

Kayla Aragon was greeted by a cold evening breeze. She hurriedly walked out of the Aragon mansion while looking around again and again, afraid that someone would see her. Well it’s not like someone will care if they see her leaving but still she needs to be very careful.

There’s a grand party being held at the Aragon mansion tonight, her sister’s 22nd birthday. Kayla doesn’t like parties and she don't want to socialize either, so she have decided that it’s better to just leave. Her presence there is not that important and no one even approaches her there so it won’t be hard for her to leave but still she needs to play safe. She can't be caught because she knows she will be scolded when they see her leaving, those are the only times they notice her, when they have to scold her or when she did something wrong.

She hurried to her favorite spot outside of the mansion that only she knew existed. She’s at the far end at the back of their mansion, it's a wooded area that still belongs to her family but it no longer covers the grand design that can be seen in the land surrounding the mansion.

After walking for a few minutes Kayla turned to the right side and immediately heard the sound of falling water, she smiled to herself and run as fast as she can when she realized she was close.

At the end of the woods you will see a beautiful waterfalls. Like she said, she’s the only one who knows about this place so it's not developed yet. There isn't even a light pole and the only light that illuminates the surroundings comes from the moonlight. She’s not afraid in the darkness surrounding the place every night, in fact she feels like she’s in a safe place whenever she’s here. It's so beautiful here that you can almost see the clear and clean water even at night. This place became her comfort zone. She’s even more comfortable here than in the mansion.

Kayla sighed as she thought of the mansion again. What could be happening there at this time? She asked to herself. She felt really guilty that she’s not there now, her sister might sulk at her. But maybe she will understand why Kayla left. After all she is the only person who understands Kayla in this world.

Ever since Kayla was a child, no attention was focused on her. It's because it's all on her sister, Ella Aragon. She’s two years older than Kayla.

The Aragon family has a golden rule that there must be only one child to be the heir, this is to avoid the competition for wealth. Kayla’s great great grandparents are the ones who established it because they experienced having many children but the ending was that they killed each other for the wealth to be theirs only. But when it came to the era of Kayla’s grandparents, something bad happened. Her grandparents' first child died in an accident so since then they have changed the golden rule of their family. It’s having two children instead of only one, one to be the heir and the other to be a replacement in case something bad happens to the first child. And she thinks that's her only role in this world, to be her sister’s clone.

She was born to be only an option. That's why no attention is focused on her, everyone only sees her as an option. They think she have no value as long as nothing bad happens to her sister.

Aside from that reason, her sister is also so much better than her. She’s excellent in everything. Not to mention that she also have a very beautiful face and personality. No wonder why everyone adores her.

Kayla doesn’t hold a grudge against her sister because she knows that it's not her fault why their world seems so different. In fact, she’s even in awe of her sister because she's good at everything. Ella Aragon is really Kayla’s role model. Even though everyone is elusive and indifferent to Kayla, it's the opposite of her sister. Yes they are often compared to each other but that didn't stop them from having a good relationship as siblings. They are very close and they understand each other more than anyone in this world. And because of that she became her comfort person.

Her sister Ella always tells and reminds her of her worth. She never failed to make her feel appreciated. She even said that she’s better than her because Kayla is such a fast learner while Ella first needs to go along for a few months or even a year before becoming proficient in something. She also said that Kayla can do a lot of things that she can't. That Kayla is prettier than her because she look like a goddess. A very whitish skin that is almost pale, two brown almond eyes, a small yet pointed nose, a lips that’s red as cherry, and a curvy body. She explained all of that to Kayla. Ella said she have a lot that most people would be insecure about and there are also a lot of things about her to be admired, it’s just that people failed to notice because they chose not to notice. Because of her words Kayla somehow felt relieved. At least there’s someone here who appreciates her and sees the best in her, that is more than enough for her.

Kayla smiled again at herself and decided to sit on the ground while remembering all of her sister’s words.

She was just stuck in her own thoughts when she felt the hands that suddenly covered her eyes. Kayla stiffened. She was very surprised at the sudden movement towards her that made her chest pound so hard in an instant. She knew she was safe here because no one else could enter their land except for family members and trusted or known visitors but for some unknown reason she still felt fear for her life. She was about to scream when she heard the familiar deep voice on her right ear and sniffed a very familiar scent.

“Shhh. It’s just me. I was just teasing you, please don’t shout.” The voice said. He gradually removed his hands from Kayla’s eyes and when she turned to her back, there she saw the familiar blue eyes which is very debilitating when you look at it. She saw those enchanting eyes of the man of her dreams.

Sebastian Guevarra is looking so fine standing there in front of Kayla in the middle of the woods. Even at night you can still see what a handsome man he is. He is really addictive to look at. He’s just wearing a black tuxedo with a white long sleeve inner partnered with a black slacks and black shoes. His tuxedo was just hanging from his shoulders and the long sleeve was folded up to his elbows. Simple yet very very attractive.

Kayla first met him when she was eight years old. No, she may have met him sooner than that but all she can remember from their first meeting was when she was eight years old. The Guevarra family is her family’s very close friend that’s why the Guevarra’s often come to their mansion and vice versa. Because of that, both Kayla and Sebastian often see each other. Kayla remembered she was a very shy little girl back then, she don't know how to deal with other people that's why she just always kept her head down whenever the Guevarra’s are around back then.

“What are you doing here? How did you know this place?” Kayla suddenly asked. Now finished being amazed by him.

“I didn’t know there’s something like this here. I just saw you running away earlier and decided to follow you. Man, it’s breathtaking here. Why do you gatekeep this place? You should’ve told me sooner.” He answered, you can hear the sullenness in his voice that made Kayla laughed.

“As if I knew you like things like this. It’s not obvious from your personality.” She replied with rolling eyes that made him smirked. He then slowly walked closer to her and squeezed her cheek.

“You really love teasing me huh.” He suddenly said while his hand’s still on Kayla’s cheek.

“I’m not. I am just stating the fact. Anyway enough with the teasing thing, why did you follow me? Do you need something from me?” And just by saying those words, he suddenly released the most genuine smile she have ever seen since the day she met him. Seeing that, she felt her heart race so fast that it might jump out of her body. The reason behind that smile is so damn lucky. How she wished it was her.

He immediately removed his hand from her cheek and moved it to his pocket, as if taking something from there. And when he put out his hand he’s already holding a small velvet box, the strength of her heart beating earlier due to being amazed by him was replaced by nervousness. She thinks her chest is beating stronger now compared to earlier.

When Sebastian finally opened the small velvet box Kayla was too stunned to speak. A very shiny ring appeared before her eyes. Even though it's night and dark now you can still see the shine coming from the ring he's holding. For the second time tonight since she saw him there, she was amazed.

“W-what’s that?” Kayla asked immediately. Of course she knows what it was, it’s a damn ring, and she already have a hunch in her mind about what it is for but it seems like she can’t admit it to herself so it's better to ask him instead.

“Gorgeous isn’t it?” He said while smiling genuinely at her.

“I will propose to your sister tonight but before that I want to ask for your permission and for your thoughts first since you know your sister very well. Will she like it? Will she say yes to me?” He added happily.

Like what she have said she already have a hunch earlier about what it is for but still hearing those words directly from him feels like a lightning that has finally hit her. She felt her knees starting to tremble, her hands are also shaking. She don’t know what to say. She don’t know what to do.

“What do you think? Will she say yes?” He repeated.

“O-of course. W-why would she s-say n-no?” No matter what she do, she still can't stop her voice from shaking.

Kayla felt him stiffened at her answer and he suddenly frowned.

“Are you sick? Why are you shaking? Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked worriedly and slightly stepped closer to her to try to touch her but it didn't work as she quickly retreated.

“O-of course I’m f-fine. Just p-please don’t get any c-closer.” Kayla answered immediately. Even though he was surprised, he didn't listened and still stepped closer to her. She couldn't do anything so she just closed her eyes for fear that he would see how weak she is now.

After a while she felt him put the coat that was on his shoulders earlier on her body.

“Let's go back to the mansion, you're getting cold.” He said after a minute of silence from her. He held her hand and led her back to the mansion. She’s thankful because it's dark now and she’s just behind him so he can't see her tears slowly falling.

She thought she was already prepared for something like this. But she guessed not.

And now she needs to prepare more for what will happen next. His proposal.

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