
Chapter 80

The North American Council waited patiently in the dining hall. If the Europeans thought they would have a say in the goings on in one of their packs they would learn a hard lesson. They had no say here.

Carr watched the convoy of cars being escorted by his Betas. Cole and Brett led them to the main house where the cars parked. The Baxter Betas outnumbered the Europeans and their entourage. They may be the same species but there was no love lost between the Europeans and Americans and very little trust. They had no business being here without being invited. Carr vowed to be polite but firm. This was his pack, his lands, his right to refuse their request to stay if he so decided.

Rhys and Alistair stood next to Carr. They were sure what this was about and knew their own council would back them up. And they would have Guillame on their side.

The Head of the European Council stepped out of the car and looked briefly around the compound. He stood there in his
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