
Reborn to take revange
Reborn to take revange
Author: Tiny Fairy

New beginning.

Water was slowly breaking into her lungs, making it impossible to breathe. She was fighting against the ones holding her under the water, but she had no hope of winning it. Rejection and striping of the title were too much to handle. Her wolf, Lucy, was long gone, broken after what her mate did to them. Maybe it was better like that. At least she was not feeling what was happening. The vision became a blur because of the lack of air. Yet, she was still able to see his face. The one which she loved, touched, and kissed for years. Right now, it was contorted in a grimace while he held her tight, not to comfort her, but to kill.

And the other one, but it doesn't matter anymore. She only wants to look at him. The one who betrayed her the most. Her mate.

There is no more strength left. Her hands are slowly losing their grip and slipping down. The lungs are full of water. There is no air in them.

When did her life fall apart? Why did she miss all those signals? They took everything, now taking the last part that belonged to her, her life.

Just close your eyes and let it be. That is the price of failure. She was blind and lost her vigilance. And now there was a time to pay for it.

The end of Luna Katherine.

Katherine woke up, sitting straight on her bed, coughing like someone who had just been saved from drowning. Immediately, there were warm hands on her back, rubbing small circles.

- Is everything OK, honey?- Her husband's voice still sounded sleepy.

- Yeah, I am fine. There was just something in my throat irritating me.- She replied as soon as her breathing came back to normal. - I need a glass of wa... a glass of juice

- Let me bring it for you. - Sean offered, and before Katherine had a chance to stop him, he left their bed, putting on a T-shirt and sweatpants on his perfect body. Her husband was a 23-year-old man with the body of a Greek god. Tall, muscular with honey blond hair and blue eyes, he was every woman's dream.

She shot up straight out of bed as soon as he left the room.

What was going on? There was still a burning sensation in her lungs, the ones which were filled with water just a few minutes ago.

Was it just a bad dream? No, that was impossible. Is one dream enclosing the last eight months of her life? No way, there has to be a different explanation.

~ Lucy, are you there?~ Katherine tried to connect with her wolf. There was silence for a second, but then her wolf answered.

~ Yes, I am here. ~ She spoke softly, and the woman sighed with relief.

~ Do you know what is happening? Was I dreaming the most horrifying nightmare of my life?

~ If you were, it means we shared that same dream.~ Lucy replied, confirming her suspicions that something was not right there. Just what?

~ Did we die?~ Katherine wasn't ready to let this truth hit her.

~ I did, for sure. But somehow, we are back.~ Her wolf replied.

Katherine stood up from the bed and started pacing around her bedroom, trying to process the latest events. Her sight stopped at her phone, lying on the bedside table. She quickly grabbed it, like there would be the answer to all her questions.

And it was there. Katherine was looking at the date on the screen. It was the 14th of April, which meant it was the day before her whole life went downhill, leading to a painful death in the river's waters, the one she loved so much in her childhood.

~ We travelled in time?~ It sounded so stupid. She couldn't believe she was actually considering it.

~ I think we were reborn. The moon Goddess brought us back to life, offering us a second chance. ~ Lucy said quietly.

~ Why? ~ Katherine wondered.

~ I think many people's lives could be changed if we could sort out how to avoid this tragedy.

~ And what then? Do you want to pretend that all of that never happened? My mate drowned me without remorse, following his mistress's wish. There is no way I could forget about that. ~ The woman shivered at the memory of all the humiliation and pain accompanying her in the last month of her miserable life.

~ We can help ourselves and others. Maybe that is a reason for us coming back. To fix the mistakes. To save our home. Whatever will happen to our mate, well, we will find out. We got this time back and should use it the best we can. ~ Her wolf was always a voice of reason. Katherine decided to take her advice, as the last time, she ignored it, blinded by love, and it didn't end well.

~ You are right, as always. I should have seen it before. Maybe then all of that wouldn't have happened. ~ The woman shook her head.

~ We have our second chance, and this time, we are not going to waste it. We will get out of that as a winner. ~ Lucy bared her teeth, showing they were now handling the cards in this game.

~ They will pay for what they did. They will pay greatly. ~ Katherine smiled to herself.

~ But for now, we need to act like nothing has happened. For now.~ Her wolf grinned at her head.

Katherine smiled to herself, quickly regaining her composure as she heard her husband's footsteps in the corridor. Soon, he entered the room, handing her a glass of orange juice, which she took after a bit of hesitation.

- Are you sure everything is OK? You are shaking. Please rest for a bit.- He looked at her with concern, lifting a hand to touch her cheek.

-Maybe you are right, honey. The last few weeks were stressful, and I feel drained of all my energy. - Katherine moved away before he could touch her, returning to bed.

- Take a rest, my love. I will take care of everything. It would be best to regain your strength, as tomorrow is a big day. - Sean came closer to kiss her forehead, and there was no way she could avoid it.

~ You need to control yourself better, or he will get suspicious. He is our mate, after all. ~ Lucy warned her.

~ Yes, the one who betrayed us and the sacred mate bond. ~ The woman replied but looked at her husband like a lovesick puppy.

- Thank you, baby, you are the best. - She forced herself to give him a peck on the cheek.

- I will come to you as soon as possible, but for now, I need to get everything ready for our trip.

Yes, the trip! That was the beginning of the end. A very tragic end.

- I can't wait, honey!- Katherine tried her best to sound excited while her stomach turned into a tight knot.

Sean looked at his wife with love before he left the room. There was a lot to plan. It was a visit to the neighbouring pack, the Full Moon Pack. He had hoped to create an alliance with them. It would improve safety on the land of both packs. That was something that couldn't be messed up.

Katherine stood up from her bed when the sound of her husband's steps died down in the hall. She went to the window, looking at the river that was seen very well from where she stood. Her favourite place became her grave. What an irony.

Katherine was a daughter of the Gamma of the Red Moon Pack, while her husband was the only heir of the Alpha. It was his future to rule this place one day. And that day came sooner than everyone expected, as his father died in the battle when Sean was only seventeen. His mother died shortly after. The loss of her mate was too much for her.

Katherine had known her husband all her life. They grew up together. He was a sweet boy, loved by everyone, pure and innocent.

On the other hand, growing up in Gamma's family, she spent a lot of time on the training grounds, always eager to fight with others, making her one of the best female warriors in the pack.

She couldn't have been happier when she discovered he was her mate. It was like a dream. Gamma's daughter became the mate of a handsome Alpha- like in romances, she liked to read.

They married three years later after Katherine decided she was ready to become a Luna.

For the last two years, they were inseparable. The pack was growing nicely under their leadership, and Katherine was the best Luna, loved by all the members. Life couldn't be any better.

Her husband had an excellent plan for creating the alliance with the other packs for safety reasons. More miniature packs were always more vulnerable when it came to attacks. Katherine was proud of him for thinking about others.

She didn't expect this idea to turn her life into a nightmare.

Soon, her husband would find someone who would tear them apart. Katherine believed nothing could come between true mates, yet it happened.

On the 15th of April, they visited the Full Moon Pack, where the daughter of the Alpha was introduced to them. Charming Camille, the only child of her father.

Katherine found her a lovely, independent, and strong woman, not knowing she would be a reason for her fall.

~ This time, we will be ready. She cannot do anything to trick us again. ~ Lucy reminded her.

Luna was still looking through the window, planning her moves. This was a time to learn from her previous mistakes.

- We will make it. - She spoke out loud.

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