All Chapters of The Dragon's Lost Phoenix Princess: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
110 Chapters
Chapter 41.
Serana POV.Since remembering the way my mother was killed, I have tried to shut it out, but I can’t. I’m sitting in the grand living room with a box of pictures and photos of my parents. I smile at each one and even laugh.“This is how you should remember them.” Vilkas says from my side as I lean into him as he rubs soothing circles on my arm.“Yeah, that is what I’m trying to do. It’s just hard. Every time I close my eyes, I see her lifeless eyes looking back at me.” I focus on the photo in my hand when I feel him tighten his hold on me.“It’s ok to remember the good times. Don’t let what happened to them burrow inside. Let it go. Look at it this way. She protected you. She ran with you, knowing they were coming for you. She fought for you, so did your father. You stayed alive because deep down you knew there was more to this. Baby, you need to let the pain go or it will consume you.” I take a deep breath at his statement and I know he is right, but the pain I feel is fuelling the f
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Chapter 42.
Serana POV.It’s the day of the gathering with the Alphas. I make my way towards the temple, passing thousands of Lycans. They all look at us, some with fear, the others with curiosity. I have come to get answers, but I have come for war if need be.I look around and snarl if a Lycan’s gaze lingers for too long. I decided to wear all black leather with boots. My fiery red hair is up in a high ponytail. Vilkas is wearing black jeans and a black button-down shirt with the first three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair a tousled mess and damn if I don’t want to rip his clothes off and take him now.“Focus Serana, you can jump him later.” Bedelia is on high alert as we keep our gaze forward. Even though Vilkas has my hand in his, I can’t calm down.We walk towards the temple of Selene and there, sat in a large circle, are the Alphas and on a throne is Hyperion.He is tall like all Lycan’s. His sandy blonde hair is styled meticulously. His blue eyes shine and
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Chapter 43.
Vilkas POV.Turning with Serana and seeing Starci in the state she is in, I have no words, no emotion, nothing. She deserves everything she is going to get by my mate’s hands. The Lycans did a number on her, yet she can still look defiant even in her current situation.Serana goes to step forward, but I grab her back. She turns to look at me, and I can see Bedelia shining in her eyes.“I know you want to kill her. Let’s see what happens first.” She pulls her arm out of my grasp and turns to fully look at me. My eyes widen at what I have just done and said to her.“You fucking idiot. Let her kill the bitch.” Jaka roars in my head, but I need her to think clearly and right now, she isn’t.“Why? Do you still have feelings for her?” Fuck! I shake my head at my stupidity.“No, I don’t. I love you, Serana. Just wait to see what the Lycans want to do with her first before you kill her.” She looks taken aback by what I have just said when she squares up to me. Her eyes blazing.“Not so long a
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Chapter 44.
Serana POV.Hearing the words that Starci has said makes me want to kill them all and rip the scale from my chest myself. I can’t be involved with Vilkas after knowing the extent of what he has done, and willingly it would seem. I’m such a fucking fool. I believed him. I fell in love with him and he let it happen, knowing I was just a means to an end.“Bedelia, is this true? Tell me she is lying.” I beseech her when she whimpers inside me.“She is telling the truth. I’m sorry Serana.” I take another step back and lower my guard as Bedelia takes control. She isn’t going to fight and neither am I. We just want to go home. She can have him. I will find a way to break this bond and remove the heart scale without it killing me. I don’t want them near me.I’m numb. I can’t process anything that has happened over the years, but this has to be the cruellest. We fly away, and I don’t even know what was said after Bedelia took control. I will never be the same again.“It’s better to be feared.”
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Chapter 45.
Serana POV.I staggered at the words of my mother and looked at her with confusion.“Why me? Why should I decide?” I ask her as I shake my head in disbelief at her words. She looks at me sadly as she approaches me, but I back away from her.“The Gods have seen all you have been through. It is your decision to make, Serana. I know it was me who placed the curse. I can’t make this decision. It has to be you. I have seen everything you have been through and it hurts my heart that I wasn’t there physically to save you. I’m sorry, my love.” She reaches from my cheek and I turn my head away and look out over the ocean.“I need to be alone,” I say sadly as I look down as I walk away. The island is huge. I walk along the shoreline feeling the water lap at my feet.“This is bullshit! We shouldn’t have to choose. What the fuck are they playing at?” Bedelia is fuming, and who can blame her? The betrayal of everything is still raw. Then to add to this to the mix is just fucking cruel. I have to m
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Chapter 46.
Serana POV.It has been a few days since I came home; I have avoided Vilkas like a plague at every turn. I don’t care if this is hurting him or me. This is the sacrifice I have made. We will be bonded for a long time, and I want him to suffer the same way I am.Wesley came back yesterday, and Pascha ran into his arms, and yes they are mates. I saw them this morning and Pascha has his mark. I couldn’t be happier for them. I knew then like I know now I had made the right decision. Putting everyone’s happiness above my own.I’m sat behind my desk nursing a glass of whiskey, since returning all I have done is drown my sorrows even though it takes a lot for shifters to get drunk, but I like a challenge. So I have barricaded myself in here. Only coming out to raid the wine cellar. Yes, I look like shit, but I don’t care. I smell him before he knocks and I ignore the knocking on the door.“Please Serana, let me explain.” He does this every day, and he gets the same response. Radio silence. T
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Chapter 47.
Serana POV.As he promised, he left me alone to my pity party, as he called it, and guess what? I did just that. It has been a week since I was shown the truth. Now I’m drinking for a totally different reason. I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I never believed him. Ashamed that I didn’t see it was her manipulation. I’m a fucking joke for believing her.I slump over the cool wood of the desk and look at the empty bottle at my side.“Ok, I’ve had enough of this. Get up and face him. Tell him you’re sorry and you will behave yourself.” I ignore her again. This is what she has been saying to me for the past few days.“No, and you can’t make me.” I say, feeling triumphant when she pulls me up against my will.“Watch, because I can and I will. Enough Serana. You are a queen and your people and this kingdom need you sober and in control. Not mopping around and pissed out of your fucking skull. Now you are going to leave this office, you are going to shower, get changed and sort your damn head out
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Chapter 48.
Vilkas POV.I wake up with my beautiful mate sprawled on top of me, her naked chest against mine. Her long fiery red hair falls down her back. Her hand rests over my heart and her face pressed against it. I smile to myself as I look at her. She is perfect. She has so much fire in her, and I know it burns brightly.After last night in the shower, we stayed in each other’s embrace. I meant everything I said to her; I move forward and kiss her head, breathing in her delicious scent. I groan in my chest and wrap my arms around her again.“I could stay like this forever.” I say to Jaka and he agrees with me.“Yes, same here. We are going to have a problem soon, though.” He has to ruin it.“What problem?” I say as I stroke my fingers up and down her spine. She shivers and burrows further into my chest, and I smile at her as she rubs her face against me.“Her heat will start soon. The longer we are around her, the more the bond grows. We won’t be able to avoid it for long.” My eyes widen as
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Chapter 49.
Serana POV.After the revelation of my impending heat, I have become nervous, especially around the unmated males within the palace. Do you ever get that the feeling you are being constantly watched? Yeah, well, that is what I am feeling everywhere I go. The wolves are not so subtle as they take sniffs of the air, and I know we need to find this sacred, secluded space fast. Otherwise it will be a bloodbath.“Hey, girly. How are you?” Pascha says as she sniffs the air. I freeze when I see her eyes glaze over. I take a step back when she shakes her head and smiles at me.“Sorry, you just smell delicious. I just want to lick you.” I gasp at her words and watch her cautiously. Please God, no! Don’t tell me it affected those that are mated female and male alike.“Nope, not happening. Back up Pasch. I don’t want to hurt you.” I say to her and she chuckles as she goes back to her coffee. Her and Lara are no longer working here, they still live here, they are family and here they don’t need t
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Chapter 50.
Vilkas POV.Serana’s scent is getting stronger by the hour. This is happening too quickly.“Did you forget she is a phoenix? We don’t know the extent of how quickly her heat will come on.” I listen to Jaka when I see an unmated wolf move towards Serana. I growl and move quickly in front of her and growl in his face.This is happening too quickly. Her scent only grew stronger yesterday. I don’t want to have to kill anyone, but I will if I need to. She is mine and no-one else’s.“Back up, wolf.” Jaka moves to the surface as I push him away, and the wolf shakes his head to clear his senses and backs up, his hands out in front of him as he bows his head.“We need to get all the unmated out of the palace.” I nod in agreement with Jaka.A whimper comes from behind me and I turn to look at her. She is doubled over, holding her stomach. Her scent hits me in a wave. Shit! It has been two days, and she refuses to leave. According to her, there is a way to prevent it, but she is too stubborn.“S
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