
3. A Sex Therapist

Days passed and things didn’t seem to turn better among Anna and Nick. He continued to ignore her no matter how many times she apologized to him for that argument. He was not ready to hear anything. 

Anna decided to speak to Alexa about this matter, thinking she might have ideas to turn the situation better. So, without wasting a second, she called her best friend. 

“Hey, Lexa!”

“What’s up, Anna? You’re calling at this hour! I hope everything is fine?” Alexa asked from the other side, looking at the time as it was almost midnight and Anna surely wouldn’t call her at this hour, if it was not something important. 

She let out a sigh. “Nick and I have been fighting for the past whole week. Are you busy?” 

“No, I'm free. Tell me. What’s the matter?” 

Anna explained the entire conversation and matter to Alexa, except the part where Will was involved. Alexa heard everything carefully and let out an unhappy groan.

“Now tell me what shall I do?”

“See I won’t sugarcoat anything, you know that. I think you both are a bit at fault. You shouldn’t have brought up such a sensitive topic like that and blurted out everything in the heat of the moment, instead you should have discussed the matter calmly. Also Nick doesn’t get to react like that when he didn’t notice you all these months.” 

“But what shall I do now, Lexa? I’m confused.”

“For the time being, you can just get drunk and leave it all behind for a while. You’ll feel better.”

Anna thought for a while before replying. “I guess you’re right. It sounds good.”

“Great! I gotta go. Love you, take care.”

“Love you too.”

Anna surely felt the need to have shorts and run them in her veins. She got ready and drove to Johnson's place. She knew she couldn’t go to the pubs alone at this hour, but she would find what she was looking for there and she had the access to be in that house even if none of Will and Nick were present. 

She found the bottle of her favorite drink and opened the bottle. Without wasting a second, she took a big sip of the drink from the bottle only. It burnt her throat but she was not ready to stop. She drank more. 

After drinking out of the whole bottle, she stumbled around the hall, finding it almost impossible to balance. In the process of standing up, she hit the nearby shelf and broke some showpieces, making the loudest noise possible. 

She was still trying to balance when she heard some footsteps from behind. With blurry gazes, she noticed Will coming down. 

“Anna?” Will gasped and stared at her in disbelief. 

She smiled widely, looking at him. She was not in a condition to do anything else apart from smiling and giggling. 

Will frowned and looked around. It didn’t take him much time to spot the empty wine bottle lying on the floor. He exhaled a breath before looking back at Anna. 

“You’re drunk, Anna.” It was not a statement, he muttered under his breath. 

“You don’t know, Will. I’m drunk.” She giggled, repeating the same line again and again. 

“What happened, Anna?” He asked calmly. 

Anna made a pout like a kid and battled her eyelashes while speaking. “Nick and I are fighting. He is really mad at me. I don’t know what he’s expecting from me though. It's not my fault his dick isn't able to do it for me. It’s not enough."

Will didn’t know whether he should be sad for his son or laugh at the misery of Anna. But he composed himself. He needed to handle Anna better that moment. "You are going to hate yourself for saying that in the morning, flower." He said in a matter of fact tone. 

"I don't know what to do." She made a sad face. 

"Have you ever thought about sex therapy?" He asked seriously.

Anna’s face fell, hearing Will’s words. "Nick won’t agree to it."

“He’ll agree, if realizes it’s not only about him, you’re also involved in this equally. You’re the one who’s not able to finish it.” 

"Yes. But for now let me help you, you need to be on the bed." Will tried to hold her arm, but she pulled away.


“Be a good girl, Anna.” 

Will again tried to hold her to take her to the room but she smacked his hand away from her. He walked closer to her. He was about to pick her up when she slapped him across the face.

"I am not one of your submissives that you can just force me to do whatever you want. I’m not bound to follow your words."

As the words just came out of her mouth, she could see the change in his expression. He rubbed the spot where she had slapped him. She was going to speak again but he stopped her, wrapping his palm around her throat and pinned her against the nearby wall. It happened so suddenly that she couldn’t protest. 

“Don’t you dare to put your hands on me ever again, Anna and never dare to use this fucking on me.” He whispered in her ear. 

His face was so close to her that she could feel his warm breaths on her skin. Anna nodded her head, staring into his captive his eyes. 

“Words, flower.” 


“Yes what?” His grip tightened on her. 

"Yes, master." She replied, knowing what exactly he wanted to hear. 

"Good girl. Now you're going to go upstairs, directly to the guest room and sleep. Understood?"

She nodded her head. He finally let her go and she quickly went upstairs. Her mind still wandered to how Will treated her just now. He never used that tone on her before. She was unsure if he treated all his submissives the same way he treated her there. 

Also she never behaved that way with anyone before. She didn’t know what got into her. “Why was I so submissive to him? I didn't have to submit to him the way I was doing down there, but I did. So why did I comply? Why did I let him take control of me like that? It couldn't have been because I liked it. He is my boyfriend’s father and I have known him since we were kids, so that can't be it. You know what? I'm drunk. That has to be it. All of that down there was the alcohol. I'm going to go home in the morning and fix things with Nick.” Anna didn’t say it out loud but she was scared of Will even when he did nothing to scare her. 

While thinking all that, she fell asleep. 

The next morning when she woke up, her head was aching like anything. That's when the events from last night crossed her mind. She hurriedly freshened up and almost ran downstairs. 

"Good morning, flower." Will greeted her as he saw her coming down.

"Good morning." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

As Will arranged a plate for her, she arranged the words in her mind which she was going to tell him. 

“Will, about last night….” 

She started but he cut her in between. “Don’t say anything, Anna. I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have put my hand on you like that. You're not one of my submissives, so I had no right to touch you like that."

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have acted like that. It was me who provoked you and slapped you.”

“It’s okay.” 

The breakfast table was filled with silence before Anna decided to break it. "I think you were right about me and Nick. I think we should see a therapist. It might help."

Will chuckled as he walked to the kitchen. “That’s good to know. But are you actually sure you don't want to try anything else?”

Though he was somewhat happy hearing her considering his suggestion, he had a doubt that it was going to help them anyhow. According to him, Anna was way on the kinkier side and she liked it rough and the therapy wouldn’t change that Nick was too soft to fulfill her desire and need. 

She glared at him as he chuckled while saying the last line. "By the way how do you even know about that?"

“That’s not your concern, flower. But seeing a therapist is actually a nice idea.”  

“Thank you.” Anna smiled at him. 

Then she left to see Nick and talk about this matter to him. She decided to go to his office to see him. He should be at work. Once she reached there, she headed straight to his office.

“Come in!” She heard his formal from the other side of the door as she knocked. 

When she got inside, Nick raised his face to find out who it was and he was surely taken aback to see her there. “Anna, what are you doing here?” He asked her and the frown on his face hurt her more than she would like to admit.

“I just came to see my lovely boyfriend who didn’t think it’s necessary to talk to his girlfriend.” She responded sarcastically.

Nick didn’t say anything after that while Anna settled on the chair in front of him. After some brief moment of pause, she decided to speak up. 

"I don't understand what you want from me, Nick." Anna let out a breath and looked at him with a sullen face. 

"I only want you to be honest with me. You should've told me that you haven't been satisfied all these months. You should've told me that I wasn't enough. You didn’t have to pretend and fake everything to me."

"It has nothing to do with you not being enough. I just wanted something different and that’s it."

"Different like what?" Nick asked with a confused look on his face.

Anna looked into his eyes, inhaling a deep and long breath. “Like… Ummm… Just a little harder… Rougher.”

"Like when you wanted my hand around your throat and choke you?"  

She wanted to accept it but his judgemental and annoyed tone made her wanted to deny it. "This is why I didn't say anything. You're so judgmental about it."

"Anna, you know I'm just not like that."

"I know. Which is why I think..." She paused, not knowing how he would react to her next words.

“What do you think, Anna?” Nick asked when she stopped abruptly. 

“I want us to consult a therapist. A sex therapist.” 

“No fucking way!” 

"Then how are we going to fix this problem, Nick? We just can’t go on like this and let it be the way it is. That’s not how it works."

Nick rubbed his palms over his face before glancing at Anna with the most annoyed epression. "I just don't understand from where your need for more comes, Anna? It was not like this before."

"If I knew, I would tell you, but I don't know either."

Nick rubbed his nape but remained silent. He didn’t how to react.

"Nick, please. I don't want this to ruin our relationship." Anna placed her palm on his hand and spoke in softest way possible.

He looked straight into her eyes. "You think this could ruin our relationship?" He was clearly upset by the idea of losing her. 

Her heart cleanched as she nodded her head positively. Nick took a deep long breath as he thought about it.

"Fine! We'll try the therapy."

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