
Chapter 3: A New Day

HE finished eating a while ago, and Mr. Ambroise has sent me the clothes a little earlier. Caspian is changing in my closet right now. Gosh, I can't wait to see his outfit! I'm sure he'll look dashingly handsome as usual. I just can't contain myself!

"All right. How do I look?"

I turned around from my seat and closed the book shut, my eyes danced towards the fine young man standing before me. Oh la la~ Sha la la in the moonlight~ 

My mouth gaped open and my eyes grew wide after seeing how cooler and more attractive he has become. He was wearing a gray hoodie inside and a jacket on the outside, black jeans and a Nike Air Max 270. Dang! He's slayin' it!

Mr. Ambroise, you just made my standards of guys even higher. Respect. You're a living legend. 

"Does it.. look bad?" Oh right, I was too focused on how handsome he is that I forgot to comment, but he just looks like he jumped out of a teen magazine! Oh right, he jumped out of his own novel. Now he's lookin' like your typical heart throb.

"Of course not, you look very gorgeous. Off the charts handsome, anyone would fall for you if they saw how striking you are." I complimented and he smiled, "Don't exaggerate. But I'm glad you liked it." 

Oh crap, he's too hot! 'Gotta change the subject.

"Does it feel comfortable? Do you like it?" I asked him instead and looked away. Don't blush self! Or you'll make it too obvious!

"Yeah, it's very comfortable, even more comfortable than the tacky clothes our Royal Tailor. Those were too decorative and adorned with too much detail, this is very light and casual." 

Exactly! All hail the 21st century!

Ah, Caspian is lookin' so fine and the sun is shining so bright outside. It was a perfect day to fangirl over such handsomeness and have some fun as well. If only I could bring him out, but that would be risky and reckless of me, I can't do that. Then what are we supposed to do while waiting for my Brother? I don't want him to be too bored. 




Eureka! I have an idea, "Hey Caspian, do you wanna try playing a video game?" Hehe, most guys I know are interested in playing video games. And even if he's from another world, I'm pretty sure he'll become obsessed with it once he picks up the controller. Hehe, I'm a genius! 

"A.. video game?'

"Yeah,  a video game. It is an electronic device where you manipulate the images created by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. You control your avatar, or your character using a nerve gear or a controller and accomplish quests. Do you wanna try it? it's fun!" I suggested. 

It would be good to see a Noble Prince playing a video game. Particularly, acting all silly and wild which is so different from his personality. I have to take a video, to preserve some memories. 

"Sure, if you say it's fun then it's fun. I trust your judgement." Ah, I'm in cloud nine! I could rewind that like a broken record and have it as my ringtone. 

"This game is my favorite, it's called Dragon Slayer." I then explained how it works, how to play it and the rules to follow. Since he was quick-witted and fast to adapt, he got the hang of it after an hour and he's been grinding it in level 5 now. 

Ah, I'm so proud. 

That's right, just keep up the good work pretty boy! You'll become my model since you're so handsome, definitely an eye candy. Gosh, I could stare at him all day! I won't be hungry  anymore if I just look at him all day. Wait till the others see him, I can already imagine the expressions they'll make. 

"W-What? How did I die? I was so sure that I blocked its fire breath!"

"Hah, beat that you troll!"

"Feel the power of the Leonhart Empire's greatest Swordmaster and Hero! You're done, Dragon!"

"Wait, is that a new opponent? Oh, game on!"

See what I mean? All men are a like in different ways. The mighty Prince of the Leonhart Empire, going wilder than when he is drunk after playing a video game. I have discovered a new kind of alcohol that makes them twice as wild: Video Game by yours truly~

"Ria, I finished level 5. I'm moving on level 6 now, I'm facing the Iron Scale Dragon, wish me triumph." He said excitedly and showed me his achievement,  "Then I wish you victory, Dragon Slayer." I cheered and he put the nerve gear on again.

It looks like my job here is done, well done self!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

"CASPIAN, lunch will be arriving here in a short while. My Brother will arrive here this afternoon so I'll tell him about you, don't worry, you can put your trust in him, he's a man of dignity and honor." I told him after he played for three hours or so.

"You must really put your Brother in high regards for you to trust him too much." He noticed. 

Well yeah, my Brother stood as my Mother, my Father and my pillar when our parents died when I was only 5. I didn't really have much memories of them since they were only married for mutual benefits, there wasn't any love between them. Just pure trust and gain. 

"Of course I do, he's the only family I have aside from my Sister-in-law and Ecklis. My Brother may be a perfectionist and not as affectionate like other brothers, but he's a good person. He just has a lot on his shoulders so I understand that he's not as free as he used to be. But it's okay, he will never betray his family and duty." 

He's 12 years older me and in such a young age, he had to take over our family organization and businesses. He didn't have a normal childhood nor was he able to spend his youth like others, he matured earlier than the rest. As far as I know, he was the closest person to our parents and he was there to learn from them first hand. 

Well, I'm not sympathizing with him since I didn't have a normal childhood either. Since Brother already succeeded the Valler House, I also had to endure training and comprehend more advanced subjects at an early age since I also have the duty as the only candidate of the Vasquez House in my Mother's side to become the Heiress. Sure, it was hardwork and there were times that I had the urge to give up, but because of him, I endured it all.

Later on, we both entered the Valler Organization that our family leads. This organization is directly under the government, particularly the President of the country. We are tasked with only the most difficult and notorious missions to deal with so we're pretty much not normal. And as the leaders, we have to make sure we never get left behind or become incompetent, we must always be at the top, ranked as number 1. 

That't just the way it goes. Our sense of duty and obligation is greater than our own sacrifices. That's the Valler name: Perfection.

"He's an admirable figure. I wish my Brother was like that, but he's not. He's a complete idiot who only has the Emperor's favor, he isn't much of a rival." I guess this is his way of lighting up a mood? Then he surely can read the room.

Or maybe his way of telling me to stop reminiscing painful memories and cheer up? Anyway, I should stop. "Yeah, the Crown Prince is a jerk. He's all talk with no show, he's shameless and deluded with his desires but he doesn't know how to reach it. He doesn't deserve to be Emperor." That was a bit of an exaggeration, he was decent but compared to Caspian, he's no rival. 

"How do you.. know about about me and the Crown Prince?" Ah, I've been waiting for that question since earlier.

"I'm glad you asked. You see, this is the real world. Reality. But what you're living in could be called another world, but a different world where people from the real world such as us, create plots and characters to our own liking. That is what we call a book, or a novel. We read it but you get to live a life in that world of yours with your own thoughts, dreams, ideals, ambition, interests and actions, but it will all follow according to the Author's plot. And if the story is finished, I'm not sure what happens next. And the world you are living in is called 'Endless Poison Love', its a fantasy-romance novel." I explained.

Gosh, I can't go berserk and tell him everything or he'll be crushed! I've already been a talking disaster earlier this morning, so we shall now speak the unspeakable. 

Thou shall not be said. Hehe.

"I see. That's a lot to undertake right now.." He paused and he got lost in his thoughts when I felt a familiar sensation that I haven't felt for a while now. I can hear the maids hurrying to get everything perfect in their right order, the sound of a revving car engine coming to a halt in front of the house. 

He's here. The man of the manor, the Head of Valler, Aden Yves V. Valler. My elder Brother. 

"Miss, the Master has arrived." 

Mr. Ambroise conveyed the message, "Alright. I'll be right down." I replied and stood up, I looked at the mirror and checked how I look. I'm wearing plain white tee shirt, beige shorts, pastel yellow plaid oversized polo and a black Leather high top sneaker. I combed my hair quickly and hurried out, "I'll be back Caspian. My Brother just arrived, I have to greet the King, haha!" I said and went down to greet him. 

The maids lined up in two rows, paving a path for my Brother and his Secretary to walk through. I stood beside my Aunt and Ecklis, everyone was silent for a while until Mr. Ambroise spoke. The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, like a beast has escaped its cage. It's as if winter hitched a ride with him. 

Ah, I missed him. He was gone for two whole months on a business trip with a side-order of mission from the government.  

"Welcome back, Master Aden." Mr. Ambroise greeted.

Aside from being very successful and well-accomplished, my Brother is extremely handsome. His portraits doesn't do him justice, his pictures couldn't capture his beauty, he's a legend! Yeah, I'm a simp for handsome guys. 

My Brother has disheveled grayish to black hair, perceptive ebony eyes, beautiful long eyelashes, gorgeous thick eyebrows, and seductive plump lips. His skin like snow, and not to mention how broad-shouldered and well-maintained his body is. Anyone can tell just how charismatic he can be. He's wearing a black suit and tie, white polo and a close to brown trench coat draped on him. 

D*mn! My Brother looks so fine ya'll! You better not simp 'bout his gorgeousness.

Ah, I'm in heaven again. 

"Father! Father!" Ecklis called out and ran to him for an embrace. He picked him up and hugged him tightly, "Welcome back Darling." Sister-in-law or Aunt which I'm fondly calling her greeted him as well and gave him a peck in the cheeks. 

This looks like a scene from a Manhwa I read, this scene looks like a perfect family. Goals ya'll!

"I'm glad to be back Ecklis, Amy."  

"Brother, I missed you." I embraced him tightly as I snuggled in his chest, his perfume always smells so nice, hehe. "Yeah, I missed you too Navier." Gosh! His voice is so manly, I'm simping eek!

"I've brought gifts for each one of you. Chris, go get them." Brother instructed his Secretary, Chris Von Creed. A 27 year old workaholic who has a phobia for women and the only exception from his phobia is his sister. He's pretty much a one-man band, he believes that men are the superior species. 

Hah, but at least he acknowledges those he finds admirable and interesting.

Aunt and Ecklis went outside with Sir Chris so I made my way and hinted my Brother that I needed something to tell him. He just nodded and told Mr. Ambroise that he'll be with me in his study for now. 

He opened his door towards his study and took his seat in his luxurious and fitting throne and placed his fingers together as his eyes began discerning my intentions. The King really is back, it's been a while since I've felt this intimidatingly imperceptible pressure coming from him. The air suddenly changes when he's around, it's like I'm in front of the Emperor right now. Such amazing pressure!

"Now, before you inform me of your matter. I too have complications I want to discuss with you, shall I get down to business?" He said.

"Of course." I smiled. I mean, what's more complicated than a fictional character coming to our world?

"All right. Just about yesterday, I happened to have confiscated a device invented by the Rohas organization, my analyst and specialists are toiling researching about this device and so far, we have little but dominant information. The device bends the law between reality and fantasy.." 

Y-You've got to be kidding me! No way!

" warps the existence of the two and somehow integrates them when a great desire is distinguished. That desire could be a strong sense of admiration, a perception of a complicated emotion or even great ambition.."

What?! But, I admire Prince Caspian so much, could that be the reason why he's here?! So what Brother's saying, all makes sense?! Could this be fate?!

"..for now, that is the only information we know. So when class starts, be vigilant and perceptive. You must bring whoever was brought in our world that is if they are in the same Academy as you are. I'm assigning you with the goal to lure that person into our side, Navier."

Ah, I think that won't be much of a problem, hehe. Am I really this lucky?! Thanks, fate.

Now, from what my Brother said, I'm now 110% sure that the reason for Prince Caspian, my favorite character in the novel, is here, is because of me and my admiration and my emotions. I guess I'm stronger than I thought? Though, I don't know if this is coincidence, fate, scientific results or even a curse, but I am grateful for this encounter. 

I would love to spend more time with him, but I can't get caught up with my selfish emotions either. If there is a chance for him to get back to his world and play his role as a character in a fantasy world, then I won't become a reason for him to stay. I'll send him back. Though, I know I'll feel like my heart will be shattered when that happens. It's not everyday you get a handsome guy from another world be your friend, right?

"Navier, what's your response?" My brother inquired.

"Actually, that won't be necessary. I might have.. accidentally.. uhm.. am the cause of all of this." Gosh, I'm so out of my mind right now!

"What do you mean, cause of all of this'?" He questioned and lifted his head.

Here goes nothing! I hope my fantasy-romance geek side won't get found out by my stupidness! 

"I woke up earlier this morning and I felt that someone was embracing me so I got nervous and punched the person. Then I made a fool out of myself thinking it was some stupid dream until I realized who it was! It was my favorite character from a novel I've been reading recently and it's not that I was trying to hide it or something, but I just didn't know what to do! So spare me if I was wrong or if I made a mistake or I tarnished the Valler name but he's in my room this whole time! The 2nd Prince of the Leonhart Empire, Caspian Tassel De Leon!"

Gosh, I thought I was rapping for a moment there. 

"I see. That changes the course of my plan. Bring him here at once." He inquired with a smile with motives behind it. Oh, crap. Did I make him mad? I am so dead. It looks like my doom flags are calling. Goodbye, world.

"As you wish. But just so you know, Brother, he's my friend so don't be too hard on him." I advised him before leaving his Study and hurried over to my room. God, I'm finally out of that suffocating room. It looks like I've avoided my doom flag today, heck yeah!

But, I wonder what my Brother wants Caspian for? I hope he doesn't do anything bad. 

"Oh, Ria, you're back. Did you tell your Brother about me?" He waved his hand and smiled at me, "Yeah, about that. He found the device that brought you here. Anyway, he's calling you to go to his Study.. He must have something to say to you." I told him and he was confused for a bit.

"All right, I understand." 

"Just so you know, my Brother is no ordinary man. Please mind your manners and if you can, answer all of his questions. Oh, and before I forget, make sure to be on his good side because he can be ve~ry scary when he gets mad." I warned him as we went down, Mr. Ambroise was surprised to see an unidentified guy walking beside me. I just smiled and hurriedly tugged Caspian to my Brother's Study.

"Good luck, Caspian." 

Gosh, cross my heart and hope to die he doesn't get kicked out. Haha! As if my Brother would do that, I mean, he's a man of dignity and honor so he shouldn't be too hard on the guy, right? There's no way my Brother would do that. I'll just laugh it off, tch!

Why am I even so worried? It's not like he's gonna die. Haha!

"Miss, are you all right?" Mr. Ambroise asked and used his forefinger to fix the temple of his glasses. "Yes, Mr. Ambroise. And don't worry about me, Brother is aware." I hope rumors don't spread.

"Of course, Miss. I understand." He said and lead me to the Library and served me a Mocha Frappuccino and a Blueberry Cheesecake that our Chef made in our Kitchen. Ah, I'm in paradise! These are so freakin' good! Hats off to our Chef once again.

"Thank you, Mr. Ambroise. Compliments to the Chef." I said and he smiled, "I'll make sure to tell him, Miss." Then he closed the door behind him and left. 

I'm seating near the vast window, the warmth of the sunlight penetrating the glass is relaxing. The cold drink on my hand compliments the heat of the sunshine, I love this. I then took a random book on the shelf, a book about Greek Mythology. 

I remember, when I was younger, I was very fond of Greek and Norse Mythology which further lead to my love for fantasy and fairytale. My Brother would read me a story each night and I'll feel like the happiest little girl in the world to have such a nice brother like him. Those were the days when our parents recently passed away, so he was considerate and concerned about my emotions and comforted me always. 

I thought that all of his attention will be on me, so that became my motivation to do my best in my heiress training and lessons. Of course, I was a natural, but it was still hard. But because of him, I became a better person. I have such high respect for him, I don't even compare to him. If there'll be an award for the best brother in the world, he would win it without any competition. No one knows the sacrifices he had to make for our present today, better than I do. 

But that was just some fantasy, since the reality is that he will never be able to keep his eyes on me since he has a duty to his family and an obligation for our legacy. There was some point when I hated my Sister-in-law since their relationship is based not just on trust, but also on love. My Brother loved her and she loved him. I was envious and confused at first, but the end justifies the means, this was the best course of action.

I understood my Brother's actions and I've learned that it's all okay because this is necessary for our growth. I then accepted her and I've come to love Ecklis even more since I've always wanted to be an older sister, so that was my chance. And instead of Ecklis calling me Aunt--though I hated it when he called me Aunt since I feel so old--I asked him to call me 'Noona' instead which we both liked better.  

"Miss, Master Aden is calling for you in his Study." Oh? They're finally done? 

"Okay. I'll be right there," I replied and went to his Study. I wonder what they talked about?

"Brother, I'm here." 

Caspian looks comfortable, so I'm guessing that Brother went easy on him or they came up with a conclusion. 

"Good. The young man and I already talked, we've settled into a compromise." Oh? 

"And what may that be?" 

"He'll be a part of Valler Organization." My eyes grew wide in shock. EXCUSE ME?!

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