The Billionaire's Billionaire

The Billionaire's Billionaire

By:  Tani ballsy_tj  Ongoing
Language: English
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Caroline Lightwood,CEO of Lightwood Ent. and Ex Wife of Ethan Knight,CEO of Knight ent. After her husband,now ex husband accuses her of cheating,she leaves him,signing the divorce papers. But what happens when Ethan comes to know about their children,and wishes to stay in their lives? Will Caroline's life take a 180 degree turn or a 360 degree? What happens when secrets unfold? What happens when those secrets endanger life of all those Caroline has ever loved or cared about and what happens when everything she has ever worked for is drowning? Where will Ethan fit in all these? Will she be able to protect everyone? Will Ethan be able to help her or will he be the cause of all the disruptions? Will she ever forgive Ethan? Will they end up being together? *************** So much to find out, so why don't y'all join me in this story?

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josefina vargaz
thanks for sharing this story
2021-10-02 20:43:07
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josefina vargaz
so far so good
2021-10-02 20:42:43
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josefina vargaz
good story
2021-10-02 20:41:47
19 Chapters


Caroline Lightwood,CEO of Lightwood Ent. and Ex Wife of Ethan Knight, CEO of Knight ent. After her husband, now ex husband accuses her of cheating, she leaves him, signing the divorce papers.But what happens when Ethan comes to know about their children, and wishes to stay in their lives?Will Caroline's life take a 180 degree turn or a 360 degree?What happens when secrets unfold?What happens when those secrets endanger life of all those Caroline has ever loved or cared about and what happens when everything she has ever worked for is drowning?Where will Ethan fit in all these?Will she be able to protect everyone?Will Ethan be able to help her or will he be the cause of all the disruptions?Will she ever forgive Ethan?Will they end up being together?
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Every thing in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. Every decision you make reflects the evaluation of who you are. Every decision we make leads us down to different roads. We will never come exactly to the same crossroads ever again. Every decision that we make has a significance, more than our being can ever imagine or understand. The tiniest choice we make resonate throughout the entire universe, changing destiny of millions. ******************************************** Choices are the hinges of destiny.
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Caroline Lightwood, After leaving the house, once I called home, I went to my parents home. "Mom, Dad."I cried. "Honey what's wrong?" my mom engulfed me into a hug. Then I told them what happened except for the part where I saw him and Alexia kissing and him slapping me. My father and brother were furious ,"I'm not gonna leave that bastard !!" my dad said.  "He's gonna regret the day he was born." my brother, Alexander said. "No dad, Alec pls don't do anything, I've to tell you guys one more thing, I'm
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4 years later, Caroline Lightwood The sunrays falling directly on my face through the windows wakes me up. A smile find  its way on my lips. Today is the day when I am going to inherit my dad's company, when I am officially going to be the CEO of LIGHTWOOD ENTERPRISES. I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine. Then I went in my walk in closet and got dressed for the office. I gave my hair a loose curl. I went to my angels, my children, my baby twins, Jackson and Ella. Jackson Lightwood who was a minute older than Ella Lightwood. They were sleeping peacefully. Ella was hugging Jackson from behind, a habit since they were born, this is how they always sleep.
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2.Everything's right

Caroline Lightwood After talking to Cade Grey, the CEO of the reporting company 'Gnewz' from the group of companies owned by his family THE Greys  for over an hour I started preparing for today's meeting. Yes and this is the CEO of the company who wrote that article. He was my friend in college. He even had crush on me, but when I told him I liked someone else, he understood it and we remained good friends. Ethan was always jealous of him or any male I talked to, as a matter of fact. Whatever stop thinking about that jerk. I can't believe he didn't called back. At least of not for me he should have done it for my children. I'm sure one day they are gonna ask me about their father, god only knows what I'm gonna tell them. An hour later, the me
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3.Caroline Lightwood

Ethan Knight As soon as she rushed out of the room I wore my black sweatpants and black hoodie and black sneakers.You know wearing black is a ritual when you follow someone .I hopped on my bike and yes it is also black in color. I saw her driving and I followed her, making sure that I wasn't being caught. She got off her car and went into a dark alley. There was a man standing, I couldn't see his face, because it was all dark in there. He had about 6 feet of height, he was wearing a armani. I saw Lexi taking out some papers and files and giving it to him. He took it and kept in his bag. Then I saw Lexi grabbing his tie and kissing him. I clicked a photo for proof. Within a few seconds I saw the man thrusting in her pushing her back on wall. They were at it wild out
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4.I still do

Ethan Knight I read the letter again and again then the hot tears started pouring heavily on my cheeks. What have I done. Oh lord! I screamed loudly throwing the lamp on the floor, then went my files and other papers and almost everything. I stared myself at the mirror, looking at the heartless man in front of me who couldn't trust the only woman he have ever loved. I'm a piece of shit. I couldn't, just couldn't take the pain anymore. "Ahhhhhhh!!! It hurts so bad someone make it stop please." I screamed. I went to the mini bar and gulped down  the alcohol. I was drunk but I could drive I know that. I drove to the one place where I can get my sanity I went to my Caroline. After roaming on the streets, I concluded I didn't know where she lives now. But she's at t
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5.Trusted our love

Caroline Lightwood I went home after making sure Ethan was asleep and cleaned off the sweat dripping off his face and chest using a towel. Going to the kids room, I saw they were sound asleep. I had asked Morris to drive them home. I kissed their forehead and wished them goodnight then went to my room. Removing my dress and the make up I went to my bed, I couldn't help but wonder about the kiss and everything that happens between us. The way his hands moved all over my body, the way his lips trailed all over my skin leaving his marks behind, the way he got all bothered for him and how we would have went further if his phone didn't ring. I just couldn't shake the
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6.Your chance

Ethan Knight After Alexia left I looked in the mirror there was indeed a hickey, a very dark one. Alexia barely ever gave me a hickey she was always interested in having sex only. While I was with Care she always gave me a hickeyb,when one faded other would be made, it was like I always had a hickey. Thinking this a smile grew in my face. Those good days!cBut one thing was clear I still have a chance she might not love me now but she do feel something for me. Maybe I can turn her something into love. She loved me before, making her fall in love with him won't be that hard, at least noe impossible. When should I go to her. How should I do this? I don't have any plan, but the need to see her is too much, I neeed to go. Maybe I will just tell her how sorry I am, and I didn't know about our kids until now.
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7.Knight in shining armani

Caroline Lightwood After my encounter with my dearest ex husband, I went to my parents house and bought the kids home not before telling my assistant to clear my schedule for the day. During the whole drive home, I didn't say a wrod. I knew if I opened my mouth the tears would start to flow. Sensing my bad mood even the kids sat quietly in their seats, which is very rare, for them to be quite. After getting in our home, I gave the twins fruits and went inside my room as I just couldn't control my tears. I didn't want my children to see me cry. After some time I called Kath, not Izzy because she was supposed to meet a guy today. Kath picked the call and I told her what happened. She told me she and Izzy are coming
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