

When Wendy received the package from Louis, she didn't know how to react.

She was still stinging from his distasteful announcement that she was nothing to him but an arsenal in the nasty battle between two parents.

It was not like she wasn't aware her entire situation was temporary, but hearing it from Louis stung as hell.

He probably didn't know what effect that statement had on her. He was out there about his normal business, casually sending in huge gift packages to serenade her.

Or maybe he knew. That was why he was sending in the gifts.

To make up for everything. The public damage on her image. The fact that he had basically incarcerated her in his house and had in clear terms referred to her as a fucking piece on their chessboard.

She sat on the across the room and stared at the large gift packages that sat on the classic antique table in the room. She stared at the package with mixed feelings of curiosity and distaste.

She wanted to know what he got for her and at the same ti
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