The Final Return

The Final Return

Oleh:  ZDwamena  On going
Bahasa: English
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Jessica has some explaining to do. Not only has she lied to her best friend, but she is lying to the father of their daughter. But it's not her fault that she fell in love with the man the day they met. Jessica remembers that day like it was yesterday. His smooth skin, sparkling smile, and beautiful eyes are something that haunts her dreams every night. Jessica had told Christine that the father knew about Adamelia, but that was a lie. Jessica had told the father of her child that she doesn't love him, but that was also a lie. Jessica has even told herself that she has moved on. That was a huge lie. Wallowing in shame and guilt, Jessica has decided that it is her punishment. She was the one who created the web of lies in the first place. Now she will do everything in her power to right her wrongs.

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31 Bab
Part One
Life is crazy. You don't know what you're doing half the time. And even when you do something right, other people will screw you over. I have been on this earth for twenty-seven years, and I still find new ways to be disappointed. The soft, white, and fluffy fleece blankets are wrapped around me. My eyes flutter as I look around my surroundings. My clothes are scattered all around his room. I silently chuckle when I see his shirt hanging from the ceiling lamp. I have my alarms silenced because I must get out of bed before the guy wakes up. With quite purposeful precision, I get out of bed and pick up my clothes from the ground. I tiptoe around the room and dress up. The guy groans and moves around his bed. I turn my head and stay still. The panic in me spikes as I see him move. If he wakes up, then I'm screwed. I hate having conversations with one-night stands; it is always so awkward. But the panic subdues when he remains in his bed sleeping. Luckily, he seems to be a deep sleeper
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Let's Begin
I have a fabulous friend. And if it isn’t obvious by now, the person that I am talking about is Christine Gyamfi. And if you don't know who she is, then read the other book; The Light's Shadow. It's an original book that she wrote herself. I personally didn't read the book, but I'm sure that you will. I mean, why are you reading this then? But that's beside the point. Christine is awesome. She is hilarious, kind, and sweet. The woman also treats everyone around her with respect. She is one of the few people that fuels my faith in humanity. She’s an author and has written great books including ‘Live your Life’ and honestly, she deserved it. She went through hell and back to become the thing that she wanted to be. I fuck with her because of that. When I first knew her, I thought that she was a popular chatty bitch that talked shit about people behind their backs. However, that was based on the rumors I heard about her. These rumors came from actual fake bitches who act nice in fro
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Execution Plan
I am annoyed at Calvin Gyamfi. Christine has put such a good word of him, and yet he couldn’t come to her birthday party. But I cannot be mad at him. Calvin is a very occupied man, so it's no surprise that he didn't come to Christine's birthday party. But he promised her. When it comes to being there for your siblings, you must know that there is a bond, unlike any friendship. However, that's why I am Christine's best friend. I need to present her with the best gift. Even though it isn't her birthday anymore. I am not an idiot, though. I highly doubt that the CEO of Danial’s Corporation will reply to me without thinking that I'm some liar. And even if he does, it could take months for him to consider coming to Toronto. But, if I can persuade him, then I’m sure that she’ll meet him again. I have a lot of planning ahead of me. But right now, I am comforting a moping Christine. Both of us are sitting on our favourite rotting bench in High Park. We always sit here to talk about stuf
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Absolutely Ridiculous
'Hello, You must be Jessica. I’ve heard so much about you from Christine. And I understand that you are worried about your best friend. But if I could visit my little sister, don’t you think I would? There’s something holding me back, and the conflict that Christine and I have is between her and me. I don't need people like you to interfere. Please know that Jessica' Those words above are not what I expected. At all. The smile I had on my face is now morphing into a sinister scowl. Calvin said no. That piece of crap said no to me. He said no to coming to visit her only sister. Really? And you read that too right? The way he wrote it was so condescending. He acts like a pompous prick. How can he think that what he is doing is something to overlook? Christine is upset because of him, and he isn't doing anything about it. Whatever conflict they have that's preventing him from coming can wait. Right now, he needs to be here. He should be lucky that I am trying to help him. Nothing
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Setting Up
FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKK!!!!!!!!!! That’s the only word I can describe my mental state after my shift today. I am a mess, and I cannot even ask Christine for help: even though I tell her everything. So, I am pulling out all my straws. I can’t tell my co-workers because I know that they can’t keep a secret. So, there’s only one other person that I can trust. The drive was fast. But it feels too slow for me. Every traffic light I stopped at, every streetlight I went by, and every road I crossed feels like forever. However, none of that matters to me at that moment. Calvin was coming in a few months, and I don’t know how to properly surprise Christine. You may think that a few months is plenty of time, but I hadn't planned anything. And every idea that comes up gets worse and worse. I am going to Johnathan for a second opinion, and hopefully, I can get him to help me organize this surprise. Johnathan Rabinovich is Christine's closest friend. They’ve known each other for over two decades. A
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Understanding Myself
"You will never understand others until you understand yourself" These dumb words were told to me by an old friend. I mean, she wasn't really a friend. Her name was Lila, she was a shy girl, and I felt bad for her. Then she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend, and I lost all my respect for her. It's been nine years since she told me that piece of crap. But, I am still intrigued about the part about understanding myself. What defines me? How would people describe my personality? I don't really know, but it doesn't hurt to explore that today. Calvin's arrival is coming up soon. And I'm really excited because he has ensured me that he and his friend will arrive. I have decided that all of us will meet at the Blazing Lights. It's an awesome club, and Christine won't suspect a thing. Perfect. It's my day off because I have no classes. So maybe I can start this adventure in my home. Or should I say my inherited home? I walk to my front door and pick up the framed photo o
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Rage Reincarnated
One hour. I had been waiting for A FUCKING HOUR. I told Christine that she had to pick me up, and she said yes. I roll my eyes at how she failed with her end of the deal. Do you remember when I said that I have been on this earth for twenty-seven years, and I still find new ways to be disappointed? Well, this is one of these things. I'm not even sure why I'm surprised. Christine always does this. Yet I can't help but see red. Today was supposed to be different. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. I have spent months trying to make a perfect plan for Calvin's arrival. He and his friend have been in Toronto for about two days now. I remember being happy that everything was finally going to plan this morning. John even got to swap his shift with another coworker. Everything was perfect. However, the only thing that I didn't account for is Christine. You see, Christine tends to be extremely late to different events; this was no exception. I guess Christine to
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Epic Fail
Getting inside 'The Blazing Lights' took forever. The line to get inside usually doubles in size. during peak hours. It takes hours to even get halfway through. I think we got in within an hour, though. Every minute that went by, my dissipated anger begins bubbling again. Let me tell you something. When you’re standing in line to get inside the biggest club in the world, you will have people shoving and cutting in. The amount of people who I’d punch in this line is immeasurable. I am starting to get pissed off again. Calvin and his friend are both waiting for us. And all my weeks of planning are going to waste. He'll leave and return to the States without seeing Christine, and I will never be trusted by him. I look down at my phone and text Calvin, letting him know that we are in the line. He then replies with an irritated text about how he’ll leave soon. A scowl begins forming on my face. If Christine isn't always so late, she'd me and Johnathan up and see the surprise. None of
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I grab his hand and leave the club with the Adonis of a man behind me. We are not sober, but I remember that night. Unlike other nights, this is something that I will never forget. I wave for a taxi and I pull the man with me. We decide to go to his hotel. As the driver takes us, I sit on his lap and start heavily making out with him. His velvety tongue in my mouth makes me feel so hot. The driver goes over a speed bump and my head hits the roof. The man breaks the kiss and asks if I’m okay while caressing his head. The genuine concern in his voice is something I have never experienced and I pass it off. The pain is momentary, and he places big hands on my head with gentle care. I bring his face closer to mine and smile. He smiles back and his breath against my face lights something inside of me. “God, you are so fucking hot,” I groan into his mouth. He doesn’t have time to react as I caress his neck and make out with him again. Things get steamy in the car, and I can tell that th
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Part Two
The natural illumination looming into the room wakes me up. I open my eyes and notice that someone is underneath me. I momentarily freak out, but then memories come flooding into my head. I bite my lip and close my eyes. This man has made me feel things I haven’t felt before. He made a mess out of me and used every inch of me to find my completion. Just thinking about it makes me want to do it again. Which is a first for me. I have never felt this way about a one-night stand. The spicy mint aroma wafting from him makes me groan. I turn my lips to his chest and make a hot trail down to his prize. I place the soft white sheets over me. I then place primal kisses down his shaft to his head. Once I make it to my destination, I swallow all of him and wallow in the taste of him. I never got to thank him for the amazing night. I want to give him a piece of how much he made me feel. I’m not doing this out of obligation at all (which is a first) but because I want him to cave underneath me.
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