Lahat ng Kabanata ng Yours, Forever: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
128 Kabanata
"He is not here." The strange woman said to her.She looked round the house she had become so familiar with but now it just felt cold, blank and empty."What do you mean by that.. I mean..." She started to say but the stranger raised her hands effectively cutting her off."It seems you've got the wrong place, young girl. The name you just called is strange to me. I've not heard it before. You can go and ask around maybe you are lost.""No ma, I am not." Madison insisted.She was very sure of what she was saying.This was the house she'd come to call her second home.It was in this same brown bricked house she'd laughed, she'd cried, she'd moaned in pleasure, she'd....She had to stop thinking about all those now."Ma, sorry to disturb you but I'm very sure of what I'm saying. I'm looking for Dam......" She trailed of because the woman didn't even allow her finish."Young girl. You are lost, I don't know who Damien Daniel is, or Layla or Grace or whatever other person's name you are ca
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10 YEARS LATER"Sir we have the list of the hostesses, and ushers for tomorrow's event."Damien looked up at his secretary, and giving her a warm smile he listened to her belt out schedules, while he stretched his arms out collecting a file from her.Dropping the files on the table, as he was going to go through it later, he cleared his throat and then said dismissively, "I think that would be all for now, Nina.""Okay sir, and lest I forget, Ma'am Katherine said she was going to stop by your office later. She called to inform me."Sighing, Damien let out a fake smile and waved his hands.He wasn't expecting Katherine anytime soon, as he had spent the last weekend with her.She was his girlfriend, on and off girlfriend rather, and now they might soon be engaged.It was her father's choice not his, and Damien was even thinking about it in order to foster a deal with her billionaire father, and whereas she loved him, Damien couldn't say the same for himself, as he had only ever loved on
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"Do I look pretty enough Damien?" Katherine asked, and giving her a warm smile he nodded genuinely.Appraising her, and looking up and down at the pretty evening exquisite dress that he had personally selected for her, Damien couldn't deny the fact that his partner and date tonight for the event looked so gorgeous.A blonde haired beauty, Katherine had caught Damien's eyes the first time they had met at a social gathering where she had accompanied her father, and from there on their relationship had blossomed.Her enchanting blue eyes had drawn him towards her.No not him, but his dick rather and all through the night they had exchanged flirty winks, his sexual innuendo egging him on as he wanted to have those beautiful eyes of hers looking at him, while he fucked her deep and hard.At first, it had started with a fling, as Damien had used his effective playboy talks on her, wanting to woo her and have her spend the night with him, and luckily his antics had worked quickly.That same
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Damien walked inside the event which was already underway, with Katherine by his side, their elbows intertwined together, looking like the ultimate celebrity power couple which the media portrayed them as.They had arrived some minutes ago, and he had just finished giving his welcome speech, going up the stage as he had been called with Katherine as usual by his side, and he had welcomed the guests to the business function.He had left for outside, wanting to get some fresh air, and Katherine obligingly had followed him too, and now they were both back inside going straight to their seat.The crowd stilled as he entered yet again, and it felt as if he was arriving just for the first time because he could feel the stares of the guests on him as he walked in, and scanning the crowd he duly waved them as expected once again.While he waved, at the same time he looking for the VIP seat that had been kept for him and Katherine.The seat they had both sat on, some minutes back.Music playin
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Flashbacks, 2011... 11 years earlier"The most beautiful thing in our hearts about young love, is the truth in our hearts that it would last forever ~ ATTICUS ~"Would you come to the shop later today Maddie?"Looking up at him shyly, Madison gave a small smile as she nodded gently.Anytime he called her Maddie, she always got weak to the core, and his husky deep voice did things to her inside.Oh, if he would just kiss her now... She wondered, biting her lips, looking up at him shyly, her eyes blinking softly trying not to meet his gaze but she failed.They had just started dating, some weeks back and still they hadn't shared their first kiss.Every single day though, she kept on falling deep in love with him, and the cute gestures he showered on her every time.From taking her to little spontaneous dates in his workplace, kissing her cheeks and forehead so gently whenever they wanted to part in the juncture before she would go home, and sending her love texts late at night that made
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"Done! Yes she would pay for it. She would pay for every single dime used in making this dress. She would pay for every thing, and if she doesn't, we'll sue!"As she heard these words coming out from his lips, Madison felt like commanding the ground to open up and swallow her.2000 freaking dollars! Where the fuck would she get that money from?That was almost half of her tip for this job, and the meager 800 dollars that she was going to get after everything she would do here, had already been budgeted.Asides from the tip also that these horny looking cheating men, had given her after she served them drinks, Madison knew that should she pay for the dress, then she would be utterly broke and stranded in New York, and she did not want to go through that nightmare.She had even decided on taking the train back home, as she wanted to save up the money she would use to book a flight back home, and now this had to happen!She started to sob uncontrollably, and a bit loud too not caring if
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"That lady, was the girlfriend of the owner of this building! How dare you be so careless?"Madison stood as the chaperone and the manager of her agency berated her.If there was anything she hated in this world, it was being yelled at.She was so fragile, so light hearted that even back when she was young, and had still been living with her parents and siblings, any little berating from them, would make her drop down in tears.Now, as the manager of the establishment where waiters were being recruited chastised her, as if she was but a little girl, Madison just couldn't help the sob that escaped from her lips, as he continued throwing insults at her.The constant reminder of the cost of the dress, which he kept on repeating, did nothing in alleviating the situation instead it worsened everything.She was the only one in the office with him, because the waitresses and waiters who had served today at the event had all collected her tip and left her here.No one had stayed to even conso
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“Tell me everything you’ve got.” Damien said to his head lawyer, Mr Rudiger and the man he had hired to further delve into the Connors case.He had abandoned the case some years back, after his mother had told him to drop it, but with the recent appearance of Madison, and the memories that were plunging in his head, Damien couldn’t let it off any longer.He was reopening the case, and just like he had promised himself the night before after the event, and after drinking himself to sleep, he had decided to begin the investigations today.He was going to bring the Connors down, but first he was going to make each and every member of the family pay before he would then face the head of the household, ruthless politician and the man who had sired the woman he had loved since time immemorial, Mr Connor.For the ruin that elderly man caused his family, the death of his father, banishing then from Birmingham after winning a law suit against him, and making his life a living hell before his l
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Flashbacks, 2011… 11 years earlier‘If I had to sum up friendship in one word, it would be comfort.’ ~ Terri Guillements.“Hey Alvarez, come on in brother…”Madison watched with delight, and a blush creeping up her cheeks, as Damien invited her best friend into the shed where he had been busy working.Dropping the spanner she had been holding on the a work table nearby, and walking over to meet him, she smiled enveloping him in a hug almost immediately, as she said, “Hey Alvarez, what brings you by.”“Oh that’s enough between you too.” Damien said roughly, his hands on her back as he dragged her of Alvarez’s arms, and both him and Alvarez chuckled softly, while she swooned uncontrollably.It really amazed her how rather possessive Damien was of her, to the extent that he never allowed any of his or her male friends to come in contact with her, talk more of hug her tightly just the way she was doing with Alvarez.“He is my best friend for goodness sake Damien. I met him before I met yo
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"Sure.” Madison assented, nodding to Alvarez's idea of having some coffee at a nearby shop he had sighted on his way to her motel. "I do need some fresh air after all this crying," She joked.She didn't think it necessary to tell him that the said coffee would be the first thing she was having today. If she did, she knew he would insist on getting her something to eat. And she didn't wish to be anyone's burden.The worried look on his face told her that be didn't think it was that amusing, but she waved it off, glad that he was here as he helped her pack her luggage into the trunk of his car.Madison turned to face Alvarez as he suddenly began to laugh heartily. "Hey, watch the road," She warned jokingly, joining in his contagious laughter although she wasn't sure the reason for it. "What's so funny anyways?""I just remembered when I used to help you sneak out to watch those circus shows your father thorough despised.” He laughed again. "We really were some trio weren't we?" She join
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