
My Mate

Lucas's POV

I had gone out of the pack house earlier after I had gotten news of a rogue trying to break through the pack borders. I arrived just in time, before the rogue could do much harm to one of the pack members. “Alpha Lucas”

It snarled in anger and growled even more. I looked at its stance and figured it had to be a second generation, it was big but wasn't good or skilled. I suddenly felt the urge to punish the pack member who had been attack by it, and I will. Such an unskilled wolf actually beat up one of my pack members.

It launched at me, but I didn't flinch. As it got closer, I gave it a powerful kick, sending it flying to the other side. I lazily walked over to where it had landed and saw a naive girl standing there looking at it in bewilderment. My first thought of her was that she had to be human, but then as I took in her scent, I figured she had a feminine wolf aura around her. Except the fact that hers were way stronger than other regular wolves. Like the scent of a Luna, if not stronger.

She suddenly turned to me as soon she sensed my presence. Her eyes were the rarest shade of gold and as our gazes met, I found myself unable to pull away. Never had I once felt so connected to someone or felt this way, it was new and confusing. I was so dazed by her beauty that I hadn't realized the rogue had gotten back to its feet and lunged at her. By the time I snapped back to my senses, it had already slashed at her back with its claw. I watched her fall to the ground as she passed out immediately.

Feeling rage bubbling up within me, I gazed at the rogue, and it locked gazes with me too. This time I didn't wait around for it to make a move, I brought out two silver daggers from my sides and attacked first. In just a few seconds, the rogue werewolf fell to the ground dead.

I turned back to the unconscious figure of the girl and saw she was loosing quite a lot of blood. I leaned down to pick her up when the smell of her blood reached my nostrils. I had my doubts before, but now it's confirmed, she truly is my mate.

My eyes caught sight of the amulet on her neck, and somehow I felt that it looked quite familiar. I touched its cold surface and a memory of my father seeped in, but it wasn't a good one. It was the memory of the day he died, and that amulet was in his hands on that day, but his murderers had taken it away. I barely have the full memory of how exactly my father died, but all I knew was that I was in the pantry and I had managed to witness the whole thing, but then passed out due to stimulation.

By the time I had awoken, all I had heard was that the ones who had murdered him were werewolves. I remembered feeling useless and broken as I swore to become even stronger than my father and never let the rogues get away with his death. Ever since then I'd been training myself and my mind, I had to cut off my soft side and completely devote myself into the coldness.

I clenched my fist as I looked at her pale face.  Could there be a possibility that she was somehow connected to my father's murderers? I immediately felt a surge of hate towards her and thought about killing her.

But I knew I couldn't do that even if I so desperately wanted to, she was still my mate and as long as our bond exists then my wolf would turn weak and immobile for years after her death. I stood back up to my fist and turned to leave. How could the moon goddess chose such a pale and fragile girl as my mate and worse she had something to do with the rogues? Instead of having such a dead weight as a mate, I'd rather remain mateless. “Lucas, she might not truly be part of them.”

I heard Lior, my wolf, say. “Oh yeah? And how would you know that?” I grumbled in anger, my steps getting even heavier as my thoughts kept wandering to that girl. “She has the aura of a powerful Luna, and if she was connected to the rogues, then why would one of them attack her?”

He had a point there, but I really didn't want to care. I had only gone a few meters from there when a sudden thought popped in my head, the thought was fueled for my worry for her, but it still couldn't be ignored. It isn't safe out here for her, it's not safe out here for anyone. The rogues here are far more vicious than anyone could think, and that's why I, personally, came out of the pack borders when I heard a rogue had been spotted tackling a pack member.

I got to where she lay and slowly picked her off the floor filled with dead leaves. I clenched my jaws together as I thought of how much blood she was loosing, at first, I didn't care but knowing that she is my mate, I suddenly felt the urge to protect her more. I brought her back home and immediately ordered a maid to get the physician. Her wound should've healed by now with how powerful her aura was, her wolf should've healed her by now, so what's wrong?

I laid her down on my white mattress and immediately left the room. After ordering the maids to get her washed up and cleaned, I ran back to the woods in my wolf form. I was finally unable to hold in my anger and just wanted to tear that rogue to pieces.

My initial plan was to tear off the already dead werewolf into pieces, such that its family wouldn't recognize it. But what I didn't expect was to go on a rampage. Naturally, I wouldn't go looking for the rogues until they messed with me but this time; I thought of how much pain my mate was in all because of that foolish rogue.

I had gone on rampages before, but this was different. It was more of a bloodbath and by the time I returned, I immediately went into the bathroom and had a good comforting soak in the tub. I got out and got dressed before walking over to the girl on my bed. It was the first time a woman had been on my bed and somehow, my bed looked a bit more alive now with her presence.

I walked back to my armchair and brought out a box of cigarettes from my drawer. I brought out a stick and lit it up, taking in and blowing out puffs and puffs of smoke. Once I saw she was starting to wake up, I put out the cigarette and waited patiently for her to come to her right senses.

At first, I tried my best to hide my anger and distaste of her, but then something about how she acted like a confused little child made me pull my guard down. And when she explained that she was only trying to find her birth parents, I began to wonder of the possibility that her birth parents could be rogues.

Speaking to her now it seemed she truly had no idea that she is a fated Luna, but even I have no idea if she had that aura because she is my mate or because her parents are from a powerful lineage. And then when she mentioned her adoptive father's name, I suddenly felt immensely confused.

The Crescent Grove Pack is really massive, but at least I know a lot of the families living here and there has never been a mention of the nightingale family. I decided to go take a look and called for my werewolf Beta. I also put a phone call through to the Alpha of the Silver moon Pack and the Blood Hound Pack.

These three packs are the only one in this continent, and all three insisted that there had been no family with the surname Nightingale in their pack. My Beta, Nathan also came back with the same reply. I went back into my study and typed in the name, I found his details, and it said he was married, but there were no pictures of his wife. I ignored that though since that's not what's most important. From all the files I have gathered here, I can be most is that he is human and that's all I needed. I returned to the room to find Serena wandering looking around and taking in the decor.

“Serena.” I called, and she immediately turned to me, her curiosity shinning in her eyes. “Stefan Nightingale is human and has no connections to the werewolves.” I explained.

On hearing this, her expression immediately changed. The light in her eyes disappeared and was replaced by a deep sadness that almost made me feel bad for her.

“Well, at least I tried, right. I guess I'll have to go back home to my mom now.”

“Oh, you are not going anywhere.” I said seriously. She looked up at me with creased brows. “What? Why?” She asks,

“Because Serena, you trespassed into my pack. The Crescent Grove Pack.” I explained. “Wait hold on. “ She said, stopping me as she seemed to be putting two and two together.

“That means you are the Alpha, right? Then why can't you help me find my parents? Aren't you obligated to help me, to know I could be one of your people?” She argued in a feisty way. She looked like a little cat about to pounce on her victim, and I found that most attractive. Until now, I had only seen her meek and quiet side, but on getting a glimpse of her feisty nature, I couldn't help but want more and more of it.

“Serena I am not obligated by anyone or anything to help anyone. I chose to help you because I wanted to. I brought you here and got you treated on moral grounds because I do not want you dying in my care. But now that you're awake, I realize that was a big mistake. You could be lying to me and could actually be a spy from the rogues.” I said nonchalantly. She looked as if she had just swallowed gunpowder and raised her voice at me.

“What the hell are you even saying? Are you nuts! Brain disease or negligence? A rogue just tried to kill me, you saved me from that rogue, so how on earth can you think of me to be one of them.” She was angered now and scolding me in a loud tone, I had never been scolded like this in a very, very long time, no one in my pack would dare to. But now, seeing this mate of mine scold me, I felt oddly satisfied that I didn't realize I was grinning like an idiot.

“Feeble excuses Serena. It could be all an act, don't be so feeble-minded to think I'd actually believe that…"

“I literally opened up to you about everything that happened to me and the struggles I had to face since my 18th birthday after discovering Lorna! I never opened up to anyone about that, never! Not my mom, not my friends, even my best friend has no idea about this. I never ever talk about it, but I told you about it because I thought you would help me.* She cut me off and went ballistic. I could see she was on the verge of crying, but the emotions she felt weren't triggered by me. It was something else. And soon, she blacked out again.

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