
First meeting for a second time.

Katherine slept for most of the day. It looked like her body needed rest to regain strength after returning from the other side. She did not complain, as the sleep released her from all the thoughts invading her mind.

She finally felt energized in the evening, ready to plan her next moves. If she was going to save her life, position, and pack, she always had to be one step ahead. Katherine underestimated her enemies, and this mistake couldn't be repeated.

Soon, her husband returned to their bedroom, bringing food for them both.

- I can't wait for tomorrow's visit. - Sean said when they sat at the table, enjoying a meal.

His wife remained silent, focusing on her plate.

- What is going on, honey?- He asked, touching her hand. The sparks shot up her arm, and she looked at it surprised. The woman forgot how it was to feel those sensations a long time ago. They were getting weaker and weaker as they parted from each other. One day, they disappeared completely.

- Nothing, I am just thinking about tomorrow. - She replied, taking another bit of her food.

- Me too! It could be such an excellent opportunity for us. Imagine what we could achieve with such an alliance.- Sean was too absorbed in talking to notice that his wife was reticent.

- Is it indispensable? We already have a lot of allies ready to support us. Do we need others? - Katherine spoke slowly, carefully choosing her words.

- What are you talking about? There are never enough allies. We are trying to build a safe future for so many people. You remember how many packs were wiped out by the rouges in the last few years. Vampires are also getting bold, invading werewolves' lands. For many years, we did not cross each other's paths, but it has changed. We need to look for possible alliances wherever we can. - He couldn't believe what his wife was saying. It was so new for her. She was always the first to look for new contacts, helping the wolves community grow strong. And now his Luna was telling him to quit. He watched her, waiting for an explanation for this strange behavior, making her feel uneasy under his gaze.

Of course, Katherine couldn't tell him about the real reason why she tried to cancel this trip. That was not an option.

Somewhere inside of her was this little feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to rebuild it all. Could that be a reason for her being brought back? To save her mate? Or was fighting for him a losing game? Probably only time could answer that question. He wasn't the only one responsible for what happened to her marriage and life.

Camilla had her fair share. Katherine shivered as she remembered her nemesis. How could one woman do such a thing to the other?

She almost laughed at this thought. Of course, she did it for power, as love couldn't be an answer, even if she often called Katherine's husband the love of her life. Mostly straight to her face, and he did nothing, twisting the invisible knife in her heart.

~ Our mate fell for that b*tch, like a puppy for a new toy. You are way too forgiving. ~ Lucy spoke in her head, bearing her teeth slightly.

~ So you think there is no hope for us?~ Luna asked her wolf.

~ I don't think so. ~ There was a reply.

- Earth to Katherine!- Sean snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her attention.

- I am sorry. You are probably right. I am overthinking this.- She forced herself to offer him a small smile. - We should get ready for bed. We are leaving early. - She stood up and went to the window to look at the moon shining in the sky.

- The night is still young.- Her husband followed her, putting his hands on her hips and pulling her closer to him. Slowly, he started kissing her neck and biting her mark gently.

Katherine did everything she could to stay still and not push him away. In the past, it would have been the best start of a long night filled with their passion. But now she was shivering for very different reasons.

Not so long ago, those hands moving now on her body kept her under the water until life left her.

Lucy was right; she could forgive and try to start again, but there was no chance for her to forget. There was no future for them.

- Honey, I don't think we should, today. . - She whispered.

- Why? - He was not giving up.

- It would be inappropriate to visit our host, exhausted after a night of love. Not professional.- Katherine turned around to give her mate a playful slap on his hands.- We will have time for that when we come back.

- Promise?- Her husband looked at her, whining.

- I promise.- She could do it, as she knew that his thoughts would be occupied with someone else from tomorrow. -Now, let me take a bath. I do need it.

- OK, my love. I have some work waiting for me in the office. I want to finish it before we leave.- Sean was disappointed as his wife was denying him his rights. That was, again, a new thing for him, as Katherine was always enjoying their moments.

- Do not stay there too long. - She warned him, like in the past, when taking care of him was her priority. Now, the woman couldn't care less about what he was doing.

When Sean left, she rushed to their bathroom, quickly removing her clothes and entering the shower. Katherine stood there for a while, allowing water to warm her body. Then she grabbed a foam and a shower gel, cleaning herself, focusing on the parts her husband had touched just a while ago. The touch, which had been driving her crazy in the past, was now making her nauseous.

That was what a betrayal was doing to you.

Kathrine left the bathroom, putting on her nightgown. There were a few things she had to think about before their trip.

She failed today, trying to convince her husband to quit his plans. How could she imagine that would be easy? The whole idea of the alliance with neighboring packs was like a child for him. There was no way he would abandon it just because she asked.

That was a stupid mistake, and a chance was missed.

All she could do now was wait for tomorrow. Anything could happen.

~ I know it is hard, but you need to try harder. ~ Lucy spoke in her mind, and Katherine knew what her wolf was referring to.~ You are not entirely convincing. He is our mate for now, and we need to play our role the best we can. That is the only way to get us out of this.

~ You are right. I will do my best.- The young woman promised.

~ It is time to get some rest. It would help if you prepared yourself for tomorrow. Everything depends on that day, and we must be ready for anything.

And again, her wolf was right, so Katherine followed her advice.

The next day came in the blink of an eye. Katherine was brushing her long, ash-blond hair while her husband was showering.

After he finished, they ate breakfast in the kitchen of their packhouse, making some small talk from time to time. As she promised, Katherine was playing the role of a good mate, occasionally grabbing her husband's hand. Other pack members showed themselves in the kitchen, greeting them as always.

Luna of Red Moon Pack held her tears back, remembering their good times. When mornings like that were typical, and no one was pretending anything.

- Honey, it is time to go. We have three hours of driving waiting for us. And I would like to be back home as soon as possible. - Sean came to her, stretching his hand, and Katherine took it, slowly standing up from her chair.

- You will see, everything will be just fine. And soon, the alliance will bond the whole of North America. We worked so hard to provide a safe future for everyone.- Sean was still talking when they sat in the luxurious car.

Katherine allowed him to do it, focused on the view behind the windows.

- We won't regret this. - Sean finished his speech, making her look at him.

- Anyone who hears those words will agree with you. There is no way they would be able to deny your arguments.- She spoke softly, squeezing his hand.

Three hours later, they reached their destination. Her husband parked their car next to the packhouse. Two people were standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for them.

A man in his late forties, handsome with an aura of the Alpha surrounding him, forcing them to bow slightly. They were equal, but Alpha William fulfilled his duties much longer. Compared to him, they were just like rookies.

- Welcome!- He said, strolling down the stairs. They exchanged handshakes.

~ Please allow me to introduce you to my mate and Luna, Katherine.- The woman came closer to greet the Alpha.

~ You have a fantastic home. - Katherine knew a small compliment could do the trick, and it worked.

William offered her a warm smile, turning his attention to the woman standing at the top of the stairs.

She did it on purpose. Now, attention was all on her, so it was a good moment to join the others. She started to walk down gracefully, throwing her ginger hair back.

- There she is, the light of my life. Alpha, Luna, please let me introduce you to my daughter, Camilla.

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