
In Between The Three Alphas
In Between The Three Alphas
Penulis: KH019

One: The Party

It was the sound of the sustained knock against the wooden door that pulled me apart from the quilt that had kept me busy through the early hours of the morning. For a moment, I was weighed down by indecisiveness. I knew the moment I unlocked that door, I would be engulfed in the hands of the outside world. Not that I did not love the world beyond the walls of my little cottage; I did, but in it held the people who despised me.  

”Inez!” I hissed at the voice behind the knock, as I placed my feet on the cold floor, calmly approaching the door.  

“Inez, would you hurry up, we would be late!”

 At the sound of the aggressive tone, I twisted the knob. A sharp pull followed through and my long-time friend, Agnes greeted me with furrowed brows. 

“You are not even dressed.” Agnes brushed past her, heading straight for the tiny wardrobe suited at the corner of the bed. 

“Was I supposed to be? We are not expected to be at the pack house till eight.” I rolled my eyes.  Agnes’ aura reeked of paranoia and a bit of exasperation. 

“I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if we go late to the engagement party...” Agnes groaned in frustration, glancing at the wall clock across my cubicle of a room. “…and from the looks of it, we don’t have much time! Come on, Inez.” She whined, urging me to hurry up. 

“Well, how about you help me pick an outfit instead of crying in my ears?” I turn to Agnes, holding up two dresses in each hand. 

After a few rounds of ‘NOs‘ and ‘EWs’, accompanied by several frustrated sigh, Agnes finally let out a satisfied hmm immediately her eyes fell upon a cute summer dress.  

“Wear this!” She flashed the saffron dress. “It will match your eyes.” 

I clenched my teeth. “I do not like it.” 

Agnes shrugged her shoulders. “You will wear it, my friend.” 

I wanted to stand my ground and argue with Agnes but my father’s words echoed at the back of my head. “You stubborn bug,” it echoed. 

I giggled at the thought. I missed him so much and I wished he was here with me, taking care of me as only he could. 

The deeper I thought about him, the more I relived the memories I wanted to be concealed forever. Memories of eyes withered with age which never failed to look at me with the admiration I so adored.

“You are so pretty Inez with your ginger coat, and eyes of great saffron that twinkles just like the flowers by the waterloo, my stubborn bug. I would always be by your side and when it seems as though my presence is farfetched, search for me within your heart for it is there I dwell.” My father would say to me.

And there he was. 

“Inez!”   An exasperated yell paired with a growl sent me back to reality. 

“I have been talking to you. Did you hear anything I have been saying?” Agnes yelled. 

“Yes…Yes. Sorry. Let me quickly get changed.” 

I quickly took a shower, Agnes’ incessant nagging pushing me forward. I had not yet buckled in my sandals when Agnes pulled me out of the house and locked the door behind me.

We walked for about ten minutes, chattering and making jokes when the pack house I so dreaded came into view. I toned down my voice and bowed my head. I wanted to revert my steps but the death stare Agnes unleashed sent me forward.

Oh how badly I wished to melt into nothing, how badly I craved for the world to cave in on me. 

My thoughts and wishes could not save me though. I was here already and had to face the crowd head-on, just like I had been doing for the past years. 

With every step I took, I felt stares piercing daggers into my soul. If looks could kill and mutters were poisonous I would have been dead by now. This was what I had been facing as a presumed outcast of the pack for years now. 

Loathe ran through the veins of the people. Sometimes I wondered what it will be like to be loved by them or for once not be looked at with such disgust. But wondering did nothing but cause me great pain.  I shrugged at the thought, placing my saffron eyes on what lay ahead.  

A beautiful blonde-haired woman stood beside Alpha Lance on a podium. She looked so fragile, so light as though a slight touch could hurt her. I also noticed the aura of elegance around her. The way she carried herself so prestigiously reeked of confidence, something I greatly lacked. She was the real definition of a woman and something within me told me that there was more to this lady.

I noticed another lady appear behind him. She looked thicker than the girl with blonde hair and was more mature too. Her asymmetrical face and striking resemblance made me realize that she might just be related to the lady of such grace. 

“Is she not lovely?” Agnes’ voice caught my attention. 

“Who?”  I turned to face her, my face crumpled in confusion. 

“Ingrid,  the sister of Meredith.” Agnes cooed, gazing upon the pair with adoration. 

I blinked at Agnes, shifting my focus between her and the pair. How come she knew them while I had no idea who they were? I’d never set my eyes on them in my entire life. 

“Who is Ingrid?” I asked Agnes who couldn’t stop stalking the woman with her eyes. 

“She’s from a different pack.” Agnes replied. “Her father passed on some years back, and now her elder brother leads the pack.” 

“And you happen to know this?” I asked, already knowing the answer. 

“Eric.” I rolled my eyes as Agnes and I completed her sentence. If I had a coin for the number of times I’ve listened to Agnes rant on and on about her undying love for Alpha Eric, I’d be rich by now. 

I wish I could tell her the truth that men like Eric don’t end up with women like us, but I guess a girl can dream. I would not be the one to rain on her parade. Life could just turn around and grant her the man of her dream, you never know. 

But deep down I knew the dangers of such unbridled fantasies and forged expectations. They leave you with nothing but a shattered heart. I knew this because I expected someone I had once lost to come back to me, but all I got was disappointment and agony. 

“Here comes my future sister–in–law.” Agnes’ voice rolled out in a high-pitched squeal. I resisted the desire to scoff, but I chose to let Agnes enjoy the moment.  

I craned my neck to see, and I caught sight of the older lady heading my way. She looked like she was in a hurry, taking long strides that surprisingly came to a stop right in front of me.

I swallowed hard, peering at the breathtaking woman before me. 

“You! ” A long, slender finger jutted forward, almost plucking my eyes.

“Get the wine over to the Alpha before it’s time to make the toast. Alpha Lance is about to make his special announcement.” 

Before I could utter any word, Agnes nodded enthusiastically, dragging me halfway across the room. She shoved a tray at me, placing clean wine glasses filled with wine on them.

“Agnes, what are you doing?” I asked her, confused marking my features. 

“There’s no time for questions, Inez, my future is at stake.” 

“Oh, Stop being dramatic! What gives you the idea that she would draw attention to your presence because I served a drink.”

“One can only dream, Inez.” Agnes cooed, gazing at Ingrid from where we stood. “Now hurry up and smile.” 

I had no time to debate, I had a very determined Agnes on one hand and an Alpha who awaited what rested on my hands. I might as well suck it up and do it

There was no way I could mess this up, right? 

It was a short walk from where I stood to where Alpha Lance was perched, but it felt like an eternity with the number of eyes stalking my every move. 

 What if I did something stupid? What if- 

 I had barely completed my thought when I heard the husk voice of Alpha Lance evade the tranquil room. 

“Welcome” Alpha Lance wore sternness on his countenance like it was a second layer of his skin. His hand stroked his chin as he looked down at us with his piercing eyes. 

“Today marks a great day.” He began, wearing a satisfying smile on his face. “It marks the start of a new alliance, a new hope, a new love, and  a new home.” 

At that moment I turned towards Agnes who shooed me to go on. I rolled my eyes, resuming my walk toward the alpha. 

 “It marks beautiful beginnings for today I shall bestow this pack a luna engulfed in qualities so perfect to rule our dear pack.” The Alpha continued. 

“Today I present to you my fianceé, my chosen…” He paused stretching his hand forward, a grin played softly on his face and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his otherworldly beauty. 

I was so enthralled that I failed to notice what lay ahead of me and the next moment happened in a flash. 

“Inez!” was the last thing I heard and before I could fully understand what had occurred, the damage was already done. It was too late. 

I had tripped on my feet, sending the wine splashing all over the alpha and his lover. The hall erupted in a flurry of whispers. 

The Alpha whose face was once delighted was now furious with a hint of loathing, all of which was directed at me. 

 “How dare you!” He spat out with clenched teeth, taking in what had transpired. In his fury, he reached out to grab my hand, staring daggers at me.

 “Don’t make me-“

 The words made no way to his lips completely and his face slowly fell into that of confusion and…shock? 

Warmth spread from his touch, consuming my entire being and I was as confused as the alpha. It was more like a sharp flow of pure ember down my soul. 

The touch of such radiance illuminated my heart, and the words echoing in my soul could not be mistaken. 


From the look of pure horror in his eyes, I knew he heard it too. 

It couldn’t be! 

“She is his mate.” I heard the priest gasp, causing an uproar.

Oh, this can’t be happening to me.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Hakeem’s Baby
I don’t want to believe that she is mated to three freaking Alphas. What!

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