

We arrived at the hotel spa in no time, it was very huge and obviously very expensive. 

 I am 100% sure Alpha Kay was paying for all this, because there was no way all of my families income combined in one would be enough to afford a session here.

We quickly made our way into the hotel, past the reception and up to her pent house suite.

Yes the pent house. 

I had heard May boasting that a night at a pent house room in the hotel cost at least $500,000 a night. Kay was spending 2 nights here. Which meant $1,000,000 - one million dollars in two days just to sleep!

My head even hurt thinking of the figure.

I got to the door of her room, with Mr Sid closely following behind.

I knocked a couple of times but I got no response, which was understandable because the room was so big that it was divided into a living room and a sleeping room which was placed far from the door.

We decided to just enter.

As we walked in we could hear my sister giggling from the bedroom.

“Oh come on baby, run away with me, we can bind and become mates for life” 

I stopped dead in my tracks, that was my boyfriends voice.

What was Justin saying to her?!

“What?! Hell no, and miss out on all the money Alpha Kay is spending on me, that’s not going to happen Justin”. I heard May say back to him.

“But I can satisfy you so much more than he ever can,” Justin’s voice argued. 

“I know baby that’s why I always keep coming back for more.” May said reassuring him.

“ I can't mate with you, but we can still be sleeping together even after the ceremony is finalized ” She squealed excited , “how does that sound?”

“I’d rather have you all to myself” Justin grumbled.

May giggled “Aren't you being greedy?, you already have my sister Millie as your mate”.

“Fuck Millie, she doesn't taste as good as you do”. 

I felt tears of shamed burn in my eyes. How could Justin do this to me, how could he talk about me like that? After all I’d done for him, after all I had given him!

“I honestly don’t know why you're still with her”, I heard my sister May say.

“What can I say? Your fool of a sister still pays my bills”. 

“Really?! May gasped, damn I knew she was dumb, but didn't know she was that stupid”.

Justin let out a loud laugh.

 “Its because she is so crazy about only me”. He boasted, They laughed some more…

I felt my blood boil.

I took a step towards the bedroom, but Mr Sid quickly grabbed my arm, shaking his head as if discouraging me from entering the room and confronting them.

I shook off his grip and marched straight into the room.

I was totally not prepared for the sight that greeted us.

In front of our very eyes was My sister May lying half naked on top of My boyfriend Justin who was completely naked. 

I felt my heart grind into pieces.

The very second May saw me, she yelled and fell off the bed. I stood still and watched them scramble to cover themselves.

Behind me I heard a sound of a camera clicking, I looked behind me to see Mr Sid taking a picture of them.

May noticed it and screamed again, trying to cover her face.

Justin immediately went on his knees and grabbed my hand pleading.

“Babe, babe its not what you think, it was all may she was trying to seduce me but I was refusing her…”

“You lying piece of trash” May yelled outraged. “Tell her the truth, tell her that you only became her boyfriend to get to me, tell her that you were only using her for the money she gave you”.

“Shut the up liar!” He yelled back at her.

The stupid bastard had the audacity to still lie to my face after I had clearly heard everything he had just said.


He paused for a second, weighing his options…. “you know what?” He asked Suddenly… “it’s true I don’t want you anymore, you’re plain and boring and your sister is better in bed than you are… so I won’t hide it anymore.” 

He looked me straight in the eyes and declared “ I just Phiip reject you Millie brown as my mate “ 

My heart crushed into a million more pieces. First he cheats on my with my own sister? Then he rejects and humiliates me in front of her.?

I felt my body start to shake in anger. I turned around and grabbed the first thing I saw on the table, which happened to be a cup containing hot coffee.

I threw the hot coffee at him and heard him scream in pain.

I turned around and fled the room before as painful sobs left my lips.

Mr Sid drove the car while I lay crying at the back of the car.

We drove straight to my parents house.

When we got there, I saw workers still decorating my parents newly renovated house. Alpha Kayden had spent a fortune renovating and decorating our house as a wedding gift to my parents.

What was going to happen to all his generosity when he finds out what kind of monster my sister really is?

I ran straight to my room as I heard Mr Sid call my parents to tell them what we just saw.

I could hear my My father shout with anger at what he was hearing.

My mother immediately ran up into my room and started comforting me, my father and Mr Sid followed behind her a little later.

My father walked in with a very sad frown on his face, Mr sid looked suspiciously guilty too.

“Mr Sid, please can you repeat to them what you just told me? “ My father said tiredly as he slowly lowered himself into a seat next to us

Mr Sid looked uncomfortable…. “Alpha Kay has demanded that you pay him back all the money he has spent on you and this wedding. Its only fair that you return all his investment now that your daughter has proved to be a disappointment”

“Oh my goodness…” my mother moaned in embarrassment.

“H-How much is everything I stammered---”

“25 million dollars.. “Mr Sid declared.

My mother gasped in shock as my father dropped his head down on the bed looking dejected.

“Isn't there a way we can sort this out, we don’t have that kind of money” I pleaded.

“I’m sorry Alpha Kay has insisted that if he does not get his money back, you all would be exiled from the clan and jailed for fraud”.

My mother burst out crying, now I was the one trying to comfort her.

“May will plead with him, shell apologise and beg for forgiveness, they can still get married”. My mother begged.

Mr Sid shook his head no ,“I’m afraid Alpha Kay says that he would never marry an ungrateful cheat….”

Before he could even finish the insult my mother cried harder……Mr Sid looked sorry for us.

After a while of watching my mother cry, he spoke up reluctantly, “There may be something you can do to save yourselves… Mr sid said 

“What --what can we do?.” My father asked, his voice full of hope. 

“No I--I don’t think you can do it…” Mr Sid said.

“We can--- anything he wants we can do it.” My mum assured.

“Well…..He wants her”…Mr Sid said, pointing at me,

The room fell silent.

“W-what--why?” I was the first to react.

“Alpha kay knows that you wont be able to pay him so he is graciously offering you another solution…Sell her to him”.

Everyone turned to look at me, I could see hope in my mothers eyes.

“Millie my daughter, please do this for us, you're our only hope now…”

I shook my head in disbelief, Where they seriously trying to sell me their daughter to a dangerous perverted old Alpha they had never ever seen before?!!.

“I—cant , I don’t even know the man… I’ve never even seen him!”

Millie do you want your poor old parents to get exiled or to jail? Well die there my father exclaimed..

I looked at my old parents, they would never last a week in the wild.

I couldn’t let them die in jail because of the foolishness of my sister.

Maybe when I finally meet Alpha Kayden tomorrow, I can plead with him to let us work out another way to pay him back. 

After all he was probably an old man too, so he would understand.

I took in a deep breathe to prepare myself before I announced my decision…” I agree.. Ill marry him.”

My mother shouted in joy and hugged me tightly… and my father shook Mr Sid’s hand happily.

Every one around me seemed to be happy with the new arrangement except me.

I was terribly scared…

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