Book 2# - Carefully she had wished

Book 2# - Carefully she had wished

Oleh:  LunaSilver  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Book 1# - Be careful what you wish for Book 2# - Carefully she had wished This books shows the origin of Xavier and Rosemary. Xavier and Rosemary were past lovers , but due to King Alexander their lover story is that of a horror story. This book is merely a flashback that Rose had seen from the previous book

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Recap of book 1
Rose's Pov “Do not worry about it Rose…I am sure Jason gave you a much better compliment than her , right?...Come on , tell us what the big beast said about the way you look ” one of the twins try to lighten up the mood. I slowly lift my head , the fakest smile is upon my face. My eyes are rapidly closing and opening , my attempt to keep the tears at bay. “He said…I should not have bought you that dress…” instantly I hear someone yelp in pain as on the  twins mourn about being kicked in the shin. Jared takes a hold of my hand and gives me a small smile. I just want this night to end. While looking around , my eyes stops at someone. Olivia sits at a table far away , laughing with the rest of the table. My mind clicks – if she is here , why did Jason and Nicole go upstairs. I get up from the table and instantly Jared gets up to. “I am going to the bathroom…” and which that he lets me go. I exit the hall , with my hear
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Rosemary Pov : 1500 years ago“Princess , are you ready?” I hear a tender gentle voice cruelly awakening me from my own blissful thoughts. Upon opening my eyes , I see the once misty room clear from any steam. The beautiful stained-glass windows are smeared with crystal like droplets of water , my eyes stare at a particular one. It catches my eyes , as the sunray reflect upon it – I watch as it slowly slides down the window , my eyes following it’s every movement.I love the way it goes in any direction that it pleases – the way it freely makes it’s own choice. I have so much admiration for it as it follows no one , it does not take orders , it does not have to dress or act in a certain way and most definitely , it does not have to attend this stupid party! I am so caught up in envying this tiny lifeless droplet that I do not acknowledge my best friend , who is also the royal maid/servant walk in.&ldqu
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  ___________________________________________________________________________  Rosemary’s POV “You are beginning to look like your mother day after day…” my dad breaths out while looking to me with eyes of admiration. I can tell , that like always he is fighting back tears. My dad misses my mom – I do too ,  but he… finds it impossible to go a head without speaking about her. I know he is hurting , but for my sake he is trying to be the best dad he can be – and he really is…most of the times when his not trying to wed me off to an unknown kingdom.  He walks over to me , while I play with the hems on my dress. My cheeks turn crimson from the attention my father pays to me in front of his important guests. When he nears me , he places his index on my chin , he lifts my head so that I am looking at him. My heart expands with the amount of love and affection that shows in his eyes – he looks at me with love ,
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  ___________________________________________________________________________  Rosemary’s Pov  After what feels like eternity , I pull away from the hug – his once cold metal armor is now warm from the warmth that my body gave out. As soon as I pull away , that creepy uneasy feeling returns ; I instantly want to hide in his arms again but decided against it. We both start to walk along the garden , we both know it like the back of our hands as we were the ones who played a big part in creating it the way it is. There is a peaceful silence between us for a while , as we take in the garden’s beautiful nature. We let our memories resurface , as well as our sibling love that we had. “So how have you been Andy?” I break the silence , actually concerned and interested in his wellbeing after all these years. He stays quiet for a while , he does not say a word. This causes me to look to his direction a
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  ___________________________________________________________________ Rosemary’s Pov  Nothing… nothing happens. The only thing that occurs is the tight grip this person has me in. I keep struggling – little whines escape from my mouth as I am frustrated and scared. I feel the gravel from the stone wall that I am pressed on , dig into my cheek. My whines turn into whimpers as I feel utterly helpless in this vulnerable position.  The mysterious person – who I assume is a man. His hands feels calloused  and rough when holding my own smooth ones , the power in those hands of his – is something I have never felt. The weight he uses to hold me against the wall , squishes me – clearly a woman is not who is holding me captive. “S – sir” I stutter in fear.  What else could I do but try to communicate with this beast ; maybe he thought I was somebody else…oh how I wish it were t
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  ___________________________________________________________________________ Rosemary’s POV My eyes irritatedly flutters opens – which was a big mistake indeed. Instantly I shut them as bright sun rays pierce my line of vision. Once again , I try to open my eyes ever so slowly – allowing a bit of sunlight in at a time. When my eyes have become used to the suns light , I take in my surroundings. A wave of comfort washes over me as I see the familiar décor of my suite. I exhale a breath that I had been holding , and I feel my muscles unclench and relax. I find myself cuddling deeper into the soft mattress beneath me and folding the duvet tighter closer to me. I let my tired eyelids gently close – comfort and relaxation is all that I feel. But wait… I feel my eyebrows knit together as a thought enters my mind. When did I get back to my suite? I do not recall any of it. I open my eyes and lift the duvet from my body
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  Andy’s POV It’s been years – far to many years since I had last seen this place. Oddly enough , this place has not changed a bit. Though it has a different scent , which I guess was due to the multiple flower scents that have been travelling throughout this place. I chuckle to myself knowing that Rosemary had been religiously looking after the garden when I was away. That girl always took a liking to flowers , plants and nature. She has a spirit to nurture everything she touches , however she also needs someone to nurture and take care of her. I wonder what she looks like after all these years – I vaguely remember how she had looked but I could never forget her personality. She was an absolute gem ; an angel with the biggest heart anyone has ever had. I doubt she has changed ; as a soldier , I am not allowed to show emotion but deep down I am beyond excited to see my best friend after all these years.   Suddenly…almost ins
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  ___________________________________________________________________________ Unknown POV I was invited by the King Harold to attend his 56th birthday. Of course , I had denied the invitation at first hand. However , when the day had arrived my right hand man and I were bored. We seeked for some kind of entertainment – and what entertainment is better than another kingdoms whore’s dancing at our every command and lets not forget , they are fresh meat. Our kingdoms whores were getting to… monotonous. We had set off , hungrily awaiting for the women to throw themselves at us. Little did I know , I will find the woman who will not only penetrate my heart , but will also throw my taste off of whores. We had burst into the kingdoms grand hall , while the king was announcing how “ incredibly happy” he was for the surprise party – as if the old goat did not have any dealing with the party planning when he had to agre
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  ­­­­­­­­Unknowns POV It felt as if my world had stopped spinning – the very legs that support me has become weak for the very first time. My body began swaying from back to front. If I were not holding onto the maiden’s hair, I would have been swept off my feet and with my face painfully against the floor.  The moans of the castle whore fades away , as my world goes silent. My eyes are thoroughly concentrating on the beauty that  stands on the balcony. The way the wind blew her hair back , her eyes closed. She embraces the wind – something tells me that she does not have a lot of freedom. Her chest , which is pretty lushes , puffs out slowly as she takes in a deep breath – I imitate her . I take my own deep breath , trying to find any way to connect with her. I continue to watch her as her chest puffs out slowly by every second – her breasts appear bigger as she keeps taking in air. I can not help but stare at how they become
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  ___________________________________________________________________________ Unknowns’ POV My hand forms a tight fist , as I watch them parade the garden – her smile gets brighter and brighter each time he opens his mouth. Oh how I wish I could just drive my sword through the opening of his mouth , stabbing him through his head. The images of me stabbing him , gives me some relief however… I bite down hard on my tongue , feeling my jealousy drive through the roof. I taste a iron metallic taste in my mouth , I know I drew blood from my tongue. I watch her latch on to him – I watch how her tiny fragile arm go around his waist , her body falling against his own. My eyes lock on his hands , on his reaction. I have no doubt about it , he will take full advantage of this. Just as I thought it , I watched his hand slowly make their way around her. To stop myself from making hasty decisions , I grind my teeth in pure anger. Fin
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