The Alpha's Unwanted Mate

The Alpha's Unwanted Mate

By:  Celestia_10  Ongoing
Language: English
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Sage Nieva Battlerce is an illegitimate daughter of the alpha from a mere slave, ever since she was brought into the empire, her father treated her as one of his tools. One day, her life changed when the Elders announced that she was chosen by the Moon Goddess to be the destined mate of the Angentha family Crown Alpha. But, when their first marking occurred. Sage's life started to turn upside down because of how Damien treated her. “I don't want to mark you as my mate,” He harshly said. “Why?” She asked. It's not the first time that someone rejected Sage because of her status; however, this case is different. The destined mate that was supposed to accept and love her doesn't even want to be with her. “Because I love someone else,” He replied and left.

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2 Chapters


Warning: This chapter contains mature content such as violence, sexual assault, abuse, and foul words and major graphic descriptions not advisable for minor readers and people with a traumatic experience.—Sage Nieva's Point of ViewMy life never became easier when I stepped foot here in Angentha's land. Their aura is exactly similar to the empire where I grew up.The disgusting looks on their faces are familiar to me because I've always seen them in my entire life.“There may be some mistakes in the oracle that the elders announced,” The maids murmured. I know that they speak loud intentionally when they see me sitting down in the chair to make me hear about their gossip but it doesn't hurt me anymore because I'm used to it.Well, nobody likes me, anyway.I know how much they despise me but, I feel the same for myself.I hate my fucking existence either.“Maybe, the Battlerce family wants to create an alliance with us by making their elders lie about the destined mate,” One of them
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Chapter 01

Sage's Point of ViewThe ray of light was hitting the lids of my eyes which made me wake up. The traces of my mom were left in the bed, I'm sure that she is now in the kitchen preparing our breakfast. I stood up to wash my face in the bathroom, my reflection in the mirror put a smile on my face because I resembled my beautiful mother. The straight silver hair is my favorite part. Fair skin, and perfectly proportioned lips. Deep-set eyes, Sadly, I didn't get the color of her eyes because mine was aquamarine which I inherited from my father. When I go back to our room to get a towel, my eyes wander around the whole room. I could say that it's small compared to others but, I'm content living here as long as I'm with my mom.I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. There, I saw the slender body of my mom.“Good Morning, Mommy!” I happily shouted and hugged her from behind.“Hm. My baby woke up early, I'm planning to surprise you in the bedroom but I'm still not finished cooking our b
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