Spyrit Magic

Spyrit Magic

By:  A.R. Button  Ongoing
Language: English
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17 year old Kida has been alone for a long time, living only by the use of her wits and strengths. When cornered by the city guards for theft, she uses all of her abilities to escape, only to be captured by Magicians. Kida accepts to help the Magicians protect the newest and most powerful magician that has come of age, and in doing so, she unknowingly tips the scales in the hidden war between the magicians and the Darkness, who seeks to rule over all. As light and dark wage war on one another, she must decide what, and who is really worth fighting for, and how one choice can change the course of her future forever.

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I’m loving this book! It’s unique and enticing. I love that I have no idea what’s coming next and I can’t wait to see how this develops! Thank you to the author!!
2022-11-29 09:49:14
51 Chapters
Prologue - The Mission
The cloaked figure ran swiftly along the city’s darkened cobbled streets, the shadows passing over his dark clothing as if they could not see him in the black night. He stumbled over the crumbling path and cursed quietly under his breath. He hated being back here. The memories, the way everything seemed as familiar as if it were a part of him. It was never in his plan to come back, but he forced himself on, his resolve growing stronger.There was only one thing on his mind- the mission. It had to be completed no matter what the cost. He would be rewarded extravagantly for his efforts if he were to succeed…No! He thought, When, I succeed. He knew only too well where failure would lead, and it wouldn’t be pleasant.His mind faltered a moment at the thought, sending a shiver down along his spine. The horror that would follow failure was far too much for him to even bear the thought of.He stopped when he heard the soft tap of approaching footsteps. Quickly, he stepped into the shadows th
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Chance Encounter
The world swirled around me as I ran, all the colours blurring into one mud brown. The cobbled stone slapped against my bare feet, stinging a little.I cursed loudly when I tripped on a lifted edge and almost hurtled into a small stand that had been set up on the side of the street. The stones ripped at my body, pulling away several layers of my skin along with my clothes. Great, more scars.I cringed away from the stall, my skin crawling with the desire to run away. I had no idea why, until I saw them. Dark magic flowed through the orbs that were placed out very specifically on the table. The crooked merchant looked at me and smiled, baring his crusty, old teeth.My arms wrapped around my body instinctively, covering the holes in my ripped, and tattered clothes, which exposed parts of my skin, as he watched me appreciatively. His wrinkled eyes widened just as much as his smile did.I shivered unconsciously and backed away from him as fast as I could, then ran down a smaller, darker al
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I awoke to the smell of something potent. It was strong and burnt my nose in a good and weird kind of way. I sniffed a little more, keeping my eyes closed in case I was in the cells again. I didn’t need more reminders of that painful time.Suddenly all the memories rushed back to me, and my eyes popped open. I sat up so quickly that my head spun, and with a small sound my mouth was stifled.The scream that built in my chest was now choked off by the large hand smothering my lips.My breathing was rapid through my nose, but I calmed down quickly when I looked around and saw that it was the man I had kicked. Even without the shadows covering his face, I could tell it was him. He had the same air around him and even as I thought this, I trembled with confusion. It was the best way I could explain how I knew it was him, but even to my own mind, it sounded crazy.I had no idea where I was, but it was definitely not the cells. The room was large and open, wide windows letting sunlight come s
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The Master Magicians
“Be sensible Gareth,” I heard a smooth, velvety voice say angrily. “There is no way that she… that she…” “Yes Alana?” asked another, deeper voice – a man. The first voice, a woman, huffed angrily. “She is only a child,” she countered as though this would change the man’s mind. “And a thief at that, how can we trust her?” I squeezed my eyes closed tighter, hoping that it would stop my head from hurting. The scream still echoed in my mind and every now and then would flare up, sending shooting pain through my head. It was like a constant toothache. If you bit into the wrong thing, it would hurt, a lot. An annoying, painful headache, that’s what I had. And where did it come from? It had come on so suddenly, so strangely. I put it down to the magic that the Fourth Magician had used – the fire. Maybe it had lasting effects on my body. “I believe you said the same thing about me didn’t you Alana?” a third voice asked, his voice smug. I recog
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True Mates
“Darius, my old friend,” Gareth greeted with a wide smile, and got up to welcome the new man with a warm hug and a shake of his hand. Even with his smile in place, I knew it was all too wrong. I could sense the subtle anger flowing from Gareth.Darius kept his eyes on me but returned the warm hug to Gareth and said a quick hello to Blake, his analysing gaze finally leaving me.“Ha… You have grown up my dear boy,” Darius said with a wide smile, his blue eyes sparkling happily at Blake. “And out,” he continued, indicating Blake’s muscled arms and shoulders. He clapped his hands on the side of Blake’s arms, giving Blake a grin.Blake’s face had changed entirely and instead of the smooth, hard features, his face was softer and gentler as he smiled, taking away many years from his face. Too bad his smile couldn’t change the cold nature of his personality, I thought to myself.After the cheerful
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Bloody useless magicians.I waited patiently for more, for a less confusing and enraging answer. A knock sounded on the door, capturing their attention.“That’s it? That's all you are going to say?” I was beyond frustrated and wanted to leap out of the bed and yell and scream at them, but from what I had overheard about Magicians, there was no point to it.Darius laughed and opened the door.Alana waltzed in followed by a young girl no older than myself.She was tall and slim, with long, dark hair that circled her petite face, her eyes a golden brown, warm in colour. I sensed no tenors of emotion floating around her so I simply assumed that she was not a magician. After all, I had never felt emotions before meeting the magicians.Our eyes met and in that moment I knew – even though I did not sense her emotions – the girl hated me. Her eyes were narrowed in revulsion, a look of disgust lingering on her f
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I was jerked awake when I heard a soft shuffling behind my door, my eyes open and my mind attentive in moments. One of the things I had learnt from living on the streets, you wake up – straight away. If you didn’t, many bad things could happen, like being taken in by the city guards or being attacked by any of the other orphans who had managed to live past the first year on the streets.You had to learn to be quick on your feet and alert at the slightest sound. That’s why I always stayed dressed – not that I exactly had a whole wardrobe to choose between.My eyes narrowed and focussed on the sound behind my door. It was a soft thudding, barely audible, but my ears were attuned to hearing soft sounds.Sliding out of bed as quietly as I could, I moved to grab the heaviest looking thing I could find, a delicate and intricately painted vase that rested on the cupboard beside my bed.I picked it up, feeling the weight of it in my hands
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This was how Blake found me, curled in a ball, my body covered in sweat and tears as I tried to fight against the invisible enemy of my own torturous nightmares and fears.He picked me up gently and took my back to the room, his warmth enveloping my body. No questions seemed to want to escape his lips and for that I was grateful. I was not ready for his torturous thoughts. His mouth was a tight line as he watched me eat the food he had placed in the room.I played with it mostly, swirling the mixture around and around as it steamed away, giving off a pleasant scent. I would eat some every now and then so I had a reason to not look at Blake, but by the time he asked, I was only half way through and it was starting to get cold.“What was that about?” he asked suddenly, his tone deathly serious. He cut into my thoughts, distracting me from my stirring.I stuffed a piece of bread in my mouth to avoid his question but his face darkened.&ldq
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“Blake, where are we going?” He didn’t even pause, continuing in his horse’s canter, as he rode further and further ahead of Midnight who was being as careful as possible. I held on for dear life, letting the movement of the horse influence my own, but it was still a very uncomfortable ride. I had never sat on a horse before, let alone ridden one while it was moving at speed. To say I was terrified was an understatement. Branches from the trees surrounding us loomed so close. I even had to duck to avoid a few. Soon enough the forest began to clear and we rode out onto an open plain. Nothing could be seen for miles around us apart from a few trees scattered here and there. A smile appeared on my lips - freedom. For so long I had been trapped within a city that did not seem to care much for me. I had never before ventured this far from Verdana, preferring to stay close to what I knew and close to the meagre food that I could scavenge. It was by far the most bea
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The sun was beginning to rise as Blake finally woke. At first he was just a lump of materials wriggling around, but then he emerged from his bed, his hair ruffed up all over the place. If I was true to myself I could admit that this look was completely adorable, but right now I was angry. Not particularly with just Blake, but the entire set up that I had been dropped into. I had been trailing after Blake for days now heading to some place I had no knowledge of, to fulfil some plan that I knew nothing about. I was infuriated; therefore my silent treatment towards Blake was no surprise to him. I had begun my silence after that first night. He hadn’t really noticed it at the time as he had taken off with Blaze as soon as we had saddled up, leaving me behind again. When we stopped though, my frustrated silence became more obvious. I had hoped to annoy him, but it only seemed to amuse him, which made my anger bubble and roil. When he said something nasty it hit my
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