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Damon said nothing, but his eyes were hooded and heavy. “Just one kiss, Wendy. Just one. I have to kiss you. It’s all I’ll demand for now, and then he put his arms around her. She stood frozen in the circle of them as his heavy dark gaze followed the line of her throat Without waiting her consent, he swept his mouth over hers. Finally. Her sweetness exploded onto his tongue the moment he licked over her lips. . It was everything she’d dreamt about, their kiss. The taste, the feel, the joy at the sheer fineness of Damon Paige, in all his tall, beautifully built splendor, thrilled her and filled her with exquisite sensations. And for that moment, all the complications of getting involved with Damon melted away as if they’d never existed…. When he raised his head abruptly, she thought it was so he could say something personal and intimate. He didn’t. He stared down at her, and she could see his tortured expression before he closed his eyes briefly and then put her away from him. The look in his eyes was brooding and somber. “I should never have done that.” he said. ---------------------- Wendy Morgan relocates to New York and reunites with Deborah Paige, her best friend from high school, despite the fact that her father disagrees with her decision. But Wendy is tired of letting her father dictate every aspect of her life, especially now that he has arranged for her to marry Jordan Baker, so she is convinced that she has made the right decision by leaving. Soon, Wendy finds herself in the same situation with Damon Paige.... Will she walk away this time? She only has to pretend to be Damon's fiance for a while though.... She could do that. What could possibly go wrong?

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Kei Hofer
Hi, have you ever thought about expanding your work to other platforms?
2022-12-30 15:17:42
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I passed by this idea in anther story the faked fiancée !!
2022-08-29 06:32:33
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Fantastic story!
2021-07-17 05:42:41
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Tenisha Mckenzie Brissett
Really enjoyed this one, just as great as the others.
2021-07-11 00:51:16
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Such a lovely read! I couldn't bring myself to put it down... Awesome job, Author <3 Do you have any social media that I can follow?
2021-06-25 20:23:26
user avatar
Absolutely loved this story and the characters! One of my favorites.So full of emotion,growth, tenderness, personal revelations.This author knows how 2 write steamy, emotional, hot love scenes.So happy the focus was on the progression of their interplay & not absurd drama. Kudos for a fabulous read!
2021-05-27 09:00:15
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Hello, Please check out my new book BREAKING POINT
2021-05-26 01:39:06
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Kristie Lau
Sounds interesting. When do you plan on finishing the book? Don’t want to start and wait for chapters. I can wait patiently until you’re completely done. 😊
2021-05-10 22:15:55
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Hello, Author here. Please don't forget to leave a review after reading ❤️❤️ I really want to know what you think about my book.
2021-05-06 10:25:32
77 Bab
Chapter One
"You will not believe who just called me... Guess who" Deborah Paige said as she emerged from her bedroom, clad in pink silk pyjamas."Who?" "I said guess" Deborah said. Damon Paige turned to look at his little sister, who had a look on her face that he didn't quite understand. He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his phone. "I'm not going to bother about guessing anything" he said. "Because I have a feeling that you will tell me anyways. You know,... Because it's you and you can't be quiet about anything... Even to save your life. I'm not even sure that you can keep secret, so just cut the crap and tell me" "You are no fun" Deborah said and she glared at her brother, but then she smiled because she knew he was right. She would tell him anyways, but that didn't stop her from picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. "Well," she began "I kn
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Chapter Two
Apparently, he didn't do such a good job of keeping his feelings in check because Debbie found out about it, and he had to make her promise not to tell. Leaving for college had helped and when Wendy and her family moved to another state, everyone had just....moved on. Damon glared at his sister. "That crush was many years ago...People move on from stuff like that" he said. "But you know what? I honestly think it would be nice to see her again... It's been so long. Do you think she has changed a lot?"-----------------------Wendy Morgan breathed deeply as she knocked on Deborah's door. Her fingers tightened on her bag, not because she was was scared, but because she was nervous as hell. She still wasn't sure if she had made the right decision by coming to New York. It hadn't been an easy decision to make. And it was even harder because her father was against it. But she knew that had to leave. She was ti
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Chapter Three
Damon would’ve been completely intimidating if not for the incongruity of all that hair pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Someone so polished, so sophisticated, so rigid in his appearance wearing a…man bun.  A corded expanse of tanned neck contrasted with his light blue shirt. His broad shoulders blocked her view of the room, but Wendy didn't care. Her stare was riveted to his body. He was powerfully built, his arm tanned and flecked with black hair below the turned back pearl-studded cuff.  Wendy seemed to be floating on a cloud, her mouth turning dry as her gaze slid lower. She was fascinated by the flex of his strong thighs beneath the tight denim as he released her hand as stepped back a bit.  "Is something wrong?"  Damon asked, watching her closely.  The question brought her back to reality and she grinned sheepishly.  "Ye
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Chapter Four
You are cutting me off? Fine, Dad" Wendy said. "I think it's better that way. Maybe I don't need your money and now I have one more thing motivating me to do better for myself" She hung up immediately, a little scared that if she stayed on the phone, he would talk her out of this and make her go back home. "Family issues?" Damon asked as she dropped the phone on her lap and buried her face in her hands. She looked up and nodded slowly. "Yeah" Wendy replied. "I just had to leave, you know. It wasn't my intention to piss him off, but this is something I feel like i have to do. All my life I have always done things the way he wanted me to... Every single thing. And now he wants me to marry some doctor guy i barely know. He said something about securing my future... Whatever that means. I thought about it a lot and I just can't do it. I can't keep living like that... I want more. I want to make decisions on my own... G
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Chapter Five
The vultures were circling. Wendy stood back, wineglass in hand, and surveyed the crowded ballroom. The fund-raiser was supposed to be more pleasure than business, but business was uppermost on the minds of her competition.Across the room, Damon Paige stood in a large group of people. He looked relaxed, seemingly in his element, an easy smile making his extraordinarily handsome face even more gorgeous.It should be a crime for a man to be that good-looking. Tall, rugged, he looked every inch the kind of man who’d be at home in the athletic wear his company designed and sold. There was an aura of confidence and power around him, and above all, Wendy loved a man who was sure of himself.Given the long, searching glances they’d exchanged over the last few weeks since she came to live with Deborah, she’d be a fool not to entertain the idea of seeing where things could lead...If he wasn’t a prospective client.
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Chapter Six
Frank owned Creative Edge Promotions, and according to Evan, not only had Frank lured away a few of  Standard gate's top clients in recent months, he’d also launched a PR campaign against Standard Gate. Evan said that Frank was ruthless, and he’d do anything to win. “Well, yes,” Wendy murmured. “His ad execs are busy working Damon over.” “Any reason you aren’t?” Evan asked her.  She laid her hand on his forearm. She knew how important this account was to Evan—to everyone at Standard Gate Communications. It was important to her too. She wanted to prove herself, both to Evan, and more importantly to herself. “I need you to trust me, Evan. I know Damon Paige and i have studied him extensively. He knows I’m interested. He’ll come to me eventually. I’m sure of it.”She said.  &ldquo
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Chapter Seven
 Wendy grinned at him. "Enjoying the evening?” she asked.  “I think you know I’m not.” he replied.  She raised one eyebrow and stared at him over the rim of her glass. “Do I?” Damon snagged a flute from a passing waiter and turned his attention fully on her. It was all she could do not to gasp under his heated scrutiny. It was as if he undressed her right then and there in front of a roomful of people. Her blood simmered and pooled low in her belly. He had beautiful eyes, and they were currently devouring her, delving beneath the modest evening gown she’d chosen. He made it seem like she wore the most scanty, revealing dress imaginable. She felt nude and vulnerable under his searing gaze. And somehow she had a feeling that he knew the kind of thoughts she was having about him...and that he was thinking it too. Why was he looking at her like that if he wasn'
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Chapter Eight
It would make her life easier to be able to hide her thoughts from this man. Then she wouldn’t concern herself over whether he was giving her a shot because he thought she deserved it or whether he was thinking only of the powerful sexual pull between them and how best to capitalize on it. Wow, Wendy. Lump him in with all the other jerks you’ve known, why don’t you? Nothing like being tried and convicted based on your gender, she thought.  Okay maybe that was wrong to judge him like that, but what about Debbie? What if something happened and her friendship with Debbie was ruined. She didn't want to hurt someone who had always been good to her.  “Relax. You’re thinking way too much,” Damon murmured close to her ear. "You were the one who said you wanted to do this professionally"  "And I am doing this professionally" she replied.  
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Chapter Nine
His fixation with her couldn’t be readily explained. It wasn’t as though he lived as a monk. He had sex. He never lacked for partners. Sex was good. And all this while when she hadn't been in his life, he had been seeing women. But he knew that sex with Wendy would never be just good. It would be lush and delicious. The kind of experience a man would sell his soul for.She was indeed a beautiful woman. Tall, but not too tall. She would fit perfectly against him, her head tucked just underneath his chin. The girl he had once known had become a woman... A beautiful woman. She often wore her long red hair up in a loose style that told him she didn’t pay a lot of attention to whether every strand was in place. It kinda reminded him of her ponytail back in high school. He wanted to take that damn clip out, toss it in the garbage and watch as her silken mass spilled down her back. Or better yet, let it spill over him while the
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Chapter Ten
She preferred the glitz-and-glamour facade of the jewelry world over the sweaty, athletic image of his company. It was just as well she wasn’t bright enough to have done any research. If she had, she would have known that Damon's company’s earnings far exceeded those of their family's jewelry business. And it had only taken him a few years to accomplish it. His mother wouldn’t believe it but Damon was grateful to Sam for being a selfish pinhead. Sam wanted Grace becausese Damon had her. Thanks to that deep need for one-upmanship, Damon had narrowly escaped a huge mistake. But it didn’t mean he wanted to spend quality time with his spoiled, self-indulgent cousin. He’d agreed, however, and now he needed a date. With a shake of his head, he began scrolling through the contacts on his phone. He had narrowed his options to three women, when the solution came to him. It was brilliant, really. He w
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