All Chapters of I Am The Luna: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10

550 Chapters

Chapter 0001

ZAIA “I have some good news, Zaia. Sebastian will be so excited. Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” The doctor’s words ring in my mind as I stare down at the test reports once again, as I leave the hospital. “Sorry!” I say, as I avoid bumping into someone, my heart skipping a beat as I place a han
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Chapter 0002

ZAIA. The following day dawns as gloomy and dark as the weight on my chest. Sebastian left last night. I had heard the front door slam shut, and I wonder if he went to Annalise. I stare at the divorce file in front of me, five million dollars as alimony. It is not a small amount. He really want
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Chapter 0003

ZAIA. Once back home, everywhere I look I see him, see the life we built together here. Crippling pain consumes me at what I’m leaving behind, but I won’t allow him to take more from me. I won’t let him hurt the life growing inside me. These babies are as much mine as they are his and I will do my
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Chapter 0004

ZAIA. The next day I reach the Pack Hall early. Sebastian has texted to say he’ll send a car, but I refuse, saying I’ll make my way there by myself. I have donned a simple black dress, and Mom has pinned my hair back in a neat bun. “Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you inside?” Mom as
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Chapter 0005

SEBASTIAN. “Are you still brooding? You know Seb, I’m tired of having to nag you to get stuff done when you were always on top of it all. Why even reject her if you can’t deal with it?” I look up at Jai, my Beta and also my best friend, but I choose not to answer him. It’s been 4 months since she
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Chapter 0006

SEBASTIAN. I look at Valerie sharply as she glares at Jai, snatching the file back from me. “You’re a pig!” She hisses. “Like you’re any better!” He snaps. The two always clash. They had dated for a short while and were inseparable, but after a nasty breakup, they can’t even stand being in each
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Chapter 0007

I know, because I have someone watching over it, just in case they return. But her phone was never switched on again, not a single call was made from it. The alimony money I promised to pay her monthly has been sitting in her bank account untouched. Her passport was not used, something I had made
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Chapter 0008

ZAIA. It’s been four months since that day. I wish I could say life is perfect, but it’s far from it. I am still weak despite doing my best to remain healthy for my babies. Mom knew someone who had helped us create fake IDs, and we had managed to be accepted into a new pack. She explained to the A
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Chapter 0009

“Oh, a theme! That does sound exciting.” I say, smiling, but no matter who I talk to or how I occupy myself, the gaping hole left by Sebastian’s rejection forever remains. “Violet, so we will bring out the Bellflowers, wisteria and geraniums, oh I have a lovely stock of hyacinths.” She continues.
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Chapter 0010

“Zaia, I was looking for you.” He says, his voice is deep and husky. I smile smoothly, despite how I feel. “Oh?” “Yes, how are you doing?” “Great.” I reply, seeing how he’s observing me sharply. “Oh! Mrs Watson told me about the ball. It sounds lovely.” That makes him smile, and he nods, cross
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