By:  KELSYLV  Ongoing
Language: English
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From the first moment he set his eyes on her he disliked her, and vice versa. Unfortunately, they are mates. She was interested in his younger brother, but found herself being drawn to him. She refused to acknowledge that they are mates, and he doesn’t know Because he is wolf less. She needed someone strong to rule beside her, to help rescue her people captured by a cruel rogue Alpha. He is anything but strong, if anything he is cruel, petty and manipulative. A pair not made in heaven if she is asked. He would probably say the same. She is beautiful, opinionated and annoying. Never the type of mate he envisaged. No, actually never thought he would find a mate being deformed as he is. No wolf would want a mate with no wolf. It doesn’t matter if he is the Alpha’s son. What happens when she falls for him, and he finds out that they are mates, and she didn’t tell him? Would he ever forgive her, or find her action too much a betrayal.

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41 Chapters

Chapter 1: The attack

They came like a thief in the night with no warning. One moment, my Pack were thriving and happy, and the next, it was up in smoke with the screams of the dying rising to the heavens. Rogues have been the bane of werewolves' existence. They were creating havoc and killing the innocent. They are like cancer that won't go away no matter what you do. Our Pack, the Running Creek pack, is located far south of the state. We have heard about the plague of the rogues in other places, rumours of it encroaching towards our borders, but my father never took it seriously. His mistake. My father, God bless him, was an idealist, a man who rarely advocated violence. Our Pack lived in peace and harmony. Everyone was treated equally, whether you were an alpha, a beta, or an omega. My mother, ruling beside him, was a kind-hearted omega whose love for her Pack was felt by all in the Pack. Her smile was like the sun's touch, and everyone yearned to bask in its brightness. They were good leaders a
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Chapter 2: Leaving everything behind

The night was turned into a bloody nightmare, with my people fighting very hard to survive. Our dead littered the floor of the ballroom like rubbish on the streets, yet more rogues kept coming. It was an attack on a large scale. It's like something that has been planned for many nights. How didn't we see this coming? I was tired, wounded, and barely holding my own, and the only thing keeping me going was Zach fighting beside me. Between the two of us, we have managed to kill a lot of rogues, but that barely made a dent in their numbers. My father and a few of our warriors were back at the Pack defending it. The rogue planned their attack so well that they attacked us on two fronts. I kept in touch with my father through our link; he is fighting hard, just as we are. But I could hear his strength depleting. The warriors fought to keep the rogues away from where Mum and the others were sheltered. We also needed to protect the vulnerable members of the Pack: the elderly, the cubs, a
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Chapter 3: New pack

I felt faint on my feet, but Frost and I remained on our feet through sheer stubbornness. We weren't going to look weak to the new arrivals. The more minor wounds on her body had healed with our little rest, but she still had a gash at her side that felt deeper and still oozing. That proved dangerous to her. The young men, looking a little bit older than me, I believe to be patrols for whatever pack we had stumbled into, drew their guns and pointed at us. Frost growled angrily at their show of aggression. In ranking, these boys weren't even betas, and they dared challenge us. "Relax, girl, we are alone and can't take them on." Frost tried to refute my words, but I continued until she could speak. "Not in our current state." The boys were staring at Frost with nervous fear in their eyes. The hand holding the guns were trembling so badly. I believe this to be their first patrol, and I would hate for us to get shot because someone was having a case of shaking fingers. The sight of
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Chapter 4: Where am I?

The waiting to be addressed proved to be a long wait. My body couldn't handle the strain anymore, and so I succumbed to the call of darkness that I had been avoiding since we started on the trek. The last thing I heard before I went under was the mysterious Beta asking the boys what was wrong. Whatever answer they gave him was up for grabs as I got lost in Lala land. The next time I rejoined the living, I saw a strange woman leaning over me, with a stethoscope on my chest and the other end fixed to her ears. Her dark, curly, long hair fell over her face. I blinked several times to adjust to the brightness of the room. I had no idea where I was, and that set off my heart rate, informing the woman, who was obviously a doctor judging by the way she was dressed, that I was awake. "You are awake," she said with a warm smile. She was pretty, and her grey eyes were kind. She didn't pose any threat, which made me relax a little. "Where am I?" I tried to sit up, which proved to be a pain
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Chapter 5: The Alpha

The man that walked in could only be the Alpha. His presence filled the room, not just physically but also his aura. I have never met anyone who has such a strong aura as him. He wasn't alone, but he commanded all the attention. You can't precisely see other people when you have a giant in your sight—a giant in a suit. What the fuck! It is like dressing up a savage beast. "Damn, he is huge!" "Tell me about it," I replied, Frost, gaping at the Alpha like he is big foot. I am not sure that there is a difference. What is he? Seven feet, eight feet. He is a fucking A****n. "Has anyone ever told you it is rude to stare, little girl? " His deep, thundering voice shook the room's walls, one of his thick brows climbing up his hairline in a humorous arch. "Has anyone ever told you that it is rude to call someone a little girl," Frost retorted in my mind, making me whimper as I fought a laugh."Now is not the time to be a smart ass, Frost," I scolded my naughty other half. She will get us i
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Chapter 6: The blonde is our mate

They were both tall and similar in appearance, except for some subtle differences. One has striking blonde hair that looks like fire, and the other has hair as dark as night. Their build was also different. One is built like a warrior, and the other is delicate like an artist. The blonde was the delicate one, almost looking feminine. He seemed so fragile, like a strong wind would blow him away. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green like the woman holding me in her arms, while the other had piercing brown eyes, much more intense like his father's. They watched me like some exotic animal, and their stare made me self-conscious. I was forced to pull out of their mother's arms and compose myself. I must look a sight with my tears and snotty nose. "You are always beautiful, even if you have a face of snot." "Thanks, Frost. What will I do without your compliments," I muttered sarcastically, wincing at her unflattering visual. "Anyway, is it them?" "You do know it is one mate, right?"
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Chapter 7: Calling them out

"Oh, my Moon goddess! Tell me you are joking?!" I stole a look at the blonde. Nope, I shook my head as if trying to reject the fact that this arrogant, stiff, callous prick is our mate. “I am afraid not. And that is not all!”"What could be worse than having a heartless being for a mate?" I snarled at my wolf, not knowing how much bad news I could take. Frost hesitated as if worried about how I would take the news. "Spit it out, Frost!" I demanded, wanting to get whatever it was out in the open. I am already thinking of blowing off this place and taking my chances with the rogue Alpha if it means I don't have to deal with the blonde. I don't think anything he says will surpass the blonde being an ass. “He is...” “Are you listening to us, girlie?!” Alpha Emerson's loud snap jarred me out of my thoughts, scaring the shit out of me. Of course, I wasn't listening to them. I tuned out when they started arguing about what to do with me. Mother and son were in my corner; father and big
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Chapter 8: He has no wolf

"Mmhmm" The Alpha coughed to get my attention away from the prick. I looked at the Alpha to find his left brow arched at me. He had caught me staring at his sont, who wasn't the only one. My whole face flushed red, but I managed to answer his question. "It is fair," I whispered through my embarrassment. "Glad you think so. We will leave you now to get your rest." One by one, they filed out of the room. The Alpha and his sons were the first to leave. Ass left without looking in my direction. He looked in a hurry to go as if he couldn't wait to escape me. Dustin nodded at me before following his father out. Nyx waited like she had something to say and then spoke when her sons and mate were out of hearing shots. "Don't worry, I won't let them send you away," she promised. I stared into her kind emerald eyes, and all I could see was sincerity. I wondered why she was being kind to me. I was a stranger to her. "Why?" She didn't hesitate to speak. "Because I want to believe that if m
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Chapter 9: He doesn’t matter

"Say again?" I was so shocked by Frost's revelation that I didn't know when I spoke my words out loud. "What?" Dustin sounded confused. I was confused. I turned to him with an embarrassing faint smile on my face. "Not you, just my wolf being silly." Frost didn't like me making fun of her, so she gave me a nudge that pushed me forward. I did my best not to react to her actions. She can be such a baby sometimes. And what the hell does she mean he has no wolf? That's what makes us who we are. "Oh," Dustin mumbled and then relaxed his posture. He doesn't look like the kind who relaxes often. He always looks serious, though his expression isn't as cold and closed off as his brother's. "So what did she say?" A curious light in his brown eyes made them sparkle and look so beautiful. Once again, I found myself sinking into their mesmerizing depth. "Fallon?" His questioning gaze snapped me out of my reverie and filled my face with heat. I didn't look at him because I was too embarrassed.
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Chapter 10: Chase

I choked on the food in my mouth at his unexpected presence, which threw me into a coughing fit. A person with a beating heart would probably run to my side to find out if I was alright, but all he did was stand like a statue, wearing a bored look on his gorgeous face, while his icy, judgy green eyes watched me like a hawk, as if I was faking it. The doctor re-entered while I was coughing out my lungs and ran to my side. “Are you alright?” She hurried to the table, returned with a glass of water already there, and presented it while she watched me like a mother hen. I took the glass and drank gratefully. “Thanks,” I gave it back, using the back of my hand to wipe my lips. He does mean to kill me. Just his presence alone, and I was about to choke to death. I stole a glance at my nemesis. He still stood at the same spot, expression unchanged. I wondered what he was doing here. He didn't look in a hurry to speak or leave. Later, preferable. I pushed my unfinished food towards the kind
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