Her Boys

Her Boys

By:  jokerblade  Ongoing
Language: English
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Sabrina Montezar has a rare case of a mental condition in which her sexual urges increases and uncontrolled. Once she felt her libido taking over, there is no question of place or time, she can't stop touching herself. There is no cure for this but her doctor has theories, that she may try and see if there will be some positive results to lighten her urges. This is: to have sex! But she is a virgin! What is the cause of her unknown disease? What can cure her? Or is it who? Find out. Read more...

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Delinda Schumacher
23 chapters 2-1-23
2023-02-01 20:52:54
23 Chapters


Prologue Obsession.Addiction.In denial.I don’t know.I am lost to what had happened to me. It is unknown. No scientific explanation, any possible cure is none, a mental disorder that was built because of what I had mentioned above.I want to ease this surging sexual urges. It won’t stop, I can’t stop it.The doctor said that my case is the first in any record. I am not a nymphomaniac, I can be cured but by theory--but no possible results.Just theories.Hunches.Like I need to put myself under trial.And my medicine is not a thing, not a what...But a person.
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Chapter One  Sabrina’s POV “Hi, I’m Xander. This are my buddies: Jolo, Marko and Yael.” I’m at a bar when a server approached me earlier and gave me a drink with words that it was given by this group of men who is now in facing me. And of course, I accepted it.Looking at the four of them, I can say that they are all handsome and well-built. Hot. Sexy. Okay, I am drooling.The guy named Xander is handsome, he looked so friendly and easy-going to approach me this way. Jolo, and Marko also looked good.My brow arched when I looked at the last guy named Yael.Whoa.I think this one is the baddest, handsome and burning hot while torridly kissing the lady who just grabbed him.Feisty and sexy. Exactly my type. Or something else…&l
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Chapter Two  Sabrina’s POV I joined them  and I sat cross-legged. The seat is a comfortable curved sectional couch and sit like this:Jolo, a girl he fetch, Marko, another girl, the girl who waved at me, then Xander, Me, Yael and a girl again. Yael’s with a different woman this time.I wonder where the previous one went but what amazed me was how fast he changed his prospect.Maybe the previous girl is not a good kisser, huh.“By the way, I am Jomuel Lourd Trinidad, ‘Jolo’ for short.”He looked cute, his face has soft features and the way he dress is not that manly but not bad either. I can guess that his body is not that muscular but not too skinny, as well. Just the right built.I smiled at him and nodded. They started introducing themselves after Jolo.&
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Chapter Three I was shocked! Petrified, but I tried my best to hide it. I made it look like what he did doesn’t bothered me at all even though it was the opposite!I’m burning inside!I can feel him hard and huge inside those pants. From its length, I bet the head of his cock is already popping out of his pants!Yael was looking at me with a frown, as if questioning why his move didn’t get to me or bothered me.Yeah, I’m a good actress, my dear.“I turned you on?” I said huskily and slowly moved my hand and caress his manhood. “Are you attracted to me?” I said and leaned closer so my breast will touch his arm.He didn’t even flinch, oh well, I already knew he’s a pro.“I’m not. I’m aroused to you, yes. Attraction is led to affection, and you won’t get that from me.”Ha! I know! I know
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Chapter Four “Aren’t you attracted to me? That’s the reason that you came here and do this, right? You want me to fuck you.”My jaw tightened from what he said. No. No, you are definitely wrong, Yael. I did come here for you, but I didn’t came here just to be fucked by you.True to his words, I want him. But unlike other girls, I am not after just that. His influence on me made me the person I am now, he took me out of my shell, and he affected my whole life since the day I met him.I liked him since the moment I laid my eyes on him but I didn’t met him in a romantic, teenage dream way.Yael was once my brother’s good friend. He is a year older than me, just like my brother is. We went to the same school before when we were in high school.I just graduated college now, and I met Yael when I was on my first year of h
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Chapter Five I smirked as I watched Yael’s eyes widened a bit.You heard it right, honey.This was my plan. To attract Yael, make him yearn, make him hard and hot for me, then drop him for another guy.I’ve been thinking which one I will pick from the three of his friends. Jolo is not my type of guy, he looked like an innocent man and too childish for my taste. Marko looks hot in his suit but I feel like he will just talk about business once alone with me in a room.Xander caught my attention well. He exceeded his two friends but still inferior against Yael.I can’t take just anyone, I want someone inside his circle. I want him to see me, to feel the thirst he made me feel for years. I want to be a reach away but yet he can’t touch. I want the chase.I want Yael to chase after me.Maybe I wan
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Chapter Six  Sabrina’s POV I can no longer stood straight and walk like a model, I’m so drunk and I’m loving it!I’m hitting the dance floor with Xander right now together with his friends except Yael. He was just sitting at our table and he was looking at us, dancing in the wild.He probably think I’m a bitch as I continue rubbing my ass on Xander. I smirked at the thought and continue my dancing. Damn! Everything is a blur to me now with the alcohol’s effect but I’m loving it!From time to time, my eyes are fixed on Yael’s dark and deep eyes while dancing flirtatiously with Xander. I can see the desire on Yael as he watches me, continuously licking his lip as his eyes wanders on me whole.He looked seduced and that’s exactly what I wanted. I. want. him. seduced.
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Chapter Seven I’m riding my car and a few meters away from the club. I can’t gear up, my head is occupied with a lot of thoughts that I am out of focus.What should I do now?I regret that I’m still a virgin when I execute this plan! I thought it will be better if I am, I thought it will affect him more if one of his friends will pop my cherry! And now, I failed!Damn it!My virginity never mattered to me, my life is already a mess even with or without it. All I want was to get even, all I want is to take my revenge because…Fuck it.I decided to stop my car and slammed the steering wheel to release the frustration I feel inside.Why can’t I fucking move on in my life? Yael is like a ghost, he keeps on haunting my mind, clouding my head. Why can’t I take him out of my life?!I groaned and looked around, I think I stopped at a park. Outsi
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Chapter Eight “Stay right there! Don’t come closer!” I panicked. I don’t want to-- I don’t want him to see me like this! I might just jump on him and let him do me in this place!He stopped, but only because he was shock from my sudden outburst. He continues stepping closer again, but slow.“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” his voice is deep with a hint of concern. It’s messing with my head more!“Just…” Damn, I can’t stutter now! “Just get the hell away from me!” I shouted but Yael kept on walking closer. My body tensed and my wetness throbbed even more as I saw him clearly now.“What’s happening, Sabrina?” he asked curiously.His voice is not helping with my episode! It’s making me want to orgasm more, to reach the edge stopped myself from getting.I closed my eyes, gripped th
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Chapter Nine “Get the fuck out!”I was woken from deep slumber, flinching with Spencer’s loud voice. What the hell?Turning to the clock, I saw the time is three in the morning. Why is my brother still up? My head aches, I only slept for two hours, damn it.I decided to check on him so I went out of my room. I peaked downstairs, holding to the wooden railing. Spencer is not on the living room but he was standing on the doorway.Facing someone I couldn’t see.Who will visit this late? Ugh! Another of brother’s desperate bitch?“I swear I’m fucking gonna kill you! Stay away from us!” Spencer shouted again.Who’s making him agitated and angered like this? I’m sure its not some girl, he never acts like this towards his bitches.I heard a murmur and I think the other person talked calmly. I could not hear it.&ld
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