
Chapter 2: Behold, A Prince

I FLINCHED and as fast as lightning, I jumped out of the bed and punched the guy's face, hard. I don't care how handsome he is or how well-developed and muscular his abs is showing, just who in the world is he?!

Gosh, am I even dreaming right now? Am I unconscious? Did somehow a hallucination pill get into my body? Am I in a VA system? WHAT?!

"Who are you? What's your affiliation?! Who sent you?! Speak now or I'll call my guards." I ordered.

Now that I'm clearly looking at him, he is really handsome. It's a shame if he's an assassin from an enemy. Anyway, this unidentified attractive guy right here has jet black hair, deep blue eyes, seductive lips.. Hold on, why does he look familiar? It's like I've seen him before. But where? 

Think Adharia Valler, think! Your life depends on this! Fighting!

"Get the hell off of me! I should be asking you that question. Guards! There's an assassin on the Prince's chambers! Guards!" His husky yet authoritative morning voice was loud. 

Oh my gosh! I.. I don't believe it.

He then glanced the place and pushed me off and I fell on the floor. "Ouch! How dare you, bastard!" I complained and glared at him. 

No matter how hard I look at him, there is no mistaking it. All the descriptions fit him perfectly like a glove. He's no android, hallucination, impostor nor a figment of my imagination. It's the real deal. He really is..

"Where am I?! Where did you bring me, assassin?! You've got some nerve taking the 2nd Prince of the Leonhart Empire as a hostage!" He thundered and a realization convinced. Yup. I'mma faint. This is so messed up.

Oh my golly! The 2nd Prince of the Leonhart Empire, the Swordmaster in the age of 17, the mighty and merciless Hero of War and Battles, the sovereign of the sword Ascalon, and the greatest and most successful Businessman in the Empire, the Prince Caspian Tassel De Leon.

It is amazing how talented he is in such a young age, but that's not the point! 

For the love of cake, HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! A fictional character! An image created by the Author! Argh! So how is he here in my room?! In our world?! And he's alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic?!

I must have gone crazy.

Am I really sure that I'm not sick? Maybe I have psychological problems but it is only showing now? Am I really crazy? Or could it be that I'm really in a dream right now and this is all in my head? Yeah, that's it. I just need to wake up and everything will be over. Yeah, someone wake me up! I still want to live! I promise to be nice to Cryx, I won't tease him about his height although it's really satisfying and I'll even eat broccoli! So please let me live! I'm desperate. 

"Hey! Are you listening to me? I asked you who you are and who sent you? Answer or you'll die in my hands today," he ordered and he snapped me back from my insane train of thoughts. 

Yeah, what's the harm of answering him? I'm in a dream right? Yeah, this is all not real. So who cares! Let's party! Woohooo~

"Hey yow Your Highness! My name is Adharia Navier V. Valler, 17 years old and a proud bookworm. I love reading fantasy-romance novels, but I also read mystery or thriller books. I'm pretty sure I'm not a spoiled rich brat too since I hate make-up, 'cause, yuck! Make-up is so disgusting and uncomfortable, eew! I also have a dog named Achilles, my Brother gave it to me on my 14th birthday. He's a really nice person. Oh! And most of all, I'm a huge fan of yours, Your Highness! You're so talented and amazing, and hey, I personally think that you're much more decent than that Crown Prince, he looks like a plastic barbie doll, ya' know." Gosh, I've been blabbering too much. But I don't care anymore, this is all a dream. 

"How dare you slander the Prince's name, you'll be charged with treason if others heard about this, Adharia Navier V. Valler!" Oh shoot. He snapped, so cool!

"Ah, who cares? I'm in a dream right? So even if I died, I'll just wake up, duh." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

He then cornered me to the wall and his beautiful eyes locked with mine, he just glared at me as if his eyes are piercing my soul. Or could it be that he has fallen in love with me? Yeah, just kidding. I'm not that desperate, haha. 

"I command you, Adharia Navier V. Valler, too once again comply with my inquiry. Where am I?How did you bring me here? Who are you working for? How do I get out of here?" He interrogated. He then broke a glass from my side table and threatened me to speak up as he put the shard of glass near my neck.

So wait, why do I feel the sharp end of the glass in my skin if this is a dream? Could this dream be so powerful that I could also feel pain? But what if this is all real? I've been insisting that what's happening right now is a dream that I even humiliated myself with my introduction to His Highness. So is this real or not?!

"Uhm.. Are you alive?" I asked stupidly.

"What the hell? Do I look dead to you?" He thundered.

"Then.. Am I dead?" Yeah, I really might be dead right now since I'm talking face-to-face a fictional character.

"W-What? Are you sane right now? Obviously, you're alive and so am I," he looked at me, disgusted.


Wait. If he's alive and I'm alive. Then shouldn't characters like him say that 'I'm not fictional anymore'? Isn't that every girl's dream? 

Oh my golly! This is all real! I just officially embarrassed myself in front of my favorite character of all time and made a fool of myself. I'm so ready to die now. 

I blushed so hard realizing the situation I am in, this is so shameful. My dignity! My ego! My pride! All shattered, JUST. LIKE. THAT. Mind blown! 

"Ah, I-I see. Uhm, you're in the country of Casia in the 21st century. Today is August 31 in the year of 21XX. This is our Mansion, particularly my bedroom. I didn't sign a contract with a devil and I don't work for any evil or illegal organization besides my family. And I'm not sure how you got here nor do I know how to bring you back." I replied. 

Gosh, I can feel my cold sweat dripping in my forehead! So much for a peaceful morning. 

I feel so high, gosh I hate drugs.

"D*mn! 21st century?! Country of Casia? Are you sure you are not making up blatant lies? How am I sure that you are telling me nothing but the truth?" Ugh! For some reason, I am extremely proud and offended at the same time. How perplexing!

"Of course, I am not lying to you, Your Highness. And my apologies about my misconduct earlier, I was merely in a confused state of mind. So anyway, I'll prove it to you." I apologized and moved to my reception area. I put my hand in the cabinet and it scanned my hand print to initiate the security system to grant me access.

"W-What is that thing?" He stepped back with caution and looked at my 'baby' unfold. Yeah, bow down to modern technology ya'll!

"This, Your Highness, is the 21st century's modern technology. Pretty amazing, right? This is an advanced device that can either be used to gather data, infiltrate systems, use upon entertainment or even be connected to a satellite outside our planet. This kind of tech is limited because of how expensive and high-end it is. But our family has several once of these babies." I proudly boasted and smirked. 

Modern technology rules! In ya' faces medieval times! Ah, just joking. Please don't take this seriously.  

"Incredible. It's like magic but on another scale, it is simply astonishing. There is no doubt, I am in another world, I believe you, Adharia," finally, he believes me! Golden flag up, I've succeeded.

"You can just call me Ria or Navier, Your Highness." I suggested and closed it once again.

"Then call me Caspian as well, Ria," ack! My heart, it's pounding. Is this love? Joke!

"All right, Caspian. Welcome to the 21st century." I've always wanted to do this! Hehe.

He just nodded and took a seat down in the sofa and massaged his head. "If you're feeling uncomfortable and if your body is aching, you can use my Massage Seat. Here, sit down." I showed him and he did as he was told, I plugged it in.

"The Massage Seat helps reduce blood pressure, lowers the pulse rate and increases one's metabolism. This technology mimics the hand motions and techniques of a massage therapists towards you entire body. It's efficient and effective." I feel like a Saleslady in the mall promoting a product to a customer.

"I feel so relaxed. The 21st century is great." Yup, no doubt about that!

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, it was Lucy. "Good morning Miss, are you awake? Your Aunt and Young Master Ecklis will be downstairs in the Dining Hall in thirty minutes, shall I help you get ready?" Crap! I forgot. 

"A-Ah, I'm fine Lucy. B-But please tell Mr. Ambroise to contact my Brother!" I said.

"Yes, Miss." 

That was a close call. "Who was that?" Caspian asked curiously, "Ah, my personal maid. She always helps me. But we have to keep your existence a secret first since this is all too sudden, it could cause an uproar. I'll tell my Brother about it so don't worry." I told him.

"Thank you, I owe you," he smiled. 

Whut. According to the novel, Prince Caspian rarely smiles and only does when he's with Claire. So why's he smiling so sweetly?

"No worries. I'll bring you food here as soon as possible so I hope you can wait. My Aunt and Ecklis will be waiting so I have to hurry." I said and hurried to the Bathroom and took a bath quickly. 

I still can't believe a Prince is living in my room. This feels like one of those webtoons or Manhwa I've read, or anime shows I love to watch, this feels so surreal! I'm so happy that I'm even dancing in the shower, I'm such an idiot! But what can I say? This is the best day of my life! It's like some kind of wish has been granted and whatever being or object brought Caspian here heard me. 

Whoever you are, thank you! Arigato! Kamsahamnida! Maraming salamat! Gracias! Grazie! Merci! Mahalo! Kyah, just thank you! 

"~A Prince is living in my room~ A Prince is living in my room~ Woo hoo~" I began singing as I applied shampoo. I look so stupid with what I'm doing right now, haha! 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

I LEFT Caspian in my room, I hope he's doing fine over there. Hm.. I wonder what food shall I bring him? He is a Prince no matter how I look at it, a real Royal, so he should get the best of the food in our house. But at the same time, it should be new and different from what he usually eats. Hm.. I know!

The best way to a man's heart is his stomach, so I'll use that method. I'll stuff his stomach with so much mouth-watering food that he'll wish he was born here! Hehehe.

"Noona, you look so happy today. Did something happen?" Ecklis asked. Ah, I have been smiling since earlier, hehe.

"Of course! I had an unexpected morning, but it was all enjoyable. How about you, Ecklis? Did you sleep well?" I said with a smile and took a sip from my Mango shake. 

"Yeps! Thank you for the milk and cookies again, I really enjoyed them," he beamed.

"I'm glad." I smiled back.

 That reminds me, I need clothes for Caspian since I can't have him wearing a robe all through out his stay here. I'm sure Mr. Ambroise can make this work, I'll ask him secretly later. I hope he doesn't suspect.

"Dear, Arden told me that the two of you are classmates again. Isn't that wonderful? I'm sure he has his eye on you." Oh no. That tone means she's prying into my love life, as if I have one. I'm such a single pringle.

"Please don't be that way, Leander and I are just friends. And besides, there is no way that I'll be entangled with him in a romantic relationship when he has flings on the left and right side, he's a serious playboy after all." I immediately shut down the idea that my Aunt had. Me and Leander? Pfft! As if! More like Leander, the social climbers and the third party. Doesn't that sound like an interesting title of a romance genre?

"I see, you're still very shy. I understand," she replied with her eyes pleading. Nope, she's seriously misunderstanding here.

"Aunt, my type of guy is not the flirtatious, reckless and arrogant kind. Leander might be handsome and skilled, but I don't want a man who's surrounded by shallow women and views them as objects that he can replace later on. I loathe people like that. But since he's just my friend, I tolerate it." I explained. 

Leander, that bastard who's never contented with just one girl that he changes his girlfriend every week or until he gets tired. He brings them to bed like he's breathing air. For sure, he's Aphrodite's reincarnate. Tch! How playful can he get?

"I'm sorry if I jumped into conclusions, I was just eager." She apologized.

"It's alright," I accepted.

"Hm? Noona, why don't you have a boyfriend?" Ecklis asked. M-My foot! My foot!

"Being in a relationship is not a game, Ecklis. And since noona is still working hard to become the Vasquez Head and accomplish more, I don't want to have a boyfriend." I said and he pouted, "But I heard Wendy say that having a boyfriend is fun. I wanna have some fun too! So can I have a boyfriend when I grow up?" 

I have no words but.. HAHAHAHAHAHHA I bursted laughing at his statement and Aunt Amethyst was shocked. "E-Ecklis.. Y-You don't get a boyfriend, you get a girlfriend since y-you're a b-boy!" She stuttered and I chuckled.

"Oh! Okay, I want a girlfriend when I grow up!" He said boldly. 

"A-Aren't you l-learning a little too fast?" Aunt asked concernedly as she kept on biting her lip.

He's just 5, and yet, he already has a goal to have a girlfriend. And here I am, almost 18 years old and I'm avoiding having a boyfriend. Such sweet irony.

"Sure, whatever you want." I chuckled and finished my food. 

"So noona! Do you have any candidates in mind?" Pfft. C-Candidates!

"Candidates?" I repeated.

"Yes, candidates. Ya' know, I'm a Young Master, so there will be a lot of girls who will want to have me. But I don't like any of them. But if you suggest some, maybe I can open up to them," he said in a matter of fact tone. 


"Hm.. Why don't you ask your Mom to prepare some candidates for you?" I smirked as I glanced at her who was dumbfounded on how things were escalating this quickly.


"Y-Yes dear?" 

"I want a girlfriend so you have to prepare some for me. Make sure that she's pretty and my type, 'kay? You only have 'till next week." He advised. The entire room managed to compose themselves and kept themselves from bursting into laughter.

"H-How about a play date instead of an engagement? You have a lot of friends, don't you?" 

"Hm.. Fine, but I'm telling daddy." LT! HAHAHA

After having that morning joke show in the dining hall, I asked to Lucy to get me some extra food in the Kitchen and my excuse was that I was still hungry. She sighed and told me that I always eat too much. Well, that is true. 

Now, to find Mr. Ambroise. He's the mansion's Head Butler, Ambroise Vincent. The Vincent family are a part of the Valler organization for three generations now, and they usually become the Valler Head's Butler. Mr. Ambroise is very composed yet kind, he's been with in our Household ever since he took over his Father's job and he took good care of us. Me and Brother, us both.

Mr. Ambroise is a bespectacled man in his late forties. His almost gray hair combed neatly, wrinkles all over his face, and all smiles. He's has a good sense of manners and also a very decent sniper despite his age. 

"Mr. Ambroise, can I speak with you for a while?" I finally found him.

"Miss Adharia, of course. Is there anything you need?" Gosh, I really wanna call him 'Grandpa' now. 

"I was hoping if you could get me some clothes in my Brother's size. I want to use them for something," I asked and pouted, "Of course Miss. I'll bring it up to your room right away." He complied and I thanked him. 

I went up the grand curved staircase and dashed to my room. I was about to open the door when Ecklis tugged my sleeve, "Noona, when will you have a boyfriend?" Whut.

"W-Why do you ask? Aren't you too young to be asking such questions?" I retorted and averted my gaze.

"And aren't you in the right age to have one? Is it because there's no one good enough for you? Then I have decided! When I grow up, I'll marry Noona!" He declared even bolder than before and smiled, he didn't wait for my answer and ran towards Wendy who heard the whole conversation. Wait, then what was all that talk in the dining hall earlier? I glared at Wendy and she just smiled. 

Unbelievable! Was that a proposal?! He didn't just declare to be my girlfriend, but he declared that he'll marry me! Wow, kids nowadays are so.. shameless. But I hate to break it to him, he can't marry me since we're related. But its just too funny!

"Hi Caspian, have you been waiting long?" I asked him but he was hiding his laughter. Don't tell me he heard all of that?! 

"H-Huh? No. I'm alright," Just look at him glancing and snickering at me. 

"Don't misunderstand what Ecklis said. I know you heard everything so don't ask. He looks up to me a lot so it's only natural for him to say such things, but that will never happen since he's my Brother's son." I explained thoroughly.

Why am I defending myself? Am I guilty?

"You didn't need to explain, I know he's just a kid from the tone of his voice. But it was satisfying seeing you look all flustered." Uhm.. Excuse me? We just met like.. an hour and a half ago, and we already look like we've been friends forever. I'm so touched! Ah, this life. 

"Stop teasing me! You're not a child either!" I retorted and pouted.

"Come on, it was just a harmless joke. No harm done getting a good laugh." In the novel, he was described as mysterious and cold, especially to women. So how is he so comfortable with me? Is it some kind of change when he got here somehow? But it is rather a cool change, I like it.

"Fine, whatever." Tch. He's really good at annoying me.

Then I heard Lucy in front of the door, the food must be here already. Perfect timing! "Thank you Lucy, and please keep this a secret between us." I winked and she nodded, "Yes Miss, I'll be accepting an increase in my salary." She said with a smile and I chuckled, "Yeah. Sure," 

"Miss, Master Aden will arrive this afternoon. I just heard from the Butler." That certainly is good news. But, do I have to send Caspian back immediately? I want to be with my favorite character more! Waaah!

"Thanks Lucy, you're the best!" I thanked her. 

Lucy Fillia, 26 years old, she's an only child but since her family is poor, her sick Mother can't afford to work so she's working for them. Despite that, she wasn't able to finish college but since I've known her before after I saved her accidentally, I asked Brother that she'd be my maid and she agreed to it as well. Our salary wages are higher compared to others since the Valler family is extremely wealthy. 

"Here you are Your Highness, a breakfast fitting for a Prince. I even asked the Chef to cook them fresh earlier. This is a Chocolate Zucchini bread, Blueberry muffins, Ricotta Omelette with Swish Chard, fresh fruits and Vanilla Milkshake," I placed the tray on top of an empty square table.

"Thank you for the food, I'll do my best to be of help to you." He smiled. Thump-thump! Ack! My fragile heart! 

"All you have to do is eat, sleep and do whatever you want. My Brother and I will take care of the rest." That's right, since he's truthfully from the Imperial family, even if he's from another world, I have to at least show him the respect and hospitality he deserves. And, I want to change my impression of myself to him since I was a walking disaster earlier. 

"You spoil me too much, Ria. I'm unacquainted in this world, so I'll try my best to learn about it." It's as if he's saying that he's a huge burden for me so he'll learn as much as he can and help me. He really is considerate, I underestimated him. I'm grateful.

"Do as you wish. Now stop talking first and savor our Chef's delicious food," I pointed.

"Yes, My Lady." With those three words, my heart skipped a beat. Calm down self, calm down. Don't rush. Calling me 'My Lady' all of a sudden? I don't think I'm your ideal type of lady, I'm the opposite of a lady. 

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