
The Hybrids Fated Mate
The Hybrids Fated Mate
Penulis: Taylor West



“On your knees.” 

The guard grabs me by my copper hair, forcing me down. My knees hit the gravel. The sharp edges quickly dig into my skin.

Looking to my left, I see my two older sisters lined up next to me. They had their eyes on the ground. Whimpering and crying as the Alpha stepped towards us.

His deep green eyes roamed up and down the three of us, settling on me. I refused to look away, staring at the man who had caused me so much pain.

“Lower your eyes.” He growls at me. 

When I refused, the guard smacks the back of  my head down. I refused to keep it down. If I was going to die, I wanted to stare my killer in the face. After all, that’s what I made my victims do.

I wanted to see the Alpha’s face when he swung his axe. I wanted my face to haunt my father for the rest of his shitty life.

I wasn’t like my sisters. I didn’t yet have my Wolf, but I also had no fear. Death didn’t scare me and my father definitely didn’t.

Ignoring me, my father moves to my eldest sister Grace. He didn’t even give her a chance to plead for her life. Swinging the axe and taking her head off in one swoop. My other sister, Darcy screamed. 

As our father stood in front of her she began to plead for her life. 

“Please Daddy. I will do anything. Don’t do this. There is still time.” She clasps her hands together, begging him. It showed just how weak she was. That's why father had chosen me to be his warrior.

“Shut the fuck up.” He roars. His deep green eyes flash to me. Was this because of me? Was he killing them, because of me?

“Daddy. I will do anything. You can choose a mate for me. Anyone you like!” Darcy really was getting desperate. But she knew as well as I did, that we were not going to survive this. That he wanted us gone and out of his miserable life

My father’s hands tighten around the axe. His knuckles turn white as he pauses to consider Darcy’s words.

Darcy was a year younger than Grace and just like Grace, she was also mateless at the age of twenty. No matter what our father had tried, neither of my older sisters had found their mates, and he was livid. But that couldn’t be the reason he was killing us. There had to be another reason.

“Please Daddy,” Darcy chokes on her sobs. “Please give me one more chance.” She cries out as her head is forced down.

“You had a chance. This is a punishment. The Moon Goddess punishes the weak.”

She didn’t have a chance to say anything else. As the axe hits her neck, her body falls forward into the grass. I didn’t flinch. I just stared at my father, waiting for him to turn on me.

He hesitates in front of me and a smile creeps across my face.

“Afraid of what you see, daddy.” I snarl at him. He hated being called daddy.

“You failed me.” His green eyes don’t leave me and I see that flash of fear that he always had around me. He knew he couldn’t trust me.

“I’m exactly what you wanted me to be, Daddy.”  My golden eyes lock with his. There’s a tiny quiver in his bottom lip. He was fighting against his fears. He was afraid of what he had created. The beast that was staring back at him..

“No.” His callous hand grabs my chin. His green eyes flicker away. “You have gone too far and no man will ever want you.”

“Good!” I spit on the grass at his feet

“Alpha Will, I still think you should sell this one.” His Beta muses with a smile.

“No, it’s too much of a risk.”

“Scared Daddy?” I mock him as he pushes the axe’s heel against my throat. It was already piercing my flesh and his eyes widen when I push myself against it. A droplet of blood rolls down my neck as he looks into my eyes.

If he wasn’t stupid, he would kill me before I had a chance to kill him.

“Maybe you are right. Someone needs to put fear into her. Death is too easy.” 

He will regret saying that. He will wish that he had killed me.

He slaps me across the face, “Take her to the dungeons. She can stay there until I find the right place for her.”

“You will regret the day you didn’t kill me.” I snarl at him.

He walks away, laughing as the guard drags me to the dungeons. He probably thought that he had won. He seems to have forgotten that no one wins when they are up against me. I would always find a way to get what I want.

It was almost a week before I saw sunlight again. Water and one plate of food a day was all I had been allowed. It was obvious what they were doing. They were deliberately making me weak. Probably praying to the Moon Goddess that I wouldn’t be able to fight back. Either that or they were too afraid to be in the same cell with me. 

The guard drags my weak body across the ground, tossing me into the back of a van. He locks the door behind me and no matter how many times I threw myself against it, I could not make it budge.

The guard slides the small window behind the driver's seat open. “Don’t bother. The Alpha has reinforced it so you cannot escape.”

Growling at him, he slams the window shut. Laughing about how I will wish that I was dead when I figure out where I’m going.

The van moves for hours. Travelling in all different directions. I had given up trying to track it. The driver was driving in all directions to make sure I couldn’t track him back to the pack. He knew I would kill all of them, just as they had watched my father kill my sisters.

The van slows and I could hear some sort of chanting or maybe cheers. When the doors are flung open something hits me.

A wave of chronic pain shoots through my entire body. My muscles vibrate uncontrollably, throwing me to the van floor.

“She’s small.” A large man mutters. His deep brown eyes narrow at me

“Trust Alpha Will, she can fight.” My father’s guard mutters. “That was the requirement for you to buy her.”

I had no control over my body as a suitcase was handed to the guard. “It’s all in there, but if she is no good. He will come for you. He will want his money back.”

“Like I said, you need to trust Alpha Will. He wouldn’t give you a shit fighter. She will make you a tonne of money.”

“We shall see.” 

The bald man hauls my body out of the van. Throwing me over his shoulder like I was nothing more than a bag of sand. He was a Lycan, but he didn’t seem to have any respect for others as he slaps my ass.

I could hear more cheers as we approached the building. Wolves and Lycans were moving around us, some were taking photos of me and pointing. I could smell humans too.

A lot has changed in the last five years. Humans knew about us. Humans hunted us for fun. And when we killed them in retaliation, they would call us monsters. But they didn’t know half the shit some of us were capable of.

The bald guy drops me onto the floor of a small office. “Don’t try anything stupid. You will need every bit of energy if you want to make it through the night.”

It took a good hour or so for the tasered shock to wear off when the door opened. A dark haired man smiles down at me. “Not what I expected.”

He makes his way into the room, running his dark eyes over me. “How you feeling?”

When I snarl at him, he holds his hands up. “I’m not here to hurt you.”

“You want me to fight though?” I spit on his floor and he cocks an eyebrow at me.

“Here’s the deal, we put you in tonight for a tester. See what the crowd thinks of you. See what you are capable of. You can earn a decent amount and if you survive, in two years, you will be free to go.”

“Two years?”

“Two years.” He confirms as he runs his hand through his dark hair.

“And if I don’t survive?”

“The earnings are mine. You won’t have a need for them.”

Sounded like a win-win situation for him.

“You’re the one that bought me?”

“I’ve heard things about you Bella. You are not the normal kind of Wolf or Lycan that fights here. You're father had a lot to say about you.”

“You’re right about that.” I don’t tell him that I don’t have my Wolf yet. It didn’t matter if he knew or not. I just had to stay alive for two years. It seemed easy enough. After all, I was a trained killer.

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Ann Manhart
Look for Lucan. King
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Ann Manhart
The first book
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Daisy Belmonte
nice story

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