

Kayla still remember the first time she met Sebastian years ago, when she was eight years old. She still remember their first encounter with each other. She still remember all the details on how they got close to each other. Kayla still remember everything that they have shared throughout the years.


Kayla’s being scolded now for a sin that she didn't commit. It’s because her mom's favorite vase worth several million was broken. She didn’t know what happened here because when she arrived it was already broken. She was right in front of the broken vase picking up the pieces just so no one will get hurt when her mom came that's why she thought Kayla was the one who broke it and scolded her right away.

She’s so used to being scolded because they only see her everytime she did something wrong so it's not new for her. What she often do everytime she was in this kind of situation is she just bow her head down and wait for them to finish preaching to her, but it's different now because it's not her fault so instead of bowing down, Kayla spoke to save herself.

But instead of believing her, she received a very strong slap from her mother for talking back to her. Kayla didn’t know the reason why she slapped her when all she ever did was explain to her that she’s not the one who broke it. She even said those words with a respectful tone.

Her mother raised her hand once again to slap Kayla for the second time, it's not often that her mom gets this angry, but maybe she's just going through something right now and she chose to turn her frustrations on Kayla plus the fact that it’s her favorite vase that’s broken, it came from a faraway country and cost a lot of money that's why instead of defending herself she just kept quiet and chose to understand her mother’s anger. She just closed her eyes and waited for her mother’s hand to land on her cheek. But when seconds have passed and she still felt nothing she immediately decided to open her eyes.

The first thing that caught her eyes when she opened it was the unfamiliar back of a boy. He is taller than her and even though Kayla can't see his face right now she feel like he's older than her.

He just stood in front of her with both hands spread as if to protect her from her mother's anger.

Kayla tilted her head to see her mom, she needs to tilt it because she couldn’t see her because the boy in front of her is too tall but when she finally saw her she was very surprised to see her mother's gentle face. If her face was full of anger and hatred a while ago, now her face is very gentle and you can see it with a beautiful smile as if she wasn’t angry earlier.

Who could this boy be that her mom suddenly calmed down? That's the question in her mind but she couldn't voice it out and just listened to their conversation instead.

“Sebastian you’re here!” Her mom greeted him with the sweetest smile she have ever seen, ignoring Kayla as if she was not there.

The boy that her mother called Sebastian didn’t even say anything to her, he just turned his back to her mom, now facing Kayla.

The very first thing that she noticed from his face the moment she saw it was his beautiful and enchanting blue eyes. It was as if her heart was caressed suddenly when his eyes met hers.

Kayla was too stunned that no words seemed to want to come out of her mouth. He then suddenly grabbed Kayla’s hand and started walking away, although confused, Kayla just obeyed the boy's wishes and followed him to wherever he wants to bring her at. But before they could get too far the boy stopped.

“I was watching her the whole time. She didn’t do anything wrong. She didn’t deserved to get a slap.” He said not too loud but just enough for Kayla’s mother to hear. Kayla didn't able to see what her mother's reaction is because they left immediately after saying those words.

Kayla is now sitting on the bench just beside the fountain here in the garden of the Aragon mansion. Just standing in front of her was the boy who saved her earlier. He’s just standing there while looking at her with a blank expression, Kayla looked back at him, confused. After a while the boy reached out his hand to Kayla.

“Sebastian.” He said sparingly.

Kayla then accepted his hand and shook it.

“K-Kayla.” She answered back. Shyness was very visible in her voice and by the way she acted.

After all that happened that day they never met again. Kayla waited for Sebastian everyday but the boy didn’t come back. She was so sad that time because Sebastian was her first ever friend. No one wants to be her friend because for others her existence is not important. But there’s still people who wants to talk to her but only because to use her for their own needs or to get something from her. That is why she never had a genuine friend. Sebastian was the first one. And now that he’s gone, she now came back to the way she was before, being alone.

One cold December night, Kayla and her family were getting ready for an occasion. It was Christmas evening. Few months have passed ever since that they she met Sebastian. At first, the thought of Sebastian gone always made her very sad. It even came to a point where she’s silently crying in her room. Her young heart was really broken. But as days go by, she immediately learned to forget about it. About him.

On the day of the Christmas Eve Kayla and her family are wearing fancy clothes, preparing to go somewhere. She didn’t know where they were going and she didn’t even bother to ask also, maybe there were going to celebrate Christmas outside the mansion.

When they reached their destination, Kayla was amazed at what she saw. It was a very grand mansion. As grand as their mansion or even more grand than their mansion.

Kayla was used to seeing luxuries but she’s still in awe seeing the mansion and the luxurious ambiance it has.

But that didn’t stop there, inside the mansion was even more enchanting to the eyes. Kayla was very amazed. It was the first time that she didn't care about the crowd around her because she’s busy admiring the whole mansion.

She’s in the middle of looking back and forth when suddenly her eyes spot a very familiar back of a boy. Memories from their first encounter with each other came flashing in her mind. She smiled when she realized who it was and immediately run the moment she saw him but before she could arrive to where he was, Kayla bumped into a man who have a tray of wine in both of his hands. All the wine glasses fell to the floor that made a very loud noise. Now all the attention from the people there are on her. She didn’t know what to do at that time.

“My God Kayla when will you stop embarrassing our family?” Kayla’s mom said when she got close to her. Her dad is also there but he didn’t say anything. Despite that, disappointment is seen in his face.

Kayla was about to say sorry when a hand suddenly held hers.

“Sorry for the trouble, I’ll take care of her.” Sebastian said and led her outside the mansion.

While walking, Kayla can’t help but to cry because of her stupidity. Now she just gave another reason for her family to hate her even more.

“Hey, stop crying.” Sebastian said, now looking at her. Kayla cried even more.

“Shhh. Hush now. It was an accident okay? You didn’t want that to happen so it’s not entirely your fault. Now stop crying.” He said in hopes that saying those words will make her stop from crying.

“You’re the worst. I thought you already abandoned me. You didn't come back for months.” Sebastian laughed so hard when he realized the reason why she cried more. It’s not because of what happened earlier, it’s because she thought he abandoned her. It was the first time for Kayla to see Sebastian laughing.

“I’m sorry okay? I had an emergency that’s why I need to follow your sister sooner to another country. Sorry for not saying goodbye to you. I visited you before my flight but you’re not there.” He reasoned out.

“You know my sister?” She questioned him, shocked.

“Of course I know her, she’s my best friend. We even have the same birthday. And she’s also the one who told me to take care of you while she’s away.” He answered that made Kayla missed her sister much more.

Her sister, Ella Aragon was away for almost a year now because she’s studying abroad. She have been very busy lately that’s why she hasn’t come home even up until now that it’s already Christmas. And Kayla understand that. It touched her heart knowing that even though her sister is away, she never forgets to think about Kayla.

After that, Kayla and Sebastian became really close. Sebastian sees Kayla as his younger sister and Kayla sees Seb as her savior.

Kayla only stopped reminiscing about the past when she noticed that they were almost at the entrance of the mansion. She can almost hear the loud beating of her heart now. Afraid of what’s to come when they enter that door.

But before they could enter, the double doors suddenly opened and the birthday girl appeared. Only then did Kayla realize that it was also the birthday of the man holding her hand today.

“Finally! Where did the two of you go? We’ve been looking for the both of you for a while now. I couldn’t start my party without the two very important people in my life!” Ella Aragon said, panicking. She suddenly stiffened when she saw Kayla and Sebastian’s hands and that made Kayla immediately let go of Sebastian's hold on her.

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