Semua Bab Aria's Choice: Bab 11 - Bab 20
175 Bab
Chapter 11 - Before I Sell My Soul
Before I sell myself to the devil, I have to see my mom just in case anything happens. Scarlett is so sure that all will be okay, but honestly, I don’t even know who Scarlett really is, either. I am beginning to have all these doubts about my decision, but I keep tossing them aside. This really is the only choice that I have left. I cannot go on the way I have been. The elevator dings, and the door opens. I greet the desk nurse, as always, and head straight to my mother’s room. The first thing I notice are the flowers. I smile and make my way over to mom’s bed, grabbing the chair as I pass it. Even the room smells nice from the floral arrangement. “Hello mom. I have some news to tell you, and you are not going to be happy about it, but it needs to be done.” I glance toward the door to make sure it had shut behind me and then I take her hand, “I made the decision to sell my virginity. I will be going to the auction house tonight and a buyer will offer me no less than o
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Chapter 12 - Treasured Gem
“Stop moving so much, Miss Kramer!” The makeup artist that was assigned to me chastises, “Miss Scarlett will have my hide if I have you go out there looking like Bozo the Clown!” A nervous giggle slips from my lips as I try to stay still. I have been nothing but a bundle of nervous energy since I walked through the door. Baldy, as I like to call him, the ever-present guard outside, radioed that I had arrived, and no sooner had I stepped in the door, I was being whisked away for hair and makeup. The more time that ticked by, the more nervous I got. “I am really sorry.” I try to apologize to the man with a makeup brush in his hand, who is glaring down at me. All he does is roll his eyes and continues to work on my eyes. I am not used to being pampered, or wearing a lot of makeup, but Scarlett says that we need to be able to stand out under the bright lights of the stage. She says that the prettier the treasures look, the more the buyers will pay. I guess that makes
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Chapter 13 - Do Whatever It Takes
(4 Hours Earlier) Unknown I’m sitting in my office when there is a knock at the door. Without waiting for my command, one of my colleagues and best friends, Merrick, enters and takes a seat in front of my desk. He doesn’t say anything, so I wait until I am done typing up the last paragraph for the project that I am working on, before turning my attention to him. “What is it?” I ask, annoyed. “It’s really happening this time.” Merrick informs me. “What do you mean, it’s really happening?” I sigh heavily. Merrick likes to annoy the fuck out of me when he has information that may be important to me. “Your girl, Aria. Her Bio just went up on the Scarlett’s Treasures website. She will be at the auction tonight.” He furrows his brows, knowing how this is going to affect me. My heart feels as though it stops for a moment, “You’re sure about this?” I can’t believe that she would actually go through with it. My guys have been keeping tabs on her for the last few years,
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Chapter 14 - Baby Doll
For a moment, I think my mind is playing tricks on me as I stare at the two gorgeous men outside my door. When the one greets me, I know it isn’t a trick. Man Bun and Faux Hawk from the diner stand before me with identical smirks. That is the only identical aspect of the two, though. They are both in a clean-cut suit. Man Bun’s is a dark gray with a maroon shirt, and Faux Hawk is in a black suit with a deep pink shirt underneath. Now that they are standing side by side, Man Bun has at least four to five inches on Faux Hawk. I’m literally just standing here, gawking at the two men, when Faux Hawk’s chuckle brings me back to the moment, causing me to blush. “I think she likes what she sees, Merk. What do you think?” he glances at his friend before his eyes return to me. “Oh, I know she does.” Man Bun, or Merk, replies with a cocky smile. He shrugs out of his jacket and steps towards me. “It’s a little chilly outside, and I would prefer it if you didn’t show off your
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Chapter 15 - Failed Escape
Being here with these two men, and listening to them tell me what they are expecting, has me more nervous than I have ever been in my life. It is also making me tingle in places that shouldn’t be tingling. I sold my virginity because I felt I had no other choice, but now I am not sure that I can go through with it. I don’t know which one plans on doing the actual deed, but I feel as though neither of the two men in front of me will be gentle if they were to take it. Which only leaves the third friend, the one that I have yet to meet. Movement catches my eye as Jory moves to stand behind me. His body is so close that I can feel his heat on my back. He leans down and brings his lips to my ear, “One more thing, Aria. We like our woman naked at all times.” My head whips to the side so I can see his face to see if he is joking, but all I see is him raise an eyebrow. I try to speak, but no words form. I close my mouth and then open it to try again, but still, nothing. I feel the
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Chapter 16 - A Proper Greeting
The sunlight filtering in through the windows wakes me up earlier than I would like it to. I lift my arms above my head and stretch my body as far as it will go. Instead of getting up though, I snuggle in deeper into the covers and just lay there until my bladder tells me to get up. Something feels different though. My eyes snap open and I yank the covers from my face. I’m not in my room, and it takes a moment for me to remember where I am. Groaning, I pull the covers back up. “What the hell are you doing, Aria?” I ask myself aloud. My bladder begins to wake up, so I slowly crawl out of bed and head over to the dresser. Pulling open the top draw, I slam it closed right away. I begin opening all the others until I get to the last one, but there isn’t one article of clothing in any of the drawers. The only thing this dresser contains are sex toys! Looking around the room, my eyes land on another door. “Please let it be a closet full of clothes!” Yanking the door open, d
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Chapter 17 - Meeting Him
It turns out that it will only be the three of us eating breakfast at the table this morning. Merrick received a text saying not to expect their friend to join them, but that he would like for one of them to escort me to his office once I have finished eating. Merrick gave me permission to stand and take the seat beside him, but he wouldn’t let me feed myself. Frowning the whole time, I open my mouth every time he brings the fork towards my mouth. I felt like such a baby. I really hope he doesn’t have some kind of daddy fetish, because I will have to walk if that’s the case. There is no way I’m going to act like a baby and call him daddy. Well, calling him daddy could possibly be hot, but not in that setting. When he’s finished eating, Merrick pushes his chair out and stands up, “Jory will take you to the office when he is done, Baby Doll. I have a pressing matter to attend to, but I will be back in a few hours.” I look up at him and admire him in the light blue button-down dres
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Chapter 18 - Reminiscing
KNOX(Aria’s first night) She didn’t realize it, but I sat in the chair, watching her sleep from across the room. It wasn’t until the sun started to peak that I got up quietly and left. I know it may sound as though I am a stalker, and maybe it is a little creepy, but I needed to see her. It was essential for me to be able to watch her and take in as much as I could without her knowing. My sanity wouldn’t allow anything less. It may not seem like it, but she is safe here, within these walls. We protect what is ours, and she will soon come to realize it. It feels like a lifetime ago when I last held her in my arms and protected her. We were best friends, but deep down we were more than that. We never put a label on it, we just knew that she was my person, and I was hers. Neither one of us dated throughout high school; there was no need when we did everything together. Reminiscing about that last night is all I’ve done since I left Aria... (Flashback)8 Years Ago My pa
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Chapter 19 - Her Promise
Knox (cont.) There was no intimacy between us up until this point, and that was okay, because we were both fine just being around each other. We had discussed it, though. I was moving away, and she wanted to give herself to me as a going away present, but I couldn’t do it. She was only sixteen. I didn’t want her making that decision only because I was leaving. It’s not that I didn’t want her, God knows how many times I went home and jacked off in the shower after spending an evening in her presence. I go back to my earlier thoughts of our last day together, and the promise that she made to me... (Flashback cont.) I check out Aria as I hold the car door to my Monte Carlo open for her. Spring is still a few weeks away, so there is a chill to the evening air, but that didn’t stop her from wearing a sleeveless dress that hugs her perfect figure. It reaches to right above the knees. It’s deep blue in color that matches the blue in her eyes. She paired the dress with a croppe
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Chapter 20 - I'm Sorry
KNOX I’m staring out the window in my office, but all I’m seeing is that sixteen-year-old girl who made a promise to me. I’ve tried not thinking about it over the last few years. Even though I’ve kept eyes on Aria since I found her again, doesn’t mean that I was in any position to bring her back into my life. I wanted her far away from this life, but now, it’s too late. I know I could have continued to stay away, let her live her life, but I am tired of trying to be the good guy. That guy has been gone for a long time, and now it’s time to take what is owed to me, it’s time to cash in on that promise made all those years ago. A knock on the door disturbs my thoughts, “Come in.” I call out, sounding a little surly. I already know that it’s Aria, because Merk and Jor will just open the door after they knock. There is a brief silence as I continue to stare out the window, my hands behind my back. I can feel her eyes burning a hole in my back as she looks me over. Yeah, I k
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