
The Calm After The Storm

[Avery’s POV]

My cheeks flush ferociously as Atlas stares at me, unspeaking. Dammit, couldn’t he say something? The silence was beginning to make me feel like I had said something wrong.

“Wait til I get you alone,” he finally growls, his eyes darkening. “I’m going to..."

“Mr. Jennings!”

Saved by the doctor. Letting out a sigh, I turn my gaze to watch him walk in with a push cart filled with the items needed to remove the bullets from Atlas’ body.

“Now isn’t a good time,” Atlas tries, but stops as I narrow my gaze on him. “Fine,” he sighs, letting out a chuckle. “But make it quick.”

For a moment, the doctor doesn’t speak as he looks from Atlas to me and back, but when he decides that whatever was going on wasn’t too serious, he focuses on Atlas.

“Whatever it was, I can wait.”

After that, he busies himself digging into Atlas’ skin so that he could pull out each and every bullet that was lodged in him. Once he finishes, he stitches the holes closed and then wraps them.

“Now,” he begins,
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