The Alphas Betrayal

The Alphas Betrayal

By:  Just noble  Completed
Language: English
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the book tells the story of Sophia, a human woman caught in the crossfire of a bitter feud between rival werewolf packs. When she meets Noah, the alpha of one of the packs, she sees a chance to turn the tide of the conflict and help bring peace to the warring factions. But as she and Noah work together, they begin to feel a powerful attraction that threatens to undermine their fragile alliance. And when Noah’s closest friend betrays him and steals his rightful place as pack leader, Sophia and Noah must fight not only for the survival of their communities, but for the survival of their love. With enemies on all sides and danger lurking around every corner, Sophia and Noah must navigate treacherous betrayals, unexpected obstacles, and heart-wrenching decisions if they hope to emerge victorious. Will they be able to overcome their enemies and find their way back to each other, or will the forces that seek to tear them apart prove too powerful to overcome? Find out in “The Alpha’s Betrayal: A Werewolf Romance.”

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64 Chapters

chapter 1

Noah’s POV I never thought it would come to this. Me, Noah, the alpha of the Red Moon pack, forced to flee from my own home. It was all because of Marcus, my closest friend and confidante. He took what was rightfully mine, stole my place as pack leader, and left me with nothing. Betrayal doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel.I wandered for days, my thoughts consumed with anger and vengeance. That was until I stumbled upon a small human town. As a werewolf, I should have avoided human settlements at all costs, but I was desperate for refuge.It was there that I met Sophia, a human woman who lived on the outskirts of the werewolf community. She didn’t seem afraid of me like most humans would be. Instead, she offered me a place to stay and tended to my injuries.But my mind was too consumed with thoughts of revenge to truly appreciate her kindness. I couldn’t help but think about how Marcus had betrayed me, and how I would stop at nothing to get my rightful place back.As I brood
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Chapter 2

As we were admiring the bracelet, we heard a commotion coming from the other side of the room. We turned to see a group of men in black masks and suits breaking into another glass case. The security guards rushed over, but the men were armed and dangerous. One of them pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot, causing the crowd to panic and scatter in all directions.Sophia grabbed my hand, and we made a run for it, weaving through the panicked crowd. But one of the masked men spotted us and started to chase us. We ran faster, ducking and weaving through the museum’s halls, but the man was closing in on us.Just when I thought we were done for, Sophia pulled me into a dark corner and whispered urgently in my ear, “Change into your wolf form. We can outrun him.” Without hesitation, I shifted into my massive black wolf form, and Sophia climbed onto my back.With Sophia clinging tightly to me, we sprinted through the museum, dodging obstacles and racing through the halls. The masked man
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Chapter 3

We hailed a taxi cab, and as we rode home, I couldn’t shake the feeling that our battle was far from over. But with Sophia by my side, I knew I could face anything. She place her head on my shoulder and I adjusted to give her more room. Along the way, I discovered a sudden burge rising in my underwear, I hope it’s not what I am thinking? When we alighted from the cab, I rushed to the bathroom to ease myself but also to avoid Sophia catching the burge in my trouser. I remove my T-shirt and I discovered it was stained with blood already, I was surprise I wasn’t aware that I was wounded, I took the lotion on the washing basin to apply to the wound, as a werewolf, I don’t need to worry about the wound, it will heal itself before I wake up. I winced as I applied the lotion to my wound, feeling the sting of the antiseptic. Sophia appeared in the doorway, clad in a light nightgown, and I could feel my heart skip a beat at the sight of her.“Let me help you with that,” she said, taking the
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Chapter 4

NOAH’S POV As I struggled to fight off the attacking werewolves, my mind drifted back to the early days of my friendship with Marcus. We had grown up together, two young werewolves in a pack that valued loyalty above all else. Marcus had always been by my side, supporting me through thick and thin.But then, things began to change. When I was appointed as the beta to the previous alpha, Marcus started to become more distant. He began to resent the fact that I was the one being groomed to take over as alpha, while he was left to play second fiddle.When I finally ascended to the position of alpha, I made the mistake of appointing Marcus as my beta. I thought that it would be a way to show him that I still valued his friendship and support. But it turned out to be a grave mistake.It wasn’t long before I started to notice that Marcus was acting strangely. He would disappear for long periods of time, and when he was around, he seemed distant and preoccupied. And then, one day, I receiv
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Chapter 5

Sophia Pov.As I waited for the water to boil, I ponder on the appearance of Noah’s brother. He hasn’t mentioned anything about his disappearance which is rather strange. He should be reeling with words of who took him or where he was. I didn’t want to get in between the reunion of the two brothers,so I chose to stay quiet as they chatted excitedly. The sound of the boiling kettle brought my attention back. I pulled out three mugs and filled them with the water before adding the instant coffee then stir. I placed each cup beside each plate of toast and eggs. Cleaning up the kitchen counter, I washed and dried my hands before sitting down in front of my own plate.“Breakfast is ready for anyone who feels hungry!” I yelled with my head angled at the stairs. I knew they could smell it before I had to say it. Just wanted them to know it was for them not only me.My phone rang beside me, Jeremy. I wonder why he would call this early when were going to meet at the office.“Yes Jer.”
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Chapter 6

Sophia Pov“So you’re here with your friend and you forgot to invite the rest of the crew.” Jeremy said behind Laura.I gave him a sorry kind of smile. “We didn’t mean to. We just trying to have girl’s time.” I said to him.“ Nah. We don’t let down.” He said as he sat down beside an Laura and smiled sheepisly at her.I looked back expecting Jacob to Join him but no one did. Normally, Jacob prefers to hangout around Jeremy during breaks and I can’t even tell how the weird friendship started.“He is coming with a plus one. I hope you don’t mind Sophia.” Jeremy said as he watched my movement and gave me a wink.All I could think of was every possible way to pull out his eye balls from his skull. He was such an annoying weasel. I don’t know how I keep mentioning him as a friend but he still was hell of a problem to me.“Now that’s something. Sophia please say ‘yes’ because I definitely want to see this lady.” Laura said excitedly.After I and Jacob had broken up, we didn’t really
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Chapter 7

Noah POVWhen Marcus and I were teenage boys, Marcus had something for a strange girl in the pack. The girl’s family were strange because of their unique brown colored hair and brown eye color. They were also the only brown werewolf among our pack who were mostly grey or black wolves.Miranda was her name. She never had a thing for Marcus. She was mostly after chasing another alpha son in the neighboring village.“If Miranda attacked my brother, Marcus is around the corner somewhere.” I said to Sophia as we sat in her living room while we waited for my brother to wake up from sleep.“Marcus has a connection with Jacob? Or did he send her to lure Jacob into his side? I know Jacob has some kind of upper hand in my life.” Sophia said slowly, as she tried to find a meaning between Miranda and Jacob.I knew it was a plot. This is Marcus trying to get at me through messing with the people around me. I just need to protect Sophia and my brother from his attacks. He should face me instea
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Chapter 8

Sophia’s POVAs the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the landscape, Noah and I made our way back from a small restaurant where we had decided to take a brief respite from the intense planning. We walked hand in hand, finding solace in each other’s presence amid the looming darkness.“You know, Noah,” I began, breaking the silence between us, “this whole situation is terrifying, but I’m glad you’re here with me.”Noah squeezed my hand gently, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and affection. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, Sophia. You’re everything to me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”His words touched my heart, reaffirming the strength of our bond. “And I’ll do the same for you and your brother. We’re in this together.”As we neared our home, a rustling in the bushes caught our attention. We immediately went on high alert, ready for whatever might come our way. From the shadows emerged one of Marcus’s men, a wolf with a
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SOPHIA 'S POVYears agoIt was completely dead quiet, everybody had stood up from the sofas but no one still said a word, we all fair gazed at Kaito who was cheerfully smiling back at us. I was holding Leo in my arms defensively, I wasn't around to require any chances with Kaito within the room - I didn't know what he was arranging but I do keep in mind how he debilitated Leo before. "Noah, it's decent to see you once more." Noah strained up from his position which was marginally behind me, we were the uttermost absent from Kaito but for a few reason we were the as it were ones the Japanese mobster was focussed on. Noah's breathing expanded and I seem actually feel the outrage transmitting off him but I knew there was no way he would respond with Leo right following to him. It took us all some time to induce over the starting stun conjointly to be able to discover the correct words to say in a circumstance like this. Having somebody as perilous as Kaito who's too caused so much shi
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—-"She fair found out Carlotta, not indeed an hour some time recently you folks came." Noah gratefully talked for me since I wouldn't have made any sense on the off chance that I attempted, he rubbed my back soothingly and kissed my cheek some time recently letting me go. As before long as Noah ventured absent from me Carlotta pulled me into a tight hug. "Mi dispiace tanto Sophia per tutto. Sono così felice per entrambi, congratulazioni" (I'm so too bad Sophia for everything. Im so upbeat for both of you, congratulations)I remained in Carlotta's arms for many minutes attempting to drag myself together some time recently I in the long run pulled absent from her. I grinned a watery grin whereas wiping my eyes. "Thank you." I turned around to see Matteo and Noah embracing, Matteo's eyes were ruddy from crying which was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Angelo was holding Leo who appeared upbeat to be in anyone's arms at this point he was that unwell and tired. Once he was done sal
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