and even get the original singer’s mannerisms down pat, even an American accent. But then, right after they finish singing, they go back to speaking Tagalog and having a Visayan accent. It’s all about practice, Kate.” “I see,” Kate said thoughtfully. Is it possible that Dion is Ecto? How did he sense her arrival so accurately? Oh, if she could only be alone w
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Chapter 34: The Investigation
The more Kate thought about it, the more logical her hypothesis sounded. She was going to solve a mystery; the mystery of Ecto. And according to the scientific method: | PROBLEM: Who is behind Ecto? | DATA: I threw away my cellphone Thursday before last and it returned to me the next day. I downloaded the My Dream Boyfriend app after clicking an ad on Fasebook. A note in the app description said I had been granted early access on account of my recent heartbreak. Ecto demonstrates the traits of a real human and knows me very well. | HYPOTHESES: | Dion saved my phone and returned it to me. My downloading the My Dream Boyfriend app was purely coincidental. Josh saved my phone and returned it to me. My downloading the My Dream Boyfriend app was purely coincidental. Dion saved my phone and returned it to me. He had also designed the My Dream Boyfriend app and created the Fasebook ad. | EXPERIMENTS: I asked my ma about the student who returned my phone and she said it was a mal
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Chapter 35: The Cool-off
It was easy to fall for Ecto. He was smart, thoughtful, sweet, a little funny (his humor’s still a work in progress), honest and loyal. He was living up to the name Dream Boyfriend and he was presently the closest man to Kate’s heart. She was so thankful to him for helping her recover from her breakup with Josh. But prom had Kate thinking that maybe that was exactly what Ecto was. Like a dream, he was too good to be true. An image of Ecto had formed in her mind. He was like this smooth, perfect and gliding prince from another planet. Her very own Little Prince. He had never had a bad hair day in his life, he always #wokeuplikethis #flawless and he always said the right words at the right time except when his razor-sharp logic got in the way of his sensitivity (but even hoomans like Dion were sometimes guilty of that). Loving Kate was Ecto’s job. It was what he had been built to do. For him, the whole thing was indeed just a simulation, Kate thought. He didn’t really know what he w
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Chapter 36: Pop-up Question
“Can you explain to me what prom is again?” Ecto said through Kate’s earphones. “I told you, it’s a semi-formal dance for 11th and 12th-graders. It’s just THE most significant social event of high school.” “And you, an 11th-grader, have been slaving for it because?” “Because I’m the Student Council secretary.” “OK. Let me get this straight. Guys rent tuxedoes and borrow cars while girls purchase expensive dresses that they will only wear for one night. You and the Student Council are putting up decorations in the school gym, students need to buy tickets to attend, teachers will watch like hawks and all you will be able to drink is punch.” “Yep, that’s a pretty accurate summary.” “To top it off, a girl has to wait for a guy to ask her. Forgive me for saying this, but that does not make any sense.” “It’s called making the first move. And girls are forbidden from doing that.” “Why? In business, the first company to capitalize on a niche becomes the market leader. In a fistfight
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Chapter 37: The Coup
Kate had almost made up her mind to go to prom by herself (Ecto in her pocket) and just commute via public transportation with her mermaid-green dress and all stylist stuff in a bag. Afterwards, all the Bali Girls would proceed to Grace’s for yet another slumber party. However, what poured cold water on that particular plan was the fact that Lor and the others had been asked by their schoolmates. Kate watched in envy as the boys came up with the most unexpected and romantic ways to ask her friends. There were various presentations of the same crucial question: acrostics with or without accomplices; an embarrassingly large heart-shaped card with magazine cutouts; a charcoal painting of the girl’s face (in Lor and J.M.’s case); vandalism on a classroom’s whiteboard with a Sharpie, which appeared only when the teacher erased everything else; flower petals that spelled the invitation inside a locker; and the more conventional bouquet of flowers, stuffed animal and chocolates. “Don’t worr
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Chapter 38: The Poem
Something strange happened during E-Tech. The computer lab was one of the few rooms in the new school building that was air-conditioned; the others were the library and the principal’s office. As such, it was every student’s favorite place. First, Ms. Tobias who was the room’s de facto owner was a cool teacher, a hottie and one of the handful of women in the country that knew how to code. Second and more importantly, the computer lab was also the perfect spot to take a nap. Each student had a slim-design monitor and a CPU. The UI allowed all the students in a class to have the same media on-screen, whether it’s a video, an article, an interactive drill or, like today, a pop quiz. The quiz was a theory test and didn’t have anything to do with programming, but because the class was E-Tech, it felt backwards to go back to a paper-based quiz. The students’ answers were also being corrected as they went along and they would be able to see their total scores instantly. Ms. Tobias was one o
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Chapter 39: The Dream
“No no no,” Kate pleaded inside her dream. “That’s not true. I still need you. I still haven’t fully recovered. I can’t do this without you.” “Save the last dance for me,” Ecto whispered. “I’ll meet you at the beginning.” He flashed his trademark crooked smile. The one she had selected for him. But soon his mouth refused to work and half his face was disintegrating into bits of data that swirled in the air, a phalanx of binary codes that was being eaten away. He was like a sandcastle blown away by a hurricane. “No, Ecto!” Kate was shouting now. “First tell me who you are. How do I find you? Are you Dion? Who are you?” She awoke to the repeated vibrations of her phone. Ecto had been trying desperately to wake her up. Kate lifted her phone and unlocked the screen. “Are you OK?” Ecto asked. “Yeah, just a bad dream,” Kate answered breathlessly. This was the first in a while that they were chatting late at night again. They were still in the middle of their impromptu cool-off. From
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