
Three: The Pack Seer

Again, the crowd in the hall erupted in loud chattering and pandemonium. I would have thought this was all a big joke if not that I felt the same warmth spread that consumed my entire being from their touch, and I was left as confused as everyone else in the room. 

What crazy trick was the moon goddess playing on me today? 

I stood transfixed in the spot, my eyes never leaving Alpha Phineas. I had Heard a lot about this alpha. He was known as the "Fun Loving Alpha." He was a towering figure, standing at 6'4" with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He had chiseled features, with a strong jawline and piercing grey eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. His hair was a rich, golden blond, styled in messy spikes that gave him a carefree and devil-may-care appearance.

Despite his tough exterior, he wore a permanent smirk on his face, giving off an aura of confidence and playfulness. A mischievous glint never left his eyes, as if he was always up to something fun and exciting, even though he did not fully understand what was going on in that moment. 

I had heard he was a man of many interests and passions, with a zest for life that was contagious. He loved the outdoors, and could often be found surfing, snowboarding, or rock climbing. He was also a talented musician. He had been playing the guitar and singing with a soulful voice that captivated everyone just before I fucked up the engagement party.

But above all, he loved to have fun and make others laugh. He was the life of the party, always cracking jokes, telling stories, and playing pranks. He had a quick wit and a sharp sense of humor, and was never afraid to be the center of attention. He was always the first one on the dance floor, moving to the beat with an energy and grace that left everyone else in awe.

Despite his carefree and playful demeanor, the Fun Loving Alpha was also fiercely intelligent and driven. He was a successful entrepreneur, having started his own company from the ground up, and was always looking for new challenges to tackle. He had a natural charisma and charm that made him a natural leader, and people were drawn to his positive energy and can-do attitude.

One of the things that made the Fun Loving Alpha so irresistible was his unwavering confidence. He exuded an aura of self-assurance, and was never intimidated by anyone or anything. He was always willing to take risks and try new things, and his fearlessness inspired others to do the same.

Despite his many talents and accomplishments, the Fun Loving Alpha never took himself too seriously. He was always humble and down-to-earth, and had a genuine interest in the lives and well-being of those around him. He had a heart of gold and a selfless spirit, and was always there for his pack when they needed him. 

He seemed to have snapped from his trance as he stood from where he knelt and dusted his knee.  

“How is that possible? How does the bitch have three mates? She must be into sorcery,” Ingrid grounded out, an ugly scowl marring her face. 

I gasped at the accusation. “No. Never. I am not into sorcery.” Then I fell to the floor, head down in a pleading manner. “Please Alpha, spare my life. I am only but an omega who dare not match your standards.”

The three alphas regarded me wordlessly for a while until Alpha Lance boomed. “Everyone leave. Now.” 

Alpha Lance was in disbelief as he watched everyone leave the room, including a confused Ingrid. He was still trying to wrap his head around the situation and understand how I could be the mate to all of them.

As I sat quietly on the floor, waiting for the hall to get empty, my mind raced with thoughts and questions. I wondered how possible it was for one wolf to have three mates.  It hardly ever happened in a thousand years. 

Alpha Liam closed his eyes. He looked like he was trying to focus his thoughts. After a while, he opened his eyes and focused those brown orbs on me. 

“We need to get to the bottom of this. There is no way this is possible.” He said. 

“Agreed. I can’t share my mate with any other. And I especially can’t be mated to a weak omega who is an outcast.” Alpha Lance scowled at me. 

I was taken aback. The alpha knew who I was? 

I took a deep sigh and responded. "I do not understand what is happening here either," I  said. "I never thought that I could be the mate to multiple people."

“We could check our forearms for the truth.” Alpha Phineas suggested and the three alphas proceeded to roll their sleeves back. 

I studied them intently as they scouted the bare skin, except it was not bare anymore. There, on their forearms, was I.Z my initials, embedded in their flesh. 

They looked to each other, confusion masking their features. 

“I do not still believe it. Excuse me, miss, may I ask your name?" Alpha Phineas asked, his voice low and smooth.

I looked up at him and swallowed the bubbles that lodged in my throat. I could not reveal my true identity yet. It would land me into even more trouble than I was in. So I lied, “Inez. Inez Zane.” 

Alpha Phineas’ pupils dilated. Alpha Phineas looked skeptical about my answer but did not ask me any further questions. But no one would just take my word for it. They still needed to be sure.

"Lance, I need you to do something for me.” Alpha Liam said. 

Alpha Lance responded. "What is it, Liam?"

"I need you to call our pack seer. I need her to communicate with the moon goddess and find out if Inez is truly our mate. Only she would unravel this mystery for us." Alpha Liam proposed, his voice filled with determination.

“That is what we should do.” Alpha Phineas agreed. 

Alpha Lance nodded once and a guard hurried into the room. The alpha must have sent him a mindlink. 

“Summon the pack seer. Her presence is needed here right now,” the alpha ordered and the guard hurried away to do his bidding. 

While we waited, the alphas kept pacing while I sat in the corner, wondering what my fate would be. What explanation would the seer have for this? Would she also reveal my identity in the process? If that happened, then I was as good as dead. 

I was not sure how many minutes had gone by, but the seer soon waltzed in. She was a young woman, about my age, known for her ability to commune with the spirits of the earth and the moon. 

Some said she was blessed and chosen by the moon goddess herself when she was born. Some believed she was immortal. She lived alone in the dense part of the forest and was known for her beauty, kindness. 

She was gifted with the ability to see visions and was considered a seer. The pack would often seek her advice and guidance, for they believed that her visions were the will of the moon goddess.

She was the one who had confirmed Alpha Lance’s position as the alpha of my pack, and he trusted her completely. She was the one who made me the pack’s outcast. I would not be surprised if anything she uttered was not in my favour. 

The seer took one look at me and asked. “What am i needed for?” 

Alpha Liam took the liberty to explain the situation to her and she agreed to commune with the moon goddess.  We all stood in silence, waiting for her answer. It felt like an eternity before she spoke up again. 

“She is a universal mate and the mate of all three of you."

My eyes widened in shock and she looked at each of them in turn. "But how is that possible?" I asked the seer. 

"Universal mates are extremely rare and very special to the moon goddess," said the seer. "They are the mates of multiple individuals at the same time. It is a rare bond that transcends the boundaries of traditional mating."

We were all quiet for a moment, taking it all in. "I never thought that this could happen to me," I whispered. "I never thought that I, an omega, could be the mate of three alphas."

The alphas nodded in agreement. 

“It can’t be possible. I can’t mate with her.” Alpha Lance maintained. 

“Well, you do not have a choice, Lance.” The seer scowled at him and the alpha frowned at her for regarding him with just his name. 

“After checking Inez’s aura, I confirmed that she is indeed your mate and that you three have found your signs from the moon goddess. However, I have also received a vision from the moon goddess about Inez and a prophecy about your fates.” The seer continued. 

At the sound of that, my ears perked up. I also had a special prophecy from the moon goddess. Could today get any more eventful? 

“What did the moon goddess say?” Alpha Liam asked. 

“The moon goddess had revealed that Inez is destined to have you all. But she only gets to pick one amongst you.” 

My pulse quickened as all the alphas turned their gaze to me. 

“Now an omega gets to pick from alphas? Talk about disrespect. I will not be disrespected in such a manner.” Alpha Lance sneered. 

The seer ignored my alpha. “She has until her next birthday to pick her match.  The goddess warns that a wrong mate would lead to all your deaths. Choose wisely. Their lives is in your hands, Inez.” And with that, the seer walked out. 

I was both shocked and overwhelmed by the prophecy. I did not know how to choose just one of the alphas, for they were all so different and yet so special in their own way. 

What do I do now? 

Commentaires (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
loving this a lot! good job author

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