The Commander's Match

The Commander's Match

Oleh:  Carien van Dalen  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Gemma is invited to an interview that could change her life for the better, but finds herself locked in an apartment and forced to work for a werewolf pack. When the pack is attacked she hopes that it would bring her freedom, but the commander of the army simply locks her back in the same apartment. She decides to take matters into her own hands and manages to get away from pack lands, but the wolves follow her. With some help from her unlikely friends, will she be able to escape completely?

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73 Bab
1. 1. A day in the life of…
*TW: mention of assault and ensuing damage*GemmaGemma Anne Foster groaned in protest at the sound of the alarm going off on the bedside table. For a full second she contemplated ignoring it and going back to sleep like the abductee she was supposed to be. It was unfair to kidnap her and then make her work!But she changed her mind when the grimace made her face ache uncomfortably, the last gift she received for assuming that she was a normal prisoner. It was a gift from the alpha’s son, the vindictive man – wolf – he sent whenever she did not do something to his expectations. Yesterday had been the first time she had rebelled outright.Of course, that was not to say that she did not get away with certain little rebellions. She just had to be smarter about it. The irony is that the only time she actually saw another living being in her own quarters, was when the alpha’s son came to visit. She did not like his visits, at all.Realizing she had to get ready, she quickly jumped f
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2. Wrench in the works
*TW: Mention of a battle*GemmaShe had been held in the pack for a little over a month now.  Summer was just starting to take over from spring and she had started things that would make her escape easier.She’d started opening and closing her bedroom window at intervals to get her guards used to the sound of her window opening without her trying to get out.  From what she’d managed to study on the unblocked internet about wolves, her scent would be surrounding the area with the wind blowing into her room.  She studied on wolves and dogs, since she didn’t know how trustworthy the information on werewolves were.She had also collected water bottles, two contained water, one that she would drink from and one that she could douse herself in to minimize her scent for a while.  The other contained bleach that she had collected from the small amounts she could collect from soaking the bleach wipes and then
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3. Battle of Self
Commander Dale Cleaver This mission was supposed to be a simple one. Track the money for the kidnapped she-wolves back to the root and then tear the root out. It had been an uncommonly easy route to follow. Surely the pack behind it couldn’t be that stupid? Apparently, they were. They didn’t have proper border control, nor did they have early warning of the attack. It had been surprisingly easy to take the pack house, so much so that he had expected to find an ambush inside. But there was nothing besides a greedy alpha and Luna and a muscle head future alpha. The Luna had even offered to warm his bed in exchange for her life, not once asking for leniency for her mate or son. He had taken her out, first, especially when his men informed him that the Luna had come up with the idea of trafficking the she-wolves. Turned out she was the brains and her mate and son were just the muscle to make it happen. Then he had worked through the files through the night and found that there
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4. The Escape
Gemma She couldn’t remember when last she had slept so well; she knew she hadn’t been so well rested since she’d been brought to the pack house.  Honestly, it was strange that she’d slept so well, as if she feared nothing. That could only mean one thing; that she was becoming complacent.  Complacency could cause her death, especially in the middle of all these beasts.  She got up and made her bed, then she glanced out her window and found that there was still no guard posted at her window. This could be her chance to escape!  Quickly, she rushed to the bathroom and took a shower.  She came out of the steaming bathroom in her towel, like she always did and stopped short in her surprise. The soldier was standing there with the tray, holding her breakfast.  Why did he show himself when everyone else tried their best to avoid her?  “I’m starting to think you’re trying to see me naked…”  She mused in distrust.
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5. Not so great Discovery
Grant He was half excited to visit Gemma; he could sense her intelligence, though he didn’t blame her for being untrusting. He couldn’t think that she’d had any kind of good experience since she’d been brought here and then his stupid commander and friend didn’t want his mate and locked her up again. Grant could see himself being friends with her; he felt drawn to her. Not in the creepy stalker type of way, but the ‘we could be friends and partners in crime’ way. He wasn’t sure how much humans ate, so he always put together a tray that would fill his own stomach. But this time he’d brought a plate for himself as well, maybe eating together would make her feel less like a prisoner. He just really wanted to get through her defenses and see the real person. He was sure she was an undiscovered treasure and he wanted to be the first to find who she truly was. Unlocking the door, he glanced around and then into her office and closet, but then he noticed the closed bathroom door and
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6. Surviving the night
GemmaShe’d kept going as long as she could, until her legs were about to give out and it was getting too dark for her to see the obstacles she could trip over.  She kept going until she found a place that was relatively protected by large boulders.  She was just grateful that it was summer and not winter, at least that was counting in her favor.Gemma dropped to the ground that was nearly surrounded with a rock outcrop with a sigh of relief and then rummaged through her bag, fishing out her blanket and jacket that she could use for the night.  She felt utterly alone sitting there in the gathering darkness, but she didn’t dare make a fire to show them where she was in case they were still out looking for her, though the fire would have soothed some of her loneliness.Pulling out her bag with bacon, pancakes and toast, she chewed one pancake and one piece of bacon slowly, savoring the food that finally lined her stomach that had been co
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7. Unexpected Surprises
Dale Dale had been annoyed with Grant, but mostly because he knew he deserved his anger.  He had helped the wolf to deal with the loss of the mate he had never met, keeping his wolf from going feral.  His friend would do anything to have a mate he could love fiercely since second-chance mates were beyond rare with their dwindling numbers and he had made a point of already abusing the gift he was given. But he hadn’t wanted a mate, least of all a weak human mate.  But his wolf had been driving him insane since they had heard that she had escaped.  So he had made a deal with his wolf that they would go find her as soon as their work was done, which helped when his wolf was quiet throughout his meeting with Elder Stuart and not attempting to break free. Once he’d managed to convince Grant to come back, he had requested another meeting with Elder Stuart after dinner and had asked the kitchen to make up travel rations.  He and Grant would
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8. Its wild out here!
Gemma It was early afternoon when Wade suddenly froze in his step.  He was quiet for a long moment and then turned to her urgently.  She could see he was worried as he glanced around them.  Then he started pushing her towards a large tree with his nose, his sense of urgency urged her to move towards the tree as fast as she could. Then he indicated that she climb the tree, pointing his wolf nose up at the tree.  Obediently, she started climbing the tree, grateful that her sneakers had a good tread and that she had grown up a tomboy.  Wade watched her until she came to the third big branch and then spun round and growled as two other wolves suddenly appeared out of the woods. The two males were dirty and their clothes looked like they’d donned rags.  They stared at him with speculation, then sniffed the air and looked up into the tree.  They caught her fearful gaze in between the leaves and sneered lasciviously. “Come
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9. What's going on?
Dale He was sure they were gaining on the human and the rogue, their scent was stronger and his wolf was getting excited at the prospect of seeing his mate again.  Dale was still at odds with himself and his wolf, since he didn’t know what to do once he found her. His opinion on her had been changed somewhat with being on her trail, but she was still painfully naïve to follow a rogue when she didn’t know what he would do.  Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a squeal of fright and his first reaction was to run at full speed in the direction it had come from, but then he stopped short. What the hell?  What was going on? He stood in a small natural clearing with one dead and drained rogue and the scent of a vampire along with the rogue she had been following.  He followed the trails and what he could deduce was that the rogue she was following had led her towards the large tree, which she had climbed, but then the vampire scen
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10. New Adventures
GemmaWhen the trees thinned out, Charlie finally put her down, but her legs were still wobbly from the speed at which they had travelled.  They kindly waited a moment for her to catch her breath and find her strength again, then Wade nudged her hand with his nose and pointed his nose to her bag.She guessed he wanted the clothes and she took the bag from her shoulder before she opened it and took out his clothes.  She had just stood straight and held the clothes out to him when she heard the bones snapping into place a moment before he stood naked in front of her again.“Geez!  I wish you’d warn a girl before just flashing me like that!”  She retorted as she turned her head away to stare into the trees as her cheeks warmed with embarrassment, only hearing both males chuckle at her bashfulness about his naked form.Charlie picked up her backpack and hung it over his shoulder before he held his arm to her, putting her
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