The Diary of a king: Maharana's untold story

The Diary of a king: Maharana's untold story

By:  Robin  Ongoing
Language: English
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Found in the marooned ruins of Chavand was a book ripped and torn. Its yellowed pages eaten up and coiled. Forgotten and unheard about was this book until it came to light. His legends lived on, his tales of valour prevailed. His glory seemed enternal and he was worshiped and adored. But his heart remained shrouded in a cloak of mystery. His emotions, his turmoils went unnoticed in an attempt to make him great. Seen as someone who was invincible and immortal, the Rana changes your perspective from his greatness to his soft heart. Written across the pages during his last moments, he wrote his own life. Where bards would be at a loss and poets were simply lost in his glory and valor, the Rana is said to be the only one who could write about himself.

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vartika bhatnagar
awesome book
2023-09-14 15:33:29
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Lakshmi Shrivastava
is everything true?
2023-08-16 01:35:33
16 Chapters
"What's that!" She exclaimed as she picked up the old parchments lying on the floor. She flipped the pages, some were torn, some crumpled and the wordings obscure. "Vidhi, I think it's something ancient." Suggested her friend peering into the displaced yellowed half eaten parchments. "But....I can't understand what this is doing here!" "Neither can I," muttered Vidhi trying to comprehend the letters. "But what's this doing here in Chavand?" "Look...Vidhi let's not waste too much time, it's going to be dusk soon!" Exclaimed her friend.  Putting the book into her bag pack Vidhi and her friend left the village of Chavand. Sittin
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Chapter 1 | Nature's Design
1544He continued to stare at the huge portrait of his mother, without batting an eyelid. She had sacrificed a lot, she had jumped into the holy flames of jauhar and was no more. And right now, he needed her, needed her more than anybody else on this planet. "What should I do ranimasa?" he asked, as his eyes stung with impending tears. "Since the day you left this aboard, things have become bad here."Sniffing back his tears, the young king sighed in exhaustion. Shutting his eyes, he seemed to harden his face, make up his mind and silently walk back into the durbar. "I've decided to hand over the keys of this holy fort to Sher Shah Sur." He announced in a firm compelling voice. "No Ranaji!" Exclaimed one of the chieftains. "This can't happen! We shall fight till our last breath hukum!""There shall be no war." Announced the king once more. "Chittor has yet not recovered from either the battle of Khanwa nor
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Chapter 2| A yen for acceleration
1552 "No you're not taking her!" Exclaimed Hansabai aloud."Hansa..." groaned Rao Ram Rakha, "try to understand...I need...""I don't care! She's a girl, I'm not sending her to a battlefield!""Hansa...." growled Rao Ram Rakha once more and glanced at Kunwar Dungar expecting some aid. Kunwar Dungar was his first born and future samanth of Bijolia."Don't look at me daata!" exclaimed the eighteen year old immediately, throwing his arms up in the air. "You deal with your wife!"Rao Ram Rakha gave a throaty groan and once more looked at his wife pleading, "We need her and Saubhgyavati there.""Then even I'm coming along." Declared Kunwar Shubhkaran, the brave and stubborn sixteen year old. "You are still sixteen," said Hansabai in irritation adding, "Neither Shubhkaran, Pahad, Ajabde or Saubhgyavati are going anyw
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Chapter 3| Laurels of victory
"The camp is ready." Announced the soldier. Ajabde gave him a curt nod accompanied with a thank you and entered the tent, tying the white overall over her lehenga. "Has the battle begun?" asked Saubhagyavati in a soft voice. "There's still an hour left." She replied, "I'll meet daata and dadabhai, and be back." Saying this she left. Riding her horse, she reached her father's tent, where all the armaments were kept, a few miles away from the medical camp. As soon as Kunwar Pratap had seen the girl entering the pavilion, he hid himself behind the tent desperately hoping that he wouldn't be spotted. Taking a peek in the tent he gritted his teeth thinking, why is a girl here? Go...go...go soon before I get caught...."You should be at the medical camp." Said her father, his brows pulled into a scowl. "Since maasa isn't here to do your tilak, I came here." She said without beating around the bush.&n
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Chapter 4 | Shadows
"Vadji, insist on treatments for even the injured Afghan's. I'm leaving now!" She said in a hurry and dashed out of the medical camp with Saubhgyavati. "Why are we in a hurry!" exclaimed Saubhgyavati trying to keep up with Ajabde's pace. "Because I want to make ghevar for daata and dadabhai once they are home." Replied Ajabde. "Patta." She called aloud to the eleven year old. "Let's go!" "No, no you'll carry on...I'm waiting for my daata." He insisted. "Alright," replied Ajabde, "will you be going to Kelwa or...""I'll ask daata if it's possible to stop over at Bijolia because I want to have ghevar." Replied Patta, as saliva ran over his tongue and lips. Ajabde broke into a chuckle teasing, "Your most welcomed." Saying this the two girls dashed off on Ajabde's mare Lakshmi.  Though the afternoon sun beat down on them, the light breeze which followed the galloping mare made
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Chapter 5| A Sour Truth
"Take care." Pleaded an anxious Hansabai hugging her daughter and Saubhgyavati. "Don't skip your meals, don't mess around if there are problems, don't...""Maasa," smiled Ajabde gently holding her mother's hands. "Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and daata." Touching her father's feet and taking his blessings, both Saubhgyavati and Ajabde got into their palanquins while Aachraya Raghavendra mounted his horse. At the first rays of dawn the little party set off on their journey to Kashi. Though the two girls were eager to learn, somewhere both of them were apprehensive if they'd be able to live all alone in a strange place. "Guruji," mumbled Ajabde from her palanquin. "Should we halt for a while?" he asked glancing at her. She shook her head in denial and asked, " it alright to be afraid?"Aacharya Raghavendra smiled at the girl saying, "Have you noticed the deers in the forest?"
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Chapter 6| Destiny's Necklace
"RANIMAA....RANIMAA..." Called out Kunwar Shakti dashing into Rani Sajjabai's room. "Pack your bags.""What?" she asked in confusion as she got off the bed after putting Vikram to sleep. "Kunwar Shakti, what are you talking about?""Maa, before you are kicked out by that brainless king or his enchantress wife, we should leave the palace." Said Kunwar Shakti with a straight face. "Shakti, he's your father!" exclaimed Rani Sajjabai trying to knock sense into her son's head."Father!" smirked Kunwar Shakti, "he's not worth even being called a human being.""SHAKTI." Screamed his mother, nearly raising her palm to slap her son. The boy simply kept a smug face and said, "I am leaving. You better leave as well." Saying this he walked out of the room. "Shakti, Shakti..." called his mother and dashed after him. Maharani Jaivantabai had ordered her servants to pack her trunk and her son's trunk so that they could
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Chapter 7| The Maven Influencer
"I see..." mumbled Aachraya Raghavendra nodding his head sceptically. Something like this is quite expected from Kunwar Pratap. I would be surprised if he wouldn't decide to take sanyas. Thought the guru. "How do I convince him out of this?" asked Maharani Jaivantabai sounding desperate. "Exactly, dadabhai has completely gone into devotion!" added Kunwar Shakti. His voice had the sound of tremendous irritation. "Devotion isn't bad, but devotion used as a medium of escape from your duty is bad." Replied Aachraya Raghavendra. "Don't worry about him; when the time is right he'll come out of it.""But Aacharya ji..." "Don't worry maharanisa," reassured the guru with a gentle smile. "When all human methods don't work, it's only Eklinji's hand that guides a man's path. Just trust him.""Khamma ghani guru..." she immediately stopped seeing that he had visitors. "I apologize, I'll come later.""No it's alright." Replie
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Chapter 8| Pursuit of Freedom
"I'll kill him myself!" exclaimed Shams Khan, the moment he heard that Kunwar Pratap was in Kashi. "Not now Shams, not now." Replied his brother Shamsher Khan with a wicked grin on his face. "Let's lure him and then trap him." "What do you plan to do?" asked Shams Khan impatiently. Shamsher Khan simply smirked at his brother in response without giving a definite reply. ***"I shouldn't have spoken to you like that." Muttered Ajabde sitting opposite him in the temple. The night sky was filled with the chirping of crickets and the gentle swish of the waters against the rocks. The waves of the Ganges were like a music that prevented the night from being eerily silent. "Ajabde!" he exclaimed peering in the darkness. "Why are you here? At this time?"She looked away and muttered, "Woh...umm...I...was quite rude..."Kunwar Pratap broke into a slight chuckle taunting, "So you came all the way
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Chapter 9| Friendship
"Alms!" exclaimed Kunwar Pratap looking at his mother. "Yes. I need to offer Eklinji bhog today." Said his mother with a straight face. "There's a village nearby, go there and get something." "Yes." He replied and left. Immediately Maharani Jaivantabai turned towards the Shivling and began praying desperately, that the plan would succeed. For a moment she wondered which mother would voluntarily send her child into danger and here she was doing exactly the same thing, hoping that he'd come out of his comfort zone. Walking around the village, Kunwar Pratap began asking for alms. Some shunned him away and others simply said they had nothing to offer him. Embarking ahead his eyes went on his brother and Ajabde who were walking around the market. "We need to get the map." Muttered Kunwar Shakti under baited breath. "Every Afghan soldier carries a map with them to guide them around this place. Do you know to pickpocket?"
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