The bad girl has a heart

The bad girl has a heart

Oleh:  Love Blanche  On going
Bahasa: English
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"I think the both of us were destined to meet," he leaned closer, casually trapping me between him and the tree behind me. As intense as this was, I had to pull myself together. Maxine Carlisle doesn't show emotions! "Well I think you're delusional. There is no such thing as destiny," "And yet here we are," he gave me a sly smirk. "We were just unfortunate to be here," I reciprocated the gesture. I wasn't going to show him that he's gotten to me. "I'm starting to like you Maxine," somehow, those words sent butterflies in my stomach. "You don't want to make that mistake Ryan. I'm bad news!" Maxine isn't one to feel sadness, or pity or even compassion for anyone. She doesn't gossip with her friends and she doesn't giggle about boys. When girls her age are out shopping, she's out on the streets doing graffiti on walls... so no, she isn't your typical average teen. Her father may have all the money in the world, but even he can't get her a new attitude. And all the love he showered her with still didn't manage to soften her heart. Tired of her daughter's rebellious attitude, her father takes her to a Summer camp in hopes that her daughter may at least learn to tolerate people if not live with them. 'Nothing good could come out of this' she told herself, 'a total waste of valuable time. But she ended up slightly enjoying life without WiFi... and shocker! Actually making a friend. Miseri Camp changed her life completely... and the pessimist arrogant rebellious girl who hated the world and didn't believe in love.. Well... Read and find out!!!

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          *WARNING* This book contains strong language and may be unsuitable for children under the age of sixteen. Viewer discretion is advised.     Maxine. "What did you do dthis time Maxine?" it was clear by the tone he used that he was not at all happy being here. The feeling was mutual being really... I didn't like him being here almost as much as I didn't like me being here. "Why do you always asume that I've done something?" "You just so happened to be in the principal's office because you scored a perfect grade on your tests?" his question was totally rhetorical and full of sarcasm. "I can't help being smart dad," I gave him a slightly innocent shrug, just to tick him off a bit... my dad totally hated it when I did that.  He frustratedly grabbed his hair, and on realizing waht he had done, made an effort to return
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1: He's bad news!

Maxine. "Maxine Carlisle! Your bail's been posted... you're free to go!" the prison cell I was confined in opend, and I was finally free to leave. I've heard a lot of people complaining about how terrible their experiences in jail were... but to be honest, it actually isn't that bad! A couple of roaches here, and a few rats there, but that's basically about it! Nothing as bad as they make it sound like in the movies. But then again, I've only been here for like, I don't know, an hour? Those guys have spent years, even decades in here! So some people might argue that my 'jail term' doesn't exactly count... well I still argue that it does! The officer led me to the front desk, where I found Jackson, my father's right hand man back at the company, impatiently waiting for me. And when he saw me, he noticably seemed more relaxed, and his usual goofy smile was back on his face. "Miss Carlisle, it's been a while," he gave me a respectful nod, and strangely enough, I reciprocated it, an ac
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2: Summer camp.

Maxine. The father- son relationship between my father and Logan hasn't gone smoothly for a long time. I mean, the two have always had a rocky relationship, but things became worse two years ago. The two have just never gotten along. You think I have an awful relationship with my father, you should see Logan! He rebelled ever since he turned sixteen. He had this sudden career change and saw it was his 'calling' to be a musician instead. And of course that decision worsened his relationship with dad, considering he was the one who was supposed to take over the company. Ever since Logan recorded his very first song, which I've never really bothered listening to, dad has never talked to him again. No phone call, no email, not even a text! So it's something pretty worrying when dad calls Logan, of all people, for advice. Arriving at the office, I got the usual welcoming. Everyone basically downcast their eyes and walked as far away from me as they could... well, ever
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3: Miseri Camp

*~Logan~*“We're here!” Jackson announced as he parked the car at the drop off. Maxine aimlessly stared outside the window... staring at everyone who was passing by with their luggages. I couldn't exactly tell what she was thinking though.Once upon a time, I could read her like an open book. I could tell when she was mad, when she wanted something, when she was sad and miserable even without her telling me anything... but nowadays, as far as I'm concerned, nobody can really tell what's running through her head half or even all the time.The things she does, the stuff she says... she's a totally different person! Life really fucked her up... more than she'd care to admit. “Star?” dad called her, that childish nickname he gave her long ago because of her obsession with the stars... But I haven't heard anybody call her that in a while, and by the shock on Max's face, I could tell she hasn't either. I saw her swallow hard and then casually return her gaze back outside. “What?” but she
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4: Pick a room

~*Maxine*~“Hey! Is this seat taken?” I didn't want to act like a bitch, not to someone who was being overly bubbly and friendly. The cheer in her voice slightly agitated me... Her huge smile did too. I just couldn't make up my mind on which of the two annoyed me the most. Maybe if I ignore her long enough though, she'll vanish?“You're still here,” I looked up at her. She was supposed to seem offended, I expected her to look offended, but her smile just only grew.. which should technically not even be possible.“I love your hair,” she commented, “Was it always like that? Or is it like highlights or ___”“Can you like, I don't know, take an hour break from talking? I'm trying to enjoy my music before we get to that cursed 'misery' camp,”“It's actually 'miseri'___”“Not the point here 'dimples'”She giggled like a kid... Like me calling her 'dimples' was the funniest thing she's ever heard. It was slightly worrying that this jolly-dimpled-weirdo found humor in all the insults I tried
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