Eliza: The Awakening (Book 1)

Eliza: The Awakening (Book 1)

By:  Eileen Sheehan, Ailene Frances, E.F. Sheehan  Completed
Language: English
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Eliza is a simple and uncomplicated young woman. She enjoys the outdoors, is good with animals, and, like most young women her age, loves to party and have fun. When she meets a sexy man with an alluring Southern drawl, she has no idea that he is involved in a world that she is yet to know, but is her legacy. Like it or not. "The Awakening" begins the saga of a female shifter named, Eliza.

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24 Chapters
The Curse of the Werewolf
The werewolf originated in the times of ancient Greece when their gods reigned supreme.  During one fateful festivity, Lycaon, the son of Pelasgus, was in need of a meat to serve.  Too lazy to go hunting for wild game or to slaughter a lamb, he served the Greek god, Zeus (who was the ruler of the sky and of all gods and mankind), a meal made from the remains of a sacrificed boy. This severely enraged Zeus. As punishment, the angered god turned Lycaon and his sons into wolves. They were to be looked upon by the rest of humanity as something to abhor.Zeus’ lover Selene (who was the goddess of the moon) took pity on Lycoan’s family.  She felt it unfair to make them pay for a sin that they had no part of.  After much effort, she convinced Zeus to shorten the curse and allow them to enjoy humanity until they were of age to wed and breed.  (This age, at that time, was their early teens when their hormones took over and a g
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Chapter 1
It felt like someone was swinging a hammer against the inside of Eliza’s skull.  The early morning dew caused a damp muskiness on the earth that blended with the mold and dust that burrowed beneath the thick layer of leaves where she lay her aching burden; assaulting her nose and adding to her misery.  Her chocolate colored eyes felt pinned shut, but her hearing was abnormally acute.  By the sounds around her, she sensed her surroundings were familiar ones.  If she was correct, she was near the small cave that was nestled in a knoll that began the acres of woods at the far end of her family’s farm.  It was a place that she’d discovered at a young age and had frequented whenever she required alone time.  Her surroundings weren’t the greater mystery.  How she got there was.As her faculties returned to normal, she sat up and realized that how she got there wasn’t the biggest mystery after all.  It was superse
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Chapter 2
Feeling a little more like herself after cleaning up, Eliza took her time descending the narrow turn of the century farmhouse staircase.  Her slender fingers absent-mindedly played with a small section of torn wallpaper as she stopped for a moment to listen to the faint words of her parents’ as they floated up toward her. They were whispering, but in a loud, argumentative way that made their words clear to someone with the abnormally good hearing that she possessed.“We need to tell her,” her father hissed.“I don’t know, Arthur,” her mother adamantly replied.  “It could upset her.  Don’t you think having that nice doctor Rosenthal die and losing her job has upset her enough? She was very fond of that man and her work. We both know that moving home wasn’t something she wanted to do.  Besides, we have nothing to prove it’s true.  It skipped you. Perhaps it skipped her too.”
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Chapter 3
Reba leaned against the edge of the opened door and cocked her head to the side while looking Eliza up and down. “What happened to you last night?”“What do you mean?” she asked.“You disappeared from the club,” Reba replied.  “At first, I thought you’d taken off with that yummy fella you were dancing with,  but he was looking for you too.”Eliza’s brows furrowed in thought. “What yummy fella?”The redhead’s blue eyes went wide with surprise as she stepped away from the door to allow Eliza to enter her studio apartment.  Taking a fistful of her thick coppery shoulder length locks, she twisted her hair into a bun and secured it with a hair tie as she asked, “Are you serious?”Following her friend into the oversized room, Eliza closed the door behind her as she said, “Promise you won’t make fun if I tell you something?”Re
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Chapter 4
A hater of telemarketers, Eliza normally didn’t answer her cell phone if the number that was displayed was one that she didn’t recognize, but for reasons she couldn’t explain, she answered it this time.“What happened to you last night?” asked a seductive male voice.Reba had painted a hot and sexy picture of the man Eliza had danced with the night before.  When she heard the voice over the phone that sounded as if it could easily pair with such a man, the excitement and anticipation that this just might be him caused her voice to go an octave or two higher than normal as she asked, “Who is this?”“Oliver.  The guy from last night,” he said. “You gave me your phone number, remember?”Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and humbly replied, “I’m sorry.  I don’t.”“What?” he said with surprise.“I don’t remember
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Chapter 5
Her nerves felt frazzled, and her legs threatened to fail her as she entered the familiar coffee shop. Her favorite barista, Scott, was working the counter.  Seeing her, he flashed a smile and waved a greeting.  Then, pointing to a sandy haired man sitting in the back of the room, he raised his brows and patted his chest.  Eliza took this as a sign of approval from the only male she knew who was prone to compete with her for a man’s attention.Scott’s gayness didn’t bother her in the least.  In fact, she enjoyed spending time with him even if it stayed within the walls of the coffee shop during slow hours.Doing her best to smooth her appearance without being obvious about it, she moved toward the man with the sandy colored hair and piercing eyes that seemed to pull her to him without her using the slightest bit of effort to move herself.Although she was considered a tall woman, he still managed to exceed her height by a go
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Chapter 6
Eliza took the dinner plate that Viviane had finished rinsing the soap off from her mother’s outstretched hand and rubbed it dry with a dish towel. More than once she’d suggested that they get with the times and install a dishwasher, but her mother’s response was always the same.  Holding up her hands, she’d smile and say, “I have reliable dishwashers right here.  I don’t need anything else.”“Where did you go today?” Viviane asked as she wiped at the excess water in the white porcelain sink with a dishcloth.Carefully placing the dinner plate on top of the others in the cupboard, Eliza thought about her answer.  Should she admit that she met a stranger for coffee? Well, he wasn’t a complete stranger since she’d danced quite a bit with him the night before.  The only problem was that this was something that she could barely remember.Since it wasn’t her habit of sharing g
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Chapter 7
It happened again!Eliza groaned with despair as she rolled onto her back and looked up into the early morning sky.  Her nightmare was continued.  She was naked in the field on the edge of the woods again.  She’d gone to bed early without a drop of alcohol in her system, let alone any type of drug, yet the sledgehammer in her head was pounding even harder than the morning before.  Like the first time, she couldn’t remember a thing on how or why she was in such a state.To add to her misery, along with the pounding inside her head, her leg burned and hurt like a sharp object had been dragged down it. A knife, perhaps?Struggling against the acute throbbing that radiated from her skull into the rest of her trembling body, she forced herself to sit up. Her vision was still a bit blurred, but it was clear enough for her to see dried and crusted blood that coated the singular, deep scratch down the outer side of her left calf.  Th
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Chapter 8
After a quick shower to remove the grime on her flesh, Eliza decided that a long hot Epsom Salts bath was in order.She hadn’t completely emersed her body into the steaming water before she felt the relief it offered both physically and mentally.  She’d taken headache medicine immediately upon entering the bathroom.  Her shower had been just long enough to give it an opportunity to take effect. Now, with her body being enveloped by the comfort of heated healing liquid, she felt a sense of peace and tranquility for the first time since she’d woken up naked the morning before.Closing her eyes, she sank deep into the water while she allowed her mind to go blank. With any luck, not trying so hard to remember just might be the way to get the answers to what happened to make her wake up naked in the field two mornings in a row surface.As relaxation overtook her, she felt light enough to float.  Her legs relaxed enough to actually rai
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Chapter 9
It was a miracle!Amazed and bewildered, Eliza inspected the leg that she’d wounded during the night.  There was absolutely no sign of an injury.  Cautiously putting her weight on it, she discovered no indication of a bruise beneath her kneecap.  She had no idea that a hot Epsom salts bath could work such wonders, but there was no mistaking the fact that she was completely healed.  There wasn’t even a scar from the jagged gash on her leg.She’d have spent a bit more time pondering such a miraculous recovery had she not been preoccupied with the idea of acting as a guide on the state lands for Oliver as he searched for his missing brother.  She’d accepted his invitation without thinking about the fact that she’d been wounded.  That came after the call ended.  Her relief was acute when she discovered that she had no injuries whatsoever to concern herself with.Once again, she felt inclined to give a
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