

By:  Kulture  Completed
Language: English
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Giovanni 'Spade' DeVille Just like his last name, he's the devil. Many fears him for he is ruthless and heartless. His heart is cold as stone. He fears no one but everybody fears him The mention of his name sends shivers through people's spine. He has no time for love, all he cares about are his business and his mafia. If you as much as cross him, you'd be dead before you get to the finish line. Like all made men his hands are stained with blood, he's no saint and he doesn't care. All that changes because of one meeting. A single meeting is all it takes to shake the very foundation of this ruthless man. Everything he believes and stands for are hanging by a thread. He begins to see things from a different perspective. And his heart which he thought was dead and long rotten, begins to beat. For one person and one person alone. Nathan Miller His to be brother in law. It's a forbidden territory for him but it's a territory he's willing to cross just to understand what it is he's feeling. It has never been heard of before Not in a million years but Giovanni would break that spell and do the impossible. Desire, lust and betrayal brews in the air in this mafia story. But love always conquers all But will the forbidden between this two conquer the underworld??

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173 Chapters

Chapter 1

Hello there 😁😁I'm back again with another beautiful and dangerous story 😉😉This is another mafia story.Forbidden territory.Not sure how it's gonna go but I assure you, you're gonna love it 😁😁I'm not really an expert on mafia story but I try my best.My description might be a little boring and not that in-depth, but please bear with me.Also I will not tolerate any rude comments on my book.If you're not comfortable, please don't read it.Any hate comments will be deletedEnjoy😁NathanI sighed out as I watched car after car pile up beside me and behind me, the traffic was not in favor of anybody today and the sun was scorching hot, even my car AC wasn't really working up to speed.There were beads of sweat on my forehead as I tried to look in front to see if the traffic was getting less but it was still the same thing.I unbuttoned my jacket and took it off, dropping it on the passenger seat, I picked up my phone and checked the time, 2:50pmI was getting late, I was suppo
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Chapter 2

He was late, yes he knew it but he didn't care, if they wanted to do business with him, they should be ready to wait as long as he wanted them to wait.He walked into study and his eyes raked the whole room, it didn't look as expensive as he expected. cheap couch, poor design choice.There were two men standing in the room, one looked older, the one he'd been talking to for the past one month.His sharp gaze moved from the old man to the other man much younger man in the room, obviously the young one seemed to be scrutinizing him with his eyes too, he had neatly shaved hair and a clean shaved face, he looked quite too young and kind of innocent.With very intriguing brown eyes, not the regular bright but dark, dull and lost brown eyes.Like sand in the desert, stormy and cloudedBoth their eyes finally met and the younger of the two sucked in a breath, Spade's eyes was sharp and his gaze was scrutinizing and fearless, very sharp the edge of a samurai's blade, cutting through his skin
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Chapter 3

Greg's gaze cut through to his son in anger."Who asked you to speak"? He growled out making his son swallow and look down at his feet."Look at me when I'm talking to you, do you know who that is"? He growled out walking around the table and standing right in front of his son."I don't care about you wanting to get yourself killed but while you're at it, try not to drag me into it" he growled out glaring at his sonNathan just swallowed before his eyes landed on his sister"And you" his father muttered looking at his daughter "get ready you're getting married to Spade" he muttered"But dad I don't even know him" she argued and he just glared at her before taking steps close to her, she recoiled back in fear"You don't have to know him, you just have to marry him, you don't really have much of a choice" "Why"? Nathan whispered looking at his father, he couldn't understand why this sudden action taken by his father, they barely even knew the man, hell he bet his father didn't even kno
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Chapter 4

The silhouette finally stepped out of the shadows and into the light, he got up from the couch and took steps close to the table before he leaned in and picked up the file.He assessed the back before opening it and reading through, he scrunched his nose up and looked at Spade again."You're not actually going to go through with this are you"? He asked looking at SpadeSpade just put both his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands."This is crazy, Spade you're going to be married to her forever, she's going to be your wife" he stated still looking at the man in front of him, as if he was a toddler"That is why I have you, I won't be married to her forever, you're gonna make sure of that" he muttered looking at the man holding the file"Me? Excuse me but I won't be helping you kill some innocent girl two week after marriage" he said and Spade resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his childishness."You're not gonna help me kill anyone Matteo" he muttered making him sigh o
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Chapter 5

As promised Nate drove home to check on his sister, she was basically the only person he had in this world.He could see the fear in her eyes when she heard about the marriage arrangements.He'd never understand why their father would make such an arrangement without telling either of them, not even Su that was the person involved the more in the contractMaybe because he didn't want any of them to oppose not that they could, him especially.He knew better than to go against their father, he knows the consequences of making such a move.He didn't really find much in his online investigation last night, but he already knew enough to know that Spade was not a good person for his sister, and their father knew this, but he was too greedy to care Unlike the previous day, he didn't find his sister in the kitchen, he had to go meet her upstairs.Lucky for him, his father wasn't in sight either.He walked up the stairs and through the hallway, his steps quickened because the last thing he wa
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Chapter 6

He unbuttoned his shirt and starts folding the sleeve as he walked towards his mini bar in his house, this was his own personal haven, unlike other Capones he didn't live with his men in the huge mansion, no instead he had a rather smaller, much comfortable and homely place just by the side of the mansion meant for his men.It was inside the same compound but you'd never guess he lived there, it wasn't too huge or flashy, it was just perfect for him.Everything he needed was there and the peace and quiet was the most amazing thing about the house that he likedHe took out a whiskey bottle and a small glass, he opened the bottle and poured a small quantity of whiskey into his cup, before dropping the bottle back in it's place.He walked around the island in the bar, and towards the living room, he sat on the couch still holding the half filled glass of whiskey in his one hand and used the other hand to pick up the file Matteo gave him earlier that day.He dropped the glass on the table
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Chapter 7

Nate walked up the stairs and through the hallway before stopping in front of his father's study.He took in a deep breath already dreading what he'll meet on the other side of the door.He knocked lightly and suddenly wished he could high tail out of the house without ever having to return but that was impossible and would probably never happen for him.He heard the low 'come in' of his father before he gently opened the door and stepped into the study.He could feel the whole place tense up, more chiller than the rest of the house, all the gaze of everyone in the room rested on him.He swallowed as the only one he could feel burning into his skin was Spade's, of course his father's eyes were on him too, but the only one he could feel deep in his bones and made him alert, was Spade's gaze.He didn't want to look at him, not because he wasn't itching to see those hazel dull and emotionless eyes, but because he was scared and nervous, he could feel his heart rate skyrocket, his palms g
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Chapter 8

Spade had just walked out of Greg's house heading straight for his car when he heard the door open, he knew Greg was too greedy to just let him walk away from this deal."Wait" he heard her voice and he scrunched his brows before turning around and facing her.It was Greg's daughter, the same one he was supposed to be married to, she had the contract with her.She was a bit out of breath as she stopped in front of him He studied her for a bit, his eyes stopping at her face, she looked nothing like Greg or his son, with different facial features and body look, she could easily lie that she was in no way related to him and anyone would believe."Uh.... I..." She suddenly couldn't form her words, his stare was very intimidating and scary, there was something about this guy that didn't sit well with her and whether she liked it or not, she would be forced to get married to him.He cocked his brow at her waiting for what she had to say"Um... I wanted to talk to you... About the contract"
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Chapter 9

Nate was confused as hell, he didn't even know what to do or where to look, he had driven his car along the streets of their estate, in hopes that he'd see his sister on the sidewalk but he didn't.It had been almost two hours now since she left and no one had seen her, his father had long since left the house.Only God knows what he's going to do if Su doesn't return.But why would she leave just like that, without telling anyone, not even him.He ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep breath as he paced the living room of his father's house "You have to calm down Nate, she'll come back" Laura tried to ease his nerves but it wasn't working, what if she didn't come back?What if she's had enough of their father's ill treatment?"Perhaps she went for an evening walk"He shook his head "I've been on the streets three times looking for her, she's not even close to home" he mutteredHis father is definitely going to kill him for this.He should have just kept his mouth shut.B
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Chapter 10

He starts unbuttoning his sleeves, one arm at a time, while taking slow steps towards the man tied up in the chair, still squirming.He rolls the sleeves up his arms slowly and walked towards the table at the right end of the roomThe man on the chair could barely see what he was doing"Lucas, what do you have for me"? He asked, his deep voice resounding in the room.He could hear the man struggling to speak and shaking the chair violently, as he took his sweet time pick out a torture item.Which should he go for?The chains? No, that's gonna be very messy and he didn't want to ruin the white shirt he was wearing.Or should he just use the knives to cut out parts of his body until he bled out? That's also very messy and unorthodox.His eyes rested on a very particular item and he smirked.Just perfect, he picked it up and examined it.He took out the long wires and pulled it with him until he stopped in front of the man, he could see the fear in his eyes, and he thrived on that fear.
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