
6. Dominate Me

A ping in the phone told Anna that she got a new message. She opened the message and the content made her skip a heart beat. 

“My office. In an hour.” 

The message was from Will. He texted her a whole week after that day. She didn’t think twice before making up her mind to see him actually. Withone wasting another moment in her delusional thoughts, she stepped out of her new flat. 

It actually took her an hour to reach Will’s office. The staff there already knew her, so she could directly go to his cabin. Inhaling a long breath, she knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Anna heard his heavy voice from inside. She pushed the door open and walked inside. 

Will was staring at his laptop with a frown covering his face. His suit hung over the chair, leaving him dressed in his buttoned-up white shirt and a blue tie which hung loosely about his neck. Anna closed the door behind her noiselessly, stepping forward until she stood right in front of Will.

The dream from that night came back haunting her, making her squirm uncomfortably. She waited for him to notice her but he paid no attention to her even after a good 5 minutes. 


This time he raised his head and looked at her differently than he usually did. She couldn’t figure out the reason for the sudden change but she remained quiet. 

Will closed the laptop and looked at her keenly. “Take a seat, flower. It’s gonna take a while.” 

Anna wanted to ask the reason, yet she chose not to say anything. She sat on the chair, gripping her sweaty palms together. 

“So, Anna, I wanted to talk to you about this….” 

He took out a folder from the cabinet and opened it in front of her. It seemed to be some kind of form. As she looked into it properly, a loud gasp left her mouth. She recognized the form to be the same one she filled a week back on that random website. Her eyes darted towards the smug face of the man who was holding it.

“This…” She gulped, blushing under the wolfish smirk Will gave her. She suddenly started to feel exposed and shy.

Will closed the folder and kept it aside, still looking at her with the same smug. "I would like a bit of elaboration on your answer to question number three.”

Anna looked into his eyes and she could read them. If she read his eyes right, then she was scared by the emotion flickering in his eyes. His normally brown orbs were now darkened. His eyebrows were drawn together, accenting the full-blown smirk on his lips.

“Pardon?” She was flabbergasted. When she had filled up the form, she had assumed that she would never be seeing it again. Even if she had expected to see it again, she definitely did not expect the scene which was unfolding around her right now.

“I guess you heard me clear, Anna.” He rested his elbow on the desk and entwined his fingers together, staring at her face without blinking. “Let’s proceed.” 

Will noticed each and every expression of Anna. He was enjoying her condition more than he would ever admit. There were so many emotions going on inside her together. He saw a completely different young woman in her at that moment from when he had first laid his eyes on her. Now, he saw a masochistic submissive and violently insatiable desire in her which brought him to the edge.

"I'm waiting, flower." He said, relishing the shame on her features.

Anna looked down, she didn’t dare to raise her eyelashes and look into his captive eyes. She did not make eye contact but kept looking at the sheet of paper on the desk, apparently cursing it in her mind.

Will’s eyes lingered on her pink pouty lips, wondering how arousing they might have looked when she would lie under him completely on his mercy, screaming his name her lungs out. He couldn’t wait for the moment when she would moan his name while he choked her and fucked her hard and fast. He needed a submissive and by the looks of it, the person sitting right in front of him, could be the best one he ever had.

“Ummm… I…..” Anna blushed like never before. 

Will cursed himself for ever taking her as some random ordinary teenager. Her blind curly hair was tied in a high ponytail with a few bangs falling on her face. Her cheeks had turned crimson till now due to blushing and her exquisitely crafted lips parted slightly.

Soon his eyes trailed down from her lips to her perfectly shaped heavy breasts. Anna was beautiful, with a mixture of wild and innocence that Will had never seen in anyone before. He had dated a few extraordinary women before and after his wife and some of them were his submissive as well but he never felt this strong desire for any of them. 

The last submissive he had was approximately six months ago, but he had to get rid of her since she caught feelings for some other man and the last thing he wanted was to ruin a romantic relationship. It was not like he did not believe in love, but he knew that with his dark fantasies, he would never find someone to love him. So, he had settled with half-hearted temporary relationships and secret kinky exhortations with a woman he found for himself.

“I… I can’t…” Anna shook her head and her voice was barely a breathy whisper.

At that moment, Will realized something. He realized that she was scared. She was scared that he would judge him for her indecent cravings because she had dared to write it down. 

As he looked at her crestfallen expression, his own expression softened as he understood exactly how she was feeling. Because he knew how it felt to be shamed because his idea of intimacy did not match the stereotype which the society had put up. He knew how it felt to be treated as an outcast because he liked something more than just lovey dovey romance, something kinky.

Will cleared his throat before he spoke up. “Then? What do you want?” He leaned forward on the desk, smirking at her. "Or you will allow me to do the favor?"

Anna’s eyes shot open, hearing his words. She gulped, looking straight at him with disbelief shining in the ocean of her eyes.

He didn’t wait for her reply. “Let me see then.” He opened the folder once again and pointed at a line with his long finger. "What do we have here?"

At that moment, she only wanted to rush out of the cabin and never return. She cursed herself for the moment, she decided to come here. She wondered whether he would read the form line by line right now in front of her. She didn’t know what kind of sick punishment he was giving her. She would die because of embarrassment.  

"I like being tied up by ropes….." He started and she squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

It was embarrassing, she had never been in a situation like this before, but something about having her darkest fantasy being read out by a gorgeous man with a sexy voice made the butterflies in her stomach go silly. She thought of her a week old dream once again and suddenly she started to feel wet between her legs. 

"A man who can choke me and still turn me on..." Will fought back a smirk, but his eyes couldn’t hide the shine. "Someone who will make me beg until I come."

Anna’s head was practically spinning and she knew that she should have struck it off and written something less explicit. She felt she was in some other world with everything felt blurry around her. 

"I'm a fan of vibrators and having one against my clitoris while he is fucking me senselessly hard and….."

"Stop, please..." She almost begged, not able to bear in anymore. 

Though Will stopped for a few seconds as per her request but it was not all. He didn’t grant it fully as he started again. "Fucking my vagina like there's no tomorrow, turns me on."

He took a deep breath as if ordering himself to control his urge to bend her over the couch right there and give her exactly what she wanted.

“Will, please! Stop!” Anna pleaded again, a bit louder this time, but he had no intention to stop.

"Lastly, I crave the feel of burning wax on my skin. I have never felt it, but I would love to." Will did not look up after finishing, instead, kept smirking still looking at the paper.

"How could you read this so shamelessly that too right in front of me? Also how did you get this? Were you stalking me or something like that?" These words escaped Anna’s lips even before she realized and in the next few seconds, she would probably see and hear the sexiest things of her life. 

Will looked up at her face slowly and the greedy devilish smirk was still there on his face. His face was the very incarnation of sin at that moment and his words proved that he could not have cared less about it.

“I might answer your first question but you don’t need to know the other ones.” His eyes were dark, consuming every sense she had.

“What’s the answer?” She asked gently. 

"Because I happen to be the man you mentioned here." He tapped on the sheet.

Anna looked at him with wide eyes. Never in her wildest dream, she thought that he would be able to guess that. He was right. She was certainly thinking of him and that wet dream while filling up this form. She felt her lungs constrict, the throbbing between her legs becoming unbearable the more she looked at his devilish face.

Will had visibly enjoyed kink-shaming her, but the helplessness turned her on more than the image of her favorite vibrator against her pussy.

"There's no need to be scared about your personal desires, flower. Not everyone is a fan of making love. Some like it rough and men like me would ruin your pussy and your whole body."

She bit her lips, gasping his dirty words. She could have moaned at his crude words, but she decided to be a brat and did the one thing he had asked her not to do.

His jaw visibly tightened. Though it was a rash decision, since he was the only one other than her to know about her darkest fantasy, she wanted to take the chance. She would say and do every single thing which she would regret tomorrow. Still she wanted to give in.

"Would you show me how you do it then, Will?"

Will was surprised with her come back. It was sudden. "What do you want from me, flower?" He walked to her side of the table and turned her chair to face him. Then she grabbed her chin to lift her face higher until their eyes met.

Anna realized Will was right. Ever since she had the dream, she wanted something from him. Till now they were pushing each other to the edge for some reaction. Also she had been yearning for the kind of feeling he gave her. 

"I want you to dominate me." 

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