All Chapters of The Heiress Reborn: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
64 Chapters
Chapter 1 "Greatest Regrets"
After leaving my husband, who did not love me, I restored my status as an heir to a super-rich family. With newfound clarity and determination, I reclaimed my birthright and embraced the responsibility that came with it. No longer bound by the constraints of a loveless marriage, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guided by the unwavering support of my family. As I stepped into my role as heiress, I vowed to honor the legacy of generations past while forging my own path towards a future defined by resilience, strength, and unabashed authenticity.In the hushed quietude of the night, Eva Torres paced the plush carpet, the air thick with a nervous energy that prickled her skin. Her reflection in the gilded mirror showed a stark contrast – the woman she knew, clad in sensible cotton pajamas, battled with the image she sought to portray. Tonight, silk whispered against her skin, a luxurious departure from the usual comfort. The delicate fabric clung to her curves in
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Chapter 2 "The Encounter"
"Tally? Why are you here?"Eva glanced at the wedding picture on her nightstand, a sliver of unease pricking her like a rogue thorn. Though the picture captured a day brimming with joy and promises, a shadow seemed to have fallen across it, a shadow cast by a woman named Tally Hartwood. Eva and Tally had never met, not in person. Yet, Tally's presence had seeped into Eva's marriage like a silent, insidious fog. It was a presence whispered in hushed tones by relatives, a ghost in knowing smiles from old friends, a name that hung heavy in the air whenever conversation dipped towards Blake's past.The ambiance of the house bore witness to Tally's pervasive presence, her essence seeping into every corner and crevice. From the meticulously arranged décor to the subtle nuances in conversation, the Torres household served as a constant reminder of Tally's esteemed status as Blake's preferred partner. Each member of the family, with a knowing glance or a passing remark, reinforced Eva's secon
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Chapter 3 "The Fight"
Eva met Tally's gaze, the smug glint in those eyes igniting a spark of fury within her. The carefully constructed dam of composure she'd built over weeks crumbled in an instant, and a wave of anger, hot and unexpected, surged through her, threatening to boil over."Eva, said for the last time, Blake, it's not about the money. You know I'd give you anything."Eva countered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You see everything through the lens of money. How do you not understand that it's never your money I want?"Eva's gaze drifted to the flickering fireplace, a silent refuge from the storm brewing within her. "It's the lack of effort, Blake. The way you come home late, barely acknowledging me.Silence descended again, heavier this time. Blake opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, as if searching for the right words. Eva didn't get any response from Blake, she leaved the room.Blake watched her leave, pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyebrows."What is wrong with
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Chapter 4 "Strikes"
The carefully constructed facade of civility shattered in a sudden burst of aggression as Tally lunged, seizing Eva's arm and forcefully pulling her towards the staircase. The unexpected attack caught Eva completely off guard, leaving her stumbling and breathless as Tally's surprisingly strong grip rendered her initial struggles futile.Eva's attempts to break free, but failed, leaving her helpless in the face of the unexpected attack."Blake! Help! Eva is trying to kill me!"With reckless abandon, Tally hurled herself down the stairs, dragging Eva along in a tumultuous descent. Despite Eva's frantic efforts to disentangle herself, Tally's relentless grasp kept her firmly tethered, their bodies tumbling uncontrollably, each step adding to the chaos of their descent.Bang!Eva's journey took a harrowing turn as she stumbled and tumbled down multiple flights of stairs, each impact against the unforgiving steps reverberating through her body. With each descent, her body absorbed the forc
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Chapter 5 "Hurt Feelings"
Desperately clawing for any shred of evidence, Eva cast her eyes around the chaotic scene, the helplessness of her situation warring with a fierce determination to unearth a truth that could exonerate her.The door creaked open, framing a visibly upset Blake in the doorway. Relief flooded Eva's face, a lifeline thrown to a drowning woman, her desperate gaze locking onto his as if he were her sole salvation."Blake, I didn't hurt Tally. Please believe me!"Blake looked down at Eva coldly. When he spoke, his voice was strained.The air hung heavy with accusation as Blake's voice cut through the room, his words sharp and devoid of sympathy. "Eva, that's enough. I don't want to hear your excuses. Wrongdoings deserve to be punished, and frankly, it's irrelevant. Tally's kidney was seriously damaged by the fall, and according to the tests, yours is the only match.""Yes!" Marian shouted. "You damaged Tally's kidney, so you should compensate her with one of yours!"Eva's eyes widened in disb
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Chapter 6 "Fight Back"
With a burning contempt that eclipsed her fear, Eva whirled around, a chilling sneer twisting her lips. "Is this the 'serious injury' you were talking about, Blake?" she spat, her voice laced with ice as she pinned him with a glare that dared him to meet her gaze. The question hung heavy in the air, a stark accusation against the man who followed her with a hangdog expression, the weight of his betrayal a heavy burden on his shoulders.Blake looked past Eva into the operating room and frowned."Blake, why is she here? I'm so scared..." Tally whimpered, her eyes brimming with tears.Blake didn't have time to think too much about it. Reaching out to stop Eva, he said, "Eva, enough."Ignoring the frantic apologies tumbling from Blake's lips, Eva surged forward with the fury of a cornered tigress. Her gaze bypassed him entirely, landing with cold hatred on Tally. Ignoring the tense gasps from the surrounding medical staff, Eva marched right up to the operating table and delivered a stingi
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Chapter 7 "Face a Mask"
The sterile lights of the hospital corridor seemed to cast a harsh, unforgiving glare on everything around Eva. As her gaze fell upon Blake, the man she'd pledged her life to, a wave of numbness crashed over her, chilling her from the inside out. It wasn't the cold anger of betrayal, nor the hot prick of humiliation. It was a deeper, more profound sense of detachment, a chilling realization that the love she'd once held for him had transmuted into something akin to ash.The fight had been visceral, a desperate struggle against not just the nurses restraining her, but the crushing weight of Blake's indifference. His words, devoid of empathy and laced with a chilling practicality, had shattered the last vestiges of hope she clung to. This wasn't about a selfless act of saving a life; it was a calculated move, a sacrifice demanded on the altar of a past that refused to stay buried.Now, as she watched him stand there, his face a mask of conflicting emotions, a profound sense of disillusi
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Chapter 8 "At the Hospital"
The stark white walls of the doctor's office seemed to pulsate with a menacing energy as Dr. Evans met Blake's steely gaze. The man's coldblooded demeanor sent a tremor through the doctor's usually steady hands. He knew, with chilling certainty, that the veiled threat hanging heavy in the air wasn't a mere formality. A single word from Blake, and his career, meticulously built over years of dedication, would crumble into dust. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken accusations and simmering tension. Finally, Dr. Evans cleared his throat, his voice barely a whisper when he spoke."Mr. Torres," he began, his words laced with a tremor he fought desperately to control, "the tests are conclusive. There's no medical justification for why Mrs. Torres would be a better match than Ms. Hartwood. In fact, medically speaking, Ms. Hartwood is ok there's no need an operation.Trembling, the doctor finally told the truth. Blake's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of something akin to
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Chapter 9 "Talk about Divorce"
Under the withering heat of Blake's forbidding expression, Tally's bravado crumbled like sandcastles under a crashing wave. The defiant fire that had flickered in her eyes moments ago extinguished, replaced by a cold dread that silenced any further attempts to manipulate the situation."Now, you just need to rest and think about what you've done."Blake exited the sterile confines of the ward, the sterile white walls somehow mirroring the hollowness he felt inside. He slammed the door shut a little too forcefully, the echoing sound a subconscious reflection of the turmoil brewing beneath his carefully constructed facade of indifference.On the surface, he appeared unfazed by Eva's defiance. He'd gotten what he wanted - Tally, the woman who represented a simpler time, a time before the complications of marriage and responsibility, secured the life-saving surgery. Yet, a niggling annoyance gnawed at him, a persistent itch he couldn't quite scratch.Eva's icy stare, the accusation burnin
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Chapter 10 "Welcome Home"
"Uncle Owen, I was wrong. I never should have left home. I shouldn't have hurt you for an unworthy man. I'm so sorry." Owen Lowes, a man hardened by years of service, felt his gruff exterior melt away as he saw the tear-streaked face of his niece. He knelt before her, the polished medals on his chest glinting under the harsh overhead light, a stark contrast to the trembling girl huddled in a chair. His large hands, accustomed to wielding a rifle, were surprisingly gentle as he pulled her into a loose embrace. Her sobs, raw and guttural, echoed in the sterile room, a stark symphony of grief and bewilderment."There, there, Ev," he murmured, his voice a soothing rumble. "It's okay to cry. It's good to have you back." He held her patiently, a steady presence in the storm brewing within her. Her name, a single syllable, felt foreign on his tongue, a reminder of the gaping hole in their lives – her missing parents, his beloved sister and brother-in-law."Owen POV about the accident"Owen
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