
A Sudden Wish

Bam's Pov

"Oh! You're awake now, master"

I touch my head because I feel a little headache, "Ah?" I said and confusedly look at my hands,

my nails are so long, and I feel my teeth behind my mouth, I touch it and got shocked,

"Excuse me, can you give me a mirror?" I said and she bow then immediately get me a mirror, "What the hell is this?" I ask when I see myself in the mirror,

Am I really this? "Master, that is your transforming form, to be honest, your form should be released after you pass out but, Master Yance said that you can't control your power, that's why your appearance will be like that for the meantime until you can surpass your form" She explains and carefully get the mirror,

"Master Yance? Do you mean? Did he come? I mean my older brother?" I ask in shy, she smile and nodded at me, "Yes, Master come unexpectedly, he said that you will be on a rampage if he didn't make you pass out, so please forgive him" She said that made me confuse,

"I actually don't care, because
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