The Darkness Dragon Heir

The Darkness Dragon Heir

By:  Alexandria Christi  Ongoing
Language: English
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I had lived for 326 years, but no day has haunted me as the day I had died. Blood pooled on the ground, feeding the earth as the earth once fed me. A scream bubbled up in my throat, but I could not let it go. If I let it go, I would let go of all the memories encased within me. The happiness of being a mother. Joys of having a husband who lived for us. To know that he would come home and find a corpse waiting for him. It was too much to bare. Even my dragon heart could not withstand the utter pain wrenching open my chest. I was Caligo. A dragon of Darkness, now darkness is what I shall become. May Mother have mercy on them, for they do not know what they now had brought upon themselves. 8 Dragon clans, uniting over the loss of their beloved Darkness Heir. One who was, but shall never be again. May Father shine his light upon them, the way that only a Lumen of his rank could. May they pray to their gods now, for their devil has risen.

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15 Chapters
Chapter 1
The day I died started like any other.PresentHadeon had left for a work trip to Crepusculum about a week prior. It was a daunting trip with over a thousand kilometres between here and there. He would be halfway by now if the weather was good. Cyra had come from those parts, as Ignis resided within the volcano that looked out over Crepusculum. Hadeon would be away for a full two months before coming home. Before he saw his daughter again. I was alone, yet not lonely. Elliana kept me company throughout the days. Laughter filled the halls often enough that mother had decided it was finally time to come visit again. Father had dropped by only two days prior. He always seemed to hover for longer than necessary. Both of them loved my daughter with no limitations, but they tend to become suffocating every once in a while. Dragons had those habits with their hatchlings, it seemed. Especially if those hatchlings were their grandbabies.Staff fluttered
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Chapter 2
My smile was harsh, but I tried to smile anyway. What my staff members wanted to see was a woman smiling and in control. That was the person they needed. Isabella had surprised me a few months into her contract. All the time she had spent on the streets was spent well. She had a keen eye for any relevant information. A quick study. Elizabeth was tasked in teaching her and it paid off in some cases. Today wasn't that day."It is alright, Isabella. You can let them in. We will not stand in the way of whatever it is the king might want. Go upstairs to Elliana's room. Make sure she doesn't come down. Having knights in my home is one thing, but my daughter will not be subjected to them." I explained and ran my hands through my hair, trying my best to tame the curls before I stepped out."My lady, they don't even wear the insignia of the king, but some warped symbol of a dragon. I don't think you should let them into the estate." I held up my hand for Isabella."I und
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Chapter 3
There was a special kind of fear when you were a mother. The type of fear that spurred you to stop your toddler from eating rocks and fussing over cuts or small bruises. Everything around you was a hazard and sometimes all you wanted to do was hide your child away from the outside world. Nothing was ever safe enough or good enough for them. For you. At some point you realize that you will never get to keep them from the real world forever. You start relaxing more and just enjoy the little things. Then there was real fear. The kind that brought you to your knees. Made you vomit up everything within your stomach. Gasping for air. For release from this awful grip. Neither of these fears are invalid, but the latter made me choke on the very air I breathed.Elliana was elated to see me but sleep still blurred her vision. She had just woken up to a strange man in her home. This was her own version of fear, one I could never fully understand. Blood rushed to my ears, a dull roar for
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Chapter 4
"No!" I screamed and thrashed forward. The knights held me steady or tried. But I pulled and pushed and thrashed as much as I possibly could. "No! No! No!" I screeched, the tears falling down my cheeks in waves. This wasn't happening. This was a nightmare, and I would wake up with her in my arms. Kiss the top of her head and fall back asleep again. This man wasn't here. He wasn't ripping my world apart."Do you honestly think we would let her live? Give you a reason to try and escape? How naïve could you possibly be?" The man laughed from the door. As if he hadn't just shot the most precious thing in my life. Clean through her heart, instantly taking her life. Blood flowed into the earth; an arrow lodged within her chest. I couldn't stand it. Could barely look at her. I started thrashing again. Needing to touch her. To hold her and kiss her and tell her how much she means to me. Tell her that all I had ever needed was her and the love we shared.Another nod from h
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Chapter 5
13 Years AgoFreedom was a luxury for an heir, especially one that defied all laws of our world. That was why it took some convincing on my part before mother let my out of the manor atop Tenebris mountain. I was, however, forced to bring along a companion. As if the humans could ever figure out that a Caligo dragon walked among them, along with an Ignis. It was worth all the trouble, as the beautiful city of Stygian had just started their summer market. Ladies in all sorts of finery walked around, feeling up fabrics and buying candy for their little ones probably stuck with their nannies. Spices of all varieties clung to the air, my favourite being vanilla. Cyra loved cinnamon, grabbing a sugary cinnamon bun from a vendor when we had barely reached the entrance of the market. She could afford it, with her long thin legs and toned arms.Mud clung to the bottom of my light chiffon dress, dragging it along the unpaved road. It wasn't a grand market, like
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Chapter 6
We entered the crowd again, Cyra close on my heels. I could feel her displeasure from a mile away, but I did not let it deter me in the slightest. She would learn, eventually, that humans aren't all that they had taught us. Sometimes they could be so much more than us. More than what we had learned from in the past. A new dawn was breaking and I wanted to be at the forefront of the new day."What you did was reckless, Zhara. You do not know that man. Know nothing of who he is loyal to and what he might hide. How can you be so stupid?" She hissed as she slid in beside me, looping her arm through mine."How can you condemn a man you had just met?" I countered and strolled on. I watched every woman around us, instantly noting the way they dressed and carried themselves. We had no place within their ranks, it was obvious. Layers upon layers of fabric swished on just one woman. Her bust was fully covered, hair tightly pinned down beneath a big hat. Even her arms were trappe
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Chapter 7
Stygian laid at the foot of the Tenebris Mountains. Ornate gates of sandstone lead into farmlands bordering the northern side of the city. We had to go south, through a gate that once welcomed thousands of Tenebris members into its fold. Now it was nothing more than thorn wire and crumbling bricks now. Cyra knew we didn't have enough time to run through the city again to reach the northern gate. Too many people had already seen our faces fleeing the shop. This was the quickest way out of the city and into our home territory. Sentinels should be waiting about 2 kilometres into the forest for us. Even if we planned to stay much long than we had, mother will ensure that they stay close by. As if she knew her daughter would cause trouble. She was right, though, to assume such things.The crumbling stone spilled down the sides of the gate and wall. Rust covered thorny wire jutted through the rubble. They had dismantled this gate a long time ago, years before even I was born. Human
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Chapter 8
"Run!" I yelled to Cyra as I created a black wall in front of us. She darted towards the west where the river gurgled a few kilometres away. A great idea, because the beasts chasing us couldn't swim, a horrible idea if there were no boats to help us cross and you are an Igniculus, who derives their magic from fire. Throwing up another block, I steered Cyra back towards where I stood. "Go east, you idiot!" I screamed and felt as the vampire tried to pry open my wall. It couldn't be held back by it for too long, as it also came from magic. So many stupid fucking loopholes in this world!"I am not made for running!" Cyra shouted back but didn't lessen her pace. Even staring at death, she was spoiled and loved to complain. Oh, how this girl just knows how to spur me on. With a heavy sigh, I let go of the wall and took off after Cyra, locking my legs into a dead sprint. My lungs heaved and my legs nearly gave out, but becoming dinner wasn't an option."Remember that one tim
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Chapter 9
To say my mother wasn't pleased would have been an understatement. Cyra and I had spent hours afterwards telling and re-telling our stories. At some point a guard entered and murmured into my mother's ear. Her face crumpled even more; I didn't even know that it could be possible. Atarah had rubbed her temples slowly and rose from her seat. Apparently, she had other matters to look to instead of our little squabble with the humans. And away we were swooped to be held in our rooms until she could deal out fitting punishments. To both of us. According to her, ladies didn't conduct themselves in such rude fashion. Throw in the whole loyalist jeweller debacle and me picking a fight for no good reason with the shop keeper, I could only imagine what she had in store for me. We were nobility. The royals upheld the standards for everyone else to follow, but it didn't help that we sometimes set the standards so low. I had no doubt that word of our little deviant act would spread like wildfire
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Chapter 10
I heard the front door open and close. Soft footsteps padded towards my bed and cinnamon hit my nose. Cyra had escorted herself in, it seemed. The bed dipped at the end as she sat. Abruptly, the covers were yanked off of me in a single swipe. Cyra whistled as she looked down upon me, smirk plastered to her face. I only glared in response, my entire body showing her my displeasure in her interruption. The day had been long and fast paced, I even skipped my nightly bath just so that I could be asleep before the sun broke the horizon."You are not very welcome here at the moment, try again when I had a few hours of sleep," I grumbled and shifted until I was comfortable. The cover wasn't necessary, so she could have it if she wanted, but sleep would be achieved within the next ten minutes."Don't be so drab. We have so much to discuss about the day and you have never needed beauty sleep," she explained and gave me a small wink. Cyra crossed one leg over the other, riding u
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