Все главы Looking Through the Battlefield : Глава 1 - Глава 10
Chapter 1
"They are not paired," my father told me."And might I ask how I'm supposed to find them within the battlefield you have created?""I told you not to look for them in the first place,""Kaname and Kami both are on the battlefield, they've been there since our 10th birthday. Father, it's obvious they don't like me and you are never around either, I have a half-sibling somewhere in this city and I will find them. I at least want to know what they look like, Father please, I need more to go on." I plead with my father, hoping that this time he'll let me know something about my half-sibling."Don't tell the brat anything, she's already abandoned us on the battlefield, wouldn't want her to abandon the family too now would we?" Kami says leaning on the doorframe, I turn around
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His Successor
"Uh oh" As I stepped through the portal, I can see Kami standing in my room with her arms crossed across her chest. It's obvious she saw me but there are many reasons as to why she's here right now."What did I do now?" I say as I roll my eyes and sit on my bed."You know Father hates it when we spare heroes right?" "Yeah so?""So, why did you do it?""Well, you know I've never actually killed anyone throughout this entire war right?""Well, I do now but why?""Because I have no intention of lengthening my lifespan,""Don't you want to live longer?""If I have to cut another person's life short to make mine longer, I prefer to die when I turn 30," I say as I lie down on my bed."That would cut 5 years off of your original lifespan," "I know, now get out I'm tired," I said trying to kick her out because I had no time for her."Fine, but I'll be telling Father about this and he
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"Why would you want to see her now of all times," Father looks at me suspiciously. "Do I need a reason to see my mother now? If you need one, I was talking to Gem and she thought I could use some time away,""Gem suggested this?" Father said raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I'll be at mother's place for a while, I'm going to pack my bags," I said as I walked out of my Father's study."Karma wait I-" I closed the door behind me as Kaname tried to speak to me.The next morning, Gem had told me since my mother isn't paired, she should live in a city made for people without pairings. The city is protected by a thin layer of material that will either cancel or drastically reduce powers and the city is miles away from where I'm living with Father. Gem also says that he refuses to go near there so I'll have to rely on my portals."When you try to get there, your portal might send you somewhere else or you can't pass through them. For you to ge
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What He Knows
"Can we talk?" Kaname stood behind the door, looking unsure but smiling awkwardly. Kaname was usually a pretty confident guy, so I knew something was up."Yeah, have a seat on the bed," I stop putting away my clothes and sit on the bed with Kaname. "What's up?""I want to help you help you find our sibling," he said, I looked at him suspiciously when he said that."Why?" I said as I stopped putting my thing away."I was thinking about how to be a better brother and I thought maybe if I help you find them it could bring us closer together,""Wouldn't that push us away from each other after I found them though?" "It might but I'm sure that with my help you'd find them and we'd definitely be closer," he said sounding sure of himself."So why do you look so unsure of yourself?" "Pfft, I'm not unsure of myself. I'm unsure that you'll let me help," Kaname said scratching his head."Well I guess I can't turn you dow
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"Shoot," Kaname looks back up at me."Does Kami know anything about our brother?""I'd hope not,""What do you mean by that?""Kami is...how should I put this" Kaname leans back but doesn't close his eyes."A hothead?" I finish his sentence."Well yeah but in this case, I would say unpredictable. Remember when Father first told us about him?""Yeah, Mom cried for hours," The memory of my devasted mother flashed through my mind. I couldn't even imagine the pain she felt."Yeah, I remember that too but do you remember what Kami said? Think about that for a bit."I tried to remember what Kami's words were but all I could remember was my Mother's sobs."Uh, Kaname?""She said another obstacle" Kaname sat up "At 10 years old, Kami had thought about us as nothing more than obstacles.""She really said that about him?""Yes, Father was taken aback at her statement but he ignored it to tend to Mom. Th
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Family Dinner
I leave my room to see if dinner is ready, as I exit I bump into Asagi."Sorry, Asagi I wasn't looking where I was going,""It's okay Lady Karma, how are you feeling?""I'm okay, how about you?""I'm good thanks for asking, Miss Karma if you feel uncomfortable in the room you are staying in, I can move you to another one,""Thank you, Asagi I'll keep that in mind," He probably remembered what happened 6 years ago too. "Asagi do you know if dinner is ready yet?""Yes, in fact, I was coming to get you,""Thank you Asagi," he bowed and walked away, I made my way downstairs to the dining room. When I get there I see mom and Kaname talking, they both look at me."Karma, Kaname, and I were just catching up," Mom says with a big smile, I haven't seen her this happy in a while. I take a seat across from Kaname and the maids bring out our food."That's good, hey mom do you think you could answer my question now?""Sure, wh
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The Family Business
The next morning, I wake up and get ready to help mom at Father's business. Father owns one of the biggest shopping malls in the world, as well as the only shinigami company in the world. Father is paired with the God of death so he can freely communicate with other shinigami easily. Mom is a spiritualist but can't really communicate with shinigami well, which is why she wants us to help. Kaname and I can freely see and speak with shinigami, making the job easy for us. Sometimes people can't see their own shinigami so they would come to the shop and see if they have one."Karma are you ready?" Kaname says knocking on my door."Yea you can come in," I said pulling a sweater over my head. "Karma what are you wearing?" Kaname gives me a look of disappointment."What's wrong with it?" I said looking in the mirror, "Is it the jeans? I knew it, should've gone with the black ones,""You can't wear an oversized hoodie, wait is that mine?""May
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Kaname's Side
"Haru you can go back to your desk now," Kaname told Haru, he thought it would be a lot harder to find the file if she noticed me looking around. "Oh but I'm-" Haru tried to speak. "Haru," Kaname cut her off "you may go back to your desk now, I'll be helping my mother now so you can attend to your other duties," Kaname said coldly to her, she got the hint and left. "You didn't need to send her away so coldly Kaname," Mom says in a worried tone. "Sorry I meant nothing by it, so what exactly do you do all day?" "I have meetings all week but I also need to organize some files," "Files? I could do them for you," "Really?" "Of course, you need to go to those meeting so I'll arrange the files for you," "Thanks, Kaname, the files are in a room, down the hall, and to the left," "No problem Mom," "Won't you be bored in there by yourself? Oh I know I'll send an intern to help you," Mom said excite
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Since You've Been Gone
"Rei, what are you doing here?" I said surprised but happy to see Rei. Rei is a childhood friend of Kaname, Kami, and me. We grew up together since her father and my father were best friends, she also joined the war with us and her older brother but within the first year of the war, she lost her brother and became distant from the 3 of us.  "I could ask you the same thing Karma, office work is never you're thing" "That is so true but my mom needed help so here I am. Why are you here?" "I think I lost my power on the battlefield yesterday so I decided to come here to see if Yuko is still hanging around me. Do you see him?" "Sorry Rei, I don't," I said looking around Rei, who looks depressed. "Thought so," she sighs, "Well at least I get to go home I guess," "Rei, if I can ask how did you lose Yuko?" "We were fighting against a QP, when I was hit with a shining orb. When it was approaching I tried to run but it was like it w
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"Is everything ok in here? Why are you guys on the floor? Get up it's dirty," Mom said standing at the door. "Everything's fine Mom, but where did that blonde girl go?" "Blonde girl?" Mom tilts her head in confusion. "The girl that was supposed to help me file earlier," "Kaname, I never sent a girl with you," "But you did, I don't remember her name but she was here with me," I help Kaname up and support him with walking. "Kaname what happened in here?" "Oh nothing, I was just resting," Kaname closes his eyes, "K, do you think you could help me up," "Oh, of course," I bet Kaname is going to try to remember what happened to him. "Kaname, you've been sleeping a lot today, would you like to go home?" "No, I'm just fine, Karma and I will be in the conference room," "Oh but-" "We'll grab lunch later, bye Mom," I help Kaname into the conference room, and help him into a chair. "Do you remember a
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