The Demon Prince's Promise

The Demon Prince's Promise

By:  JisatsuNoYuyake  Completed
Language: English
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When Mizuko slipped into the other world, she landed in the arms of a mischievous demon prince, Kenshi. New to the world, she didn't know he was a demon as he looked to her like he was a decent person. Because Kenshi helped her first, Mizuko decided to ask him for help in finding a way home while she fulfills the dead mage's request in relaying the message to the King. But no demon in Souzou helps unless they get something in exchange. A promise, it is what Kenshi wants the most.

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79 Chapters
"I will never ever make a promise with a demon." Both edges of her mouth curved up as she crosses her heart and raise her hand halfway.The beautiful woman smiled brightly at the little girl who just made a promise to her. It was only for a moment until her smile slowly faded and her eyes were seen with deep worry.With a shaking hand, the woman tried to reach her little one but stopped halfway. The markings on her arm showed as her loosen up long sleeves withdraw, she trembled more.Waters flooded her eyes knowing she wouldn't last long enough to watch her little one grow up."Mummy, what's wrong?" The little girl must've noticed.Immediately, she wiped her tears and sniffed the worries out of her face."There's nothing wrong, my love."Her daughter's innocent eyes pierced at hers and she could feel nothing more than being terrified over an uncertainty."Listen to me," she tucked the little girl's hair against the ear. "I know
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Chapter 01
If a flower makes room for an unwanted weed, do flowers slowly die? Will the weed take over the pot? Or will they stay in harmony together? Can they promise that neither one of them will die?••"Mizuko, table 11!""Mizuko, table 7 please!""Mizuko! Table 3!"Those are the most exhausting words Mizuko hears every night at the resto she works at. She's a waitress and it's never an easy job especially when it's a busy night.Every time she picks up a tray, she sighs heavily. If she had an option, she would not work at this resto but life is harsh and cruel. If you don't work hard, you'll die of starvation."Sorry to keep you working this late, honey." Madam Vergie told Mizuko with an apologetic expression on her face."It's no problem, madam. You pay me and I work. It's how life works," she answered, flashing a smile and picking up another tray again.When the clock struck eleven, serving w
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Chapter 02
"Forgive me, my Lord but... the dark prince has once again escaped our guards," the minister of defense had informed the King of the land of Hikari himself."Hmm..." The King sitting on the throne started thinking about the best way to get rid of this nuisance. "The next time that demon shows up, execute him!""But my Lord, wouldn't it cause trouble with the King of Yami?""I can't just let that demon foolishly destroy our land for fun! And aren't we already in an edge of a promise?""I understand, my Lord." The minister heavily sighed and bowed his head once more. "I am taking my leave now." He stepped back and turn his back against the king.As soon as the minister was out of the room, the head eunuch serving the king calmly stepped forward."Your Majesty, it's time to head back to your chamber as it's getting late," Nozumo, the head eunuch told the king."I've tried so hard to get to this throne! I will not let anyone from Hikari n
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Chapter 03
When Keisuke overcame his shock, he immediately pulled his sword out and aim at the unconscious lady in his master's arms."Yo, move the sword away! She's asleep," Kenshi moved Keisuke's sword away."Fuwa Fuwa!" Kenshi looked at his Kebano."Really? I can't quite figure which kingdom she's from." He looked at Keisuke. "Can you?""Nope.""Fuwa fuwa.""Let's ask her when she wakes up, Zed. Let's not dive to conclusions," Kenshi said and looked down at the lady again.It's a young lady, with fair skin. Her hair is long black and reaches just below her waist turning a flame orange color as it passes her elbows. She has a pretty face and long lashes which made Kenshi smile.A pretty face lady from the sky. She doesn't seem like a demon, he thought. His eyes widened, she must be from Hikari! He stared more with a plan on his head."Let's camp here tonight," Kenshi uttered. "Ah, Keisuk
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Chapter 04
Mizuko could hear indistinct chatters and she softly groans while slowly opening her eyes. The first she saw were faded brown eyes, it was almost gold but when she notice the grin on his face and his fangs showing, her brows knitted.“Oh! The pretty lady is awake!”As soon as she realized it was the man riding that big cat, she abruptly sit up hitting her forehead with the guy. They both yelled, and Mizuko touched her forehead, moving away from the guy, taking a twig from her side and pointing it towards him.“Who the hell are you? Did you kidnap me?” She angrily asked, breathing heavily. Oh forget the damn gorgeous eyes of that man, she has to know where the heck this place was.“Easy there, lady. I don’t think that will help you. If you want, I’ll give you my dagger. What do ya’ say?”Mizuko kept her glare at the man even though her hands were trembling. She swallowed hard as her gaze shifted
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Chapter 05
Mizuko gasped, shoving away Kenshi's hand. Did the dude just really put his pinky around hers? She stares at him intensely with a disgusted look on her face."You are not to touch me without my permission!" she yells."My apologies, lady." His hands were raised. "I've no harm intended, I just want to be sure you'll commit.""Commit to what? It's not like there is somewhere I can run to here. I'd end up getting lost!"It's true. Just look at the trees up ahead of them! They are so tall, so thick and it sure is dark inside that forest, Mizuko knows."Quite accurate." He raised a side of his mouth. "But remember not to run away from me or else you'll be doomed before you know it in this land. From your clothing, I can tell you are not from around here."Oh yes, she's in somewhere she isn't familiar with. Why is she acting so calm? Well, Mizuko reads about aliens and different dimensions. She believes in anything impossible but she never actuall
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Chapter 06
Luckily, they found a small elf house whom Kenshi had asked the elves if Mizuko could stay the night inside their humble home. The elves were hesitant for some moment until they saw a familiar token on the left side of his belt. When he notices their eyes gone wide, he simply brought a finger over his lips and the elves nodded. Mizuko abruptly looks at him and he shifted his gaze to the side."Well, you must head inside and change your unusual clothing, human girl," says the woman elf. Then she turns to her daughter elf. "Elva, please ensure our guest's comfort while she stays the night in our home.""I-I just need a place to stay you don't have to--""It is our pleasure to help you, dear human. Run along now since it is almost the night."Before Mizuko gets dragged by Elva, she glances at Kenshi who just gave a smile. Once the girl was out of view he shifted his back to the elves in front of him. They had just lowered their heads."Yo
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Chapter 07
The sky is painted a deep black and the surrounding would have been so dark without the light of two moons, and the twinkling of stars. She finally saw why they say it will be dark soon. It is like the sky was water and someone poured black paint, spreading from the center and down.  "What could it be with the sunrise?" she asked while turning her head to the window.  Would it be sky blue paint? But what of the clouds and sun? Would they just appear? Slowly or just as fast? "Fuwa!" Mizuko abruptly sits up, her large eyes pierced at her Kebano. "Roya! Where have you been all day? I was worried about you!"  "Fuwa Fuwa!" "Ah right!" She faintly smiles. "I can't understand you." Roya looked at her with those adorable big eyes. If only she could understand this lit
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Chapter 08
At one of the nearby towns in Hikari, Yushiro is having lunch with his companion, Blue. He won't be able to act all mighty in front of his father— the king— after losing that demon again!  "Your highness!" Blue calls, snapping him back to his senses, looking at her. "You have not touch much of your food. Are you still upset?" "I apologize." He clears his throat and took his spoon. "That demon will come back in a few days to steal and do harm again. We should keep our guards up." "Aye, your highness. If only I had keen eyes to aim perfectly at that demon." "You did your best. I was at fault when I let the beast bewildered me." "I have never seen that beast before. What was it called, your highness?" Blue asked, leaning forward in curiosity. "It is the legendary Sabertooth. They said those kind of beas
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Chapter 09
While Kenshi was gone, Mizuko heard loud cries from someone and so she decided to find out who it was coming from. To her surprise, it was from a child all alone on the pathway.  Mizuki could not leave the little one alone so she approached the child. She was looking everywhere to see if someone was coming. "Hey, there!" She awkwardly raise her hand, smiling nervously. The kid stopped crying and pouted at her, sniffling. "Wh-why are you here all alone? Where's your uhm nanny?"  "Who are you?" the little girl asked, wiping her tears with back of her hand. "A-are you a demon disguised as a human?"  "No! But what are you doing here all alone? Do you know where this is?" When the little girl shook her head side to side, Mizuko sighed. "What's your name? I'll try
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