
4. Failed Attempt

After searching a lot, Anna and Nick finalized the sex therapist and it was finally the day when they were going to visit him. Though Nick was yet not completely convinced about seeing him, he decided to give it a chance thinking of Anna. 

After having a long discussion with both of them, the therapist spoke to each of them separately. It turned out that Anna was a little kinkier than Nick and she never admitted that in front of anyone. 

The therapist had convinced Nick to try things her way for some time for two reasons. First, that’s what I want and second, it might turn out to be the working factor for their relationship which was going through a rough patch lately. For some reason, Nick too agreed to the therapist and Anna couldn’t be happier.

Anna decided to make things easier for them and get ready the way Nick loved to see him, dressing up according to his choice to turn him on. She was well aware that he turned on like never before when she wore white. She wanted to make things easier but not overwhelming. So, she simply wore a white lace bra and thong. 

Nick returned home a bit earlier than usual. As he got into the room, the desire flickered into his eyes when he saw her only in that lingerie set. 

She walked to him sexily and he kissed her directly. Anna pulled down his jacket and soon all their clothes kissed the floor and they fell on the bed with Nick over her. Without wasting a second, he entered her. He tried to go rough as much as he could. 

In between, Anna took Nick’s hand and put it around his throat, moaning loudly, asking him to go harder. She was surprised and happy when he didn’t pull his hand off her but that was only for a few moments before he took it away. She tried to keep it there once again but he pulled himself out of her completely and sat a little away from her. 

Anna looked at him being confused, still panting and she too sat straight beside him. “What happened, baby?”

“Anna, I can’t do this.” Nick got up and started to wear his pants. 

"You can't just fucking leave, Nick!" She yelled at him. “And why are you leaving immediately like this? It’s not people in a relationship talk or act like.” 

“I’m not doing this shit, Anna! I’m done. I tried. I tried for your sake and I fucking hate it.” Nick snapped back at her and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. 

As soon as Nick left, Anna fell on the floor, crying her heart out. She suddenly started to feel disgusted and embarrassed. The thought of her desires to be disgusting and Nick didn’t want her anymore were killing her. She questioned herself about what was wrong with her. 

Times passed….

Anna decided to see the person whom she could tell anything and who would hear her and wouldn’t question her about anything. She scoffed when she walked out of the room and saw Nick had left the house. She reached Will’s place and asked the butler about him. Thankfully Will was home only. 

She headed upstairs and barged into his study. She didn’t even bother to knock on the door. Will’s head snapped back to look at her with the loud noise of the door opening. 

Anna ran to him and wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest. Will without hesitating took her into his embrace. 

“What’s wrong with me, Will?” She asked, sobbing bad in his arms. 

“There’s nothing wrong with you, flower.” He rubbed her back to calm her down. 

"Then why did he just leave? Then why did he feel disgusted?"

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks, flower. What matters is that you deserve better, way better than him."

“Do you really think that?” Anna raised her face a little and looked straight into his eyes. 

Will nodded and wiped the tears off her face. 

They settled there on the couch with Will still holding her. Anna didn’t know why she came to him, of all the people around and friends she had. She just had a safe feeling around him and most importantly, she trusted him. 

After a while, Anna stopped crying and narrated the matter to Will. "I feel so embarrassed about the entire situation." She admitted to him. 

“Hey, flower! There’s nothing to be embarrassed of. It should be Nick who should be embarrassed because a woman as stunning as you offered him sex of a lifetime and he actually said no. I mean not a lot of women can handle what you want and he's turning it down. It’s his loss."

"It wasn't even that bad, at least nowhere near the level of things you do." She mumbled.

"But that's what you want right? A dominant?"

Anna nodded quietly. "I think it's something I want to explore."

“Then what about Nick? Do you want to call it off?”

“I guess it’s the best for us.” She let out a bitter laugh while saying this. "I can't believe he left, because he doesn't want to have sex with me."

Will passed her a glass of water. “It’s not you, flower. He left because he’s too soft and not enough for you.” 

She chuckled at the end. "Thank you, Will."

“Always there for you. I think you should leave now. I’ve some really important matters to take care of.” 

“I don’t want to. I want to stay here with you.”

“You know about my life here, flower. It’s not safe to stay here.”

“I don’t care.”

He tried to make her understand but she was too adamant. She didn’t know what got into her, she just was not willing to leave. Being frustrated, Will grabbed her arm and dragged her to his bedroom as he didn’t wish to make a scene in front of the butlers. They reached his room and he slammed the door shut behind them and pinned her against the door.

“Don’t ever fucking disobey me, flower! I hate it when someone disobeys me and makes me repeat my words.” He yelled at her.

“I just…” 

Anna couldn’t compete and was cut by Will. He held her arm once again and dragged her over to his bed. First he sat down and pulled her over his knees on her stomach. He pulled her dress up and panties down. 

"Will, what are you doing? She was baffled and tried to get up but he was way stronger than her. 

He held her still in that position. Before she could speak anything further, she was stopped as his palm came down heavily on her ass. A surprised yet loud scream left her lips with the exotic sensation running down through her spine. 


“Shut up!” He smacked on her other ass harder than the previous one. 

Anna moaned louder than before as he continued to spank on her ass. She whimpered and bit her lower lip, thinking her ass might have turned red and they were burning as well. 

"This is for not listening to me." He said and slapped her ass again. 

At that point, it began to sting, but Will didn't stop. He gave a few more spanks and the last one was the hardest of all of them. She remained in that same position, bent over his knees without saying a word to stop him, instead moaning sexily to provoke him more. 

Later she felt Will slipping his hands between her legs. Anna didn’t know what to do or how to feel or how to react. She remained the same way and let him do whatever he wanted to. She had never experienced anything like this before. She found herself giving into his touch completely and not regretting it even a bit. 

She knew she shouldn’t like or enjoy his touches the way she was doing but it was not in her hand anymore. She craved for more whenever he took his hands off her body and the way her body reacted to his touches screamed her needs. 

“Quite a needy girl!” He mumbled while brushing his fingers over her pussy.

“What!” She was breathing heavily.

“Yes, only the needy bad girls get this wet from a spanking."

Though Anna couldn’t see his face but she knew he must be smirking while saying this. 

“Get up…” He spoke in a strict tone. 

Anna got up and pulled her panties up. She looked at Will and a shiver ran down her spine, seeing the way he was looking at her. She had never seen him looking at her this way. His eyes were filled with desire, he wanted her. She felt strange to have his attention like this. Although she didn’t mind it.

"Never do that again." He muttered before leaving the room.

She kept standing there thinking of whatever just happened.

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