Vampires and Werewolves (Book 3 Tugurlan Chronicles)

Vampires and Werewolves (Book 3 Tugurlan Chronicles)

By:  Eileen Sheehan, Ailene Frances, E.F. Sheehan  Kumpleto
Language: English
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The gang heads back east after the potion Elsa prepared for Bruce in Phoenix didn’t quite do the trick in curing him of werewolfism. As the full moon approaches, Bruce and Tatyana head back to his cabin to await news from Dan and Shen, who are diligently searching for a professor who might be able to help them. They don’t find the professor, but they do find Magdalena, a hot and sexy vympire from the planet Vympirus, and Garth, her trusty lycanthrope guard. Sparks fly when Magdalena and Dan connect. They pair up in more ways than one when both Tatyana and Shen are captured by remnants of the mutant vampire den they’d destroyed in Las Vegas. Horror of horrors! These grotesque creatures not only survived but they’ve got dens throughout the country and they want Tatyana for their queen!Garth shares a secret with Bruce on how to keep his need to change during the full moon at bay and they’re off to rescue Shen and Tatyana. Elsa joins in the search... and its a good thing, since the vampires recruited their own magician. Will they rescue Shen and Tatyana before it’s too late?

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Will there be a book 4?
2021-11-10 10:47:07
25 Kabanata
Chapter 1
“What did I look like when I turned?” Bruce asked.“Pardon?” Tatyana said.“What did I look like when I turned? Did I frighten you?” Bruce continued.“Not so much, but you changed,” she replied.“How?” Bruce asked.“More, like a wolf, less like a man,” she said matter-of-factly.“Oh, “he mused, “Would you say that’s good or bad?”“It depends,” she said.“On what?” he asked.“On how you look at it,” she replied as she lightly kissed the tip his nose.  “I take you as you come, my love.”For Bruce there was only one way to look at it. It was bad, very bad. He was moving more and more away from his human self.  Soon the curse of the werewolf would be impossible to remove; if it wasn’t the case already.  He didn’t know why, but he thought he sti
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Chapter 2
I put the telephone receiver back into its cradle.  I’d used a public telephone to call Bruce because we weren’t sure if our own phones were secure. At first, I thought this was a bit paranoid, but after conversing with Shen about the ways of the vampire, we decided there was no such thing as being too careful.  We needed time away from the fight so that we could focus on finding a cure for Bruce. The least little thing like a phone call could expose our whereabouts to Dracula’s hunters who were certain to be on the lookout for us in hopes of being led to Charles.  There was also the matter of Dracula’s orders to bring the slayers back to him.  We weren’t sure, but we assumed it still stood.Surveying the dining room of the neighborhood’s most popular diner, I scowled.  Shen should have joined me by now. What could be keeping him?I smiled flirtatiously at the beautiful five-foot-five-inch, sinuous hostess as
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Chapter 3
Magdalena watched the young couple walking in front of her with minimal interest as she followed them down the lazy darkened street. It would be so easy to catch up with them and go unnoticed.  She hadn’t seen a car or another person for the last ten minutes.  All was quiet.Even if she did succumb to temptation and partake in human blood, it wouldn’t change the fact that she couldn’t get her mind off Shen and me.  She was especially taken by me.  She found my sandy hair and facial structure strikingly handsome. Although both of us made every sense she possessed alive and alert, it was me who struck her the most.  Perhaps it was because of our touch.  She rarely touched humans, and for good reason.  It brought forth a part of her that she worked hard to suppress.She was born a vympire in the earth year one-thousand-ten BC and saw quite a few changes in the vympire kingdom since then. Many of the changes were those o
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Chapter 4
The trek back to her apartment was one of the most difficult experiences Magdalena could ever recall. She’d grown accustomed to moving amongst humans and was quite adept at it, but rarely did she touch us; and never for such a long period of time.What made matters even more unbearable was the fact that she was being supported by us.  She had one of us on either side of her while we practically lifted her off the sidewalk in order to spare her the weight of her body on her bruised and broken limbs. The steady rhythm of our hearts pumping wondrous and addictive blood through our veins as we carefully positioned her onto her bed brought forth a surge of energy that was almost overwhelming.  Her weaknesses were threatening to free themselves of their own accord and overpower her.  She’d witnessed this happening to others a few times in her lifetime, but had never experienced it herself; nor did she wish to.She needed us to leave before she lost
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Chapter 5
“Your friends are back,” Garth muttered as he slid past Magdalena to grab a menu. “Allow me.”Magdalena looked at the entrance of the main dining room as Garth approached the us and scowled.  She hadn’t expected us to return so soon.  It was going to be difficult explaining her miraculous healing. What was she thinking, coming to work only a day after a fight like that? She should have anticipated the possibility of our return to the diner and made up an excuse to call in sick. She should have stayed home a few days to make it appear like she was still healing.  This was bad.  This was very bad.I looked in Magdalena’s direction as Garth led us to a booth at the far side of the room. My heart felt heavy as I looked for signs of the injuries she’d received not twenty-four hours earlier. There were none. This could mean only one thing.  She wasn’t human.Garth took our drink order in his usua
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Chapter 6
Magdalena shivered; not from the cold, but from the sheer delight that coursed through her body as she nuzzled close to me while we made our way down the street.  It had been centuries since she’d huddled this close to anyone -human or supernatural.  The heady, sexual, and exhilarating sensation far outweighed any desire to drink my blood. Our conversation proved light, jovial, and delightful.  Magdalena found herself rapidly developing a comfort with me and it felt good. It felt very good.She’d experienced this once before, centuries ago in another time and what seemed like another life when she met and fell in love with Marcus Wexton, Earl of Wetherford.  She was touring homes of the wealthiest of the ton in Wales with her cousin, Evelyn, who was a few hundred years her senior. Evelyn had defied the vympire code and taken a human husband.  They weren’t far from Marcus’s estate when their buggy lost a wheel. It w
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Chapter 7
Shen directed the cab driver to stop in front of Magdalena’s apartment building and got out.  He watched the cab pull away and instantly regretted not asking him to wait. What if I wasn’t here?  Since I hadn’t come back to our motel room he assumed I was with Magdalena, but what if I wasn’t? Where else would I be?  He wished we dared use our cell phones.As he started up the set of steps that joined the sidewalk to the front door of the tall, century old brick building, he caught a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of his eye.  He turned his head quickly, but not quickly enough because the shadow was gone. When he focused once again on his ascent up the stairs leading from the sidewalk into the building’s vestibule, his path was blocked. He sucked in air as his mind registered what stood before him.  There was no mistaking it was a vampire.  To make matters even more intense, he looked familiar.  Shen was su
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Chapter 8
Bruce stood on the porch of his mountain cabin and watched the sun set over the top of the tamarack pines that dominated the hillsides of the Southern Tier, New York.  Tonight the moon would be full. He was already feeling the effects of the change his body was readying for.  He and Tatyana had prepared the small root cellar beneath the cabin.  It took some doing, but he finally managed to convince her to remain in the cabin at night while he was locked in the root cellar. It was difficult to get her to listen to reason, but when he pointed out that they could still communicate telepathically, she grudgingly agreed.Bruce was frustrated; not just because he’d turn yet again in a few hours, but because I’d called him with the news of Shen’s abduction.  How could he help? Until the cursed moon surrendered to the sun and he was once again in control and able to function as a man, he could do nothing to help us.  Even then, he wasn&rsquo
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Chapter 9
I adjusted my body behind the steering wheel of the rental car. I hated driving long distances and even though it was only a few hours’ drive from Middletown to Owego, it felt like an eternity when there was so much gnawing at me.  Shen was in the clutches of some of the evilest creatures ever to exist.  Even if they weren’t the evilest, I was certain they came close.  I was at a loss at what to do.After calling Bruce to tell him about the situation with Shen and hearing the desperation and despair in his voice over his feelings of helplessness, I decided to go to Owego to join him.  At least with the two of us in one location, the fears of what was happening to the other would be eliminated.I’d brought Magdalena and Garth with me. I had no idea how they could help or what could be done at this point, but the more on our team the better.  Garth put up a bit of resistance until I confided in him about what Bruce was dealing w
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Chapter 10
Tatyana slumped against the back of the seat as the car sped down the highway.  They’d blindfolded her to keep her from knowing their destination.  Little did they realize that the blindfold prevented them from seeing her close her eyes as she let her abilities to take over.  Thinking her asleep, none of the vampires who with gifts were using their limited telepathic abilities to intercept her efforts. She was grateful that they were of Wadim’s lineage and not that of a true vampire. The human DNA dulled much of their senses and, although they could still read minds to some extent, it was limited and they needed to really focus in order to do it; not like the natural, almost involuntary ease in which a pure vampire with telepathic capability would accomplished it.Her first task was to get a message to Elsa.  She hoped the woman was fast asleep. It would be easier to get inside her head if she wasn’t awake and concentrating on something e
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