
A huge surprise

The Bad Boy and The Sheriff’s Son


Chapter 52: a huge surprise


Jordan was miserable when he stared up at the ceiling of his dorm room that second morning and listened to his two house mates next door talking.

They were okay so far. The loudest and brashest one was AJ Michaels who went for a high five the moment he saw him and was all smiles and bright blue eyes when he immediately wanted to make friends. The other was Doug Jones who was the complete opposite when he was quiet and kept to himself and in his own room. They got on and he was glad about that.

That was all well and good but he was far from home and still had no idea where Derek was. His phone calls went to answer machine now and he had already eaten two much ice cream and whined onto Shawn’s shoulder all night. They drank till he passed out and now his head pounded from a headache and his stomach churned miserably with him. He was desperate for aspirin and coffee when he stumbled out heading into the kitchen.

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