Savage Freedom: Book #2 Boarding House Brides

Savage Freedom: Book #2 Boarding House Brides

Oleh:  OKLACLSYLDY Books  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Abigail ran away from home at age seventeen to escape the arranged marriage her father had planned for her and she found herself at the St. Louis Boarding House & Orphanage for lost souls. Henry was a Civil War Army Captain heading for Indian Territory when he met Abigail at the boarding house. When Abigail agreed to write to him, little did she know that she would fall in love and agree to become his mail order bride. When Abigail is kidnapped days before arriving to Henry's side in the territory, Henry's friends move heaven and earth to find her. When she is found, will she and Henry have their happily ever after? Or will trouble find them once again? Join us for Book #2 of the Boarding House Brides series.

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Wonderful story, full of adventure and twists and turns. A unique twist on life in Indian Territory. Loved the friendship and interaction with the natives, it wasn’t always that easy
2023-01-22 03:34:46
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Terri P
Such a great author! I loved the first book in this series and have been devoutly devouring this one. This author deserves so much more recognition <3
2023-01-08 05:47:10
31 Bab
March 1864 Abigail POV I was exhausted. It was late and I needed to find shelter for the night. I continued to walk down the ever-darkening streets of St. Louis. It has to be here somewhere, I thought to myself. The nice man at the livery had shared with me about an orphanage and boarding house that took in young ladies who found themselves in desperate situations. I continued along the street for several more minutes and sighed in relief when I finally saw the house I had been searching for. “St. Louis Boarding House & Orphanage for Lost Souls” read the sign at the front gate. Well, in some ways, I am an orphan. And I’m definitely a lost soul, of sorts, I mused to myself as I reached out and opened the gate. I walked through the gate and latched it behind me. Then I made my way to the front door and knocked. I could hear movement from within and I straightened my shoulders and stood as tall as I could. It was difficult with my small frame; I was barely five feet four inches. As I
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Chapter 1
28 July 1864 To: Miss Abigail via Mrs. Sheffield c/o St. Louis Boarding House & Orphanage for Lost Souls Dear Abigail, I have safely arrived at my post, Ft. Gibson, in Indian Territory. During my travels, I have thought of you often. Our first meeting was so brief, but I felt a kinship to you. I wonder if you felt the same. As promised, I will share about my adventures. Ft. Gibson has been quiet since my arrival. I am told that the tribe of Indians who live in the area are called the Cherokee. I have learned they are a peaceful people, who only want to be left alone to raise their families on the land that God provides. Although one of the more peaceful tribes, they will not hesitate to protect their families. I had the privilege of meeting the chief and his son, Wohali. Wohali appears to be fierce, but is actually a kind man. He stands almost as tall as me. He is one of the tallest men in his village. He has a strong face and long black hair, that is usually flowing freely down
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Chapter 2
October 2, 1865 Abigail POV Henry and I have continued to write letters back forth over the past year, growing closer through our letters. He refuses to tell me what he writes in German and so in retaliation, I won’t tell him that he is my heart and I am only his. Eventually, I did tell my friends about Henry and our letters. I refused, however, to let them ready even one line. Henry and I have shared so many things that I want to keep just between us. Mary Jane, Charlotte, Emily and I returned yesterday from Texas. Our other friend and former house mate, Hannah, had recently gotten married. The four of us traveled to meet her second husband. It seems her first husband, whom she married by proxy as a mail order bride, was a criminal. His crimes were so great and truly not worth discussing. Please believe me when I tell you he was awful. Fortunately for Hannah, he was killed during his capture which freed her to marry the ranch foreman, with whom she had fallen in love with. It was
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Chapter 3
October 2, 1865 Henry POV As I rode back into the fort from my morning perimeter check, I reflected on the events of the past several months. Every morning, I would ride out and make a large perimeter sweep, the goal being to make sure that none of the area was in danger of being invaded. The Comanche Indians were the angriest of all the tribes in the area, therefore they posed the greatest threat. I had tried many times to reach out and to assist them in any way I could. Officially, I was under orders to make the Indians comply no matter what it took, even if that meant killing each and every one of them. Unofficially, I just wanted peace. I was grateful for the soldiers under my command. They too, had seen enough war and devastation to last two lifetimes. I had a meeting upon my arrival last year and was able to ascertain that none of them really wanted to force the Indian’s out any more than I did. So, it was decided that while the United States government might want us to elimin
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Chapter 4
October 25, 1865 Abigail POV Today, I was leaving to travel the seven hundred plus miles deep into Indian Territory to meet my Henry. I was excited, yet at the same time, fearful. I can’t wait to see him again. It has been a long time and I miss him very much. I am fearful that perhaps my father has found me and will try to make me return home to New Orleans with him. George was unable to find anyone snooping around. After several days, it was decided that my imagination was probably working overtime because I didn’t know for sure whether or not my father had given up searching for me. I could only hope that he had. It was still very early in the morning as I dressed for the day and finished packing the last of my belongings in my trunks, and I thought back over the last few weeks. The girls had helped me to make four quilts for my journey. Sergeant Major Levi had told me that it would be important for me to remain warm and the more quilts and blankets I had, the warmer I would be.
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Chapter 5
November 14, 1865 Abigail POV This morning, over breakfast, Levi informed me that he was confident that we would arrive at Fort Gibson before noon. With the hills and trees, it was difficult to see very far in the distance. I was excited to know that we had finally arrived. I was ready for a good night’s rest in a soft bed. The last ten days had been a challenge. The morning that we left Springfield, I reminded Levi that he had agreed to push the men and the supply wagons as much as possible. The first three days we were able to push and traveled every bit of thirty miles each day. We took very few breaks and moved swiftly. But on the fourth day, the weather turned cold and it began to rain. After two days of solid rain, we were soaked through, tired, cold, and miserable. I was extremely disappointed to discover that we had only managed to travel thirty miles in two days. That put us behind schedule and my spirits
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Chapter 6
November 16, 1865 Henry POV “Captain! Captain! Dispatch from Fort Gibson! It’s urgent!” I heard the voice of the young lad who had been assigned to run dispatch between Fort Cobb and Fort Sill. I quickly strode from my office and made my way to the door, just as the lad dismounted and barreled up onto my porch. “What is it?” I asked. “Not sure, sir. I was told that it was for your eyes only and that it was urgent,” he told me, handing me the dispatch. I unfolded it and my world crashed as I read the telegram: Abigial kidnapped. Unconfirmed - her father has her. Stay at Sill. Wohali is searching. -M- Like hell I was staying here! My wife was in danger! I told the young lad, “Come,” and turned and strode back into my house. I heard him follow me into my office. I grabbed another sheet of paper and quickly wrote a reply to Matthew. On my way. You can fill me in upon my arrival. “Take this to the dispatch office and send the telegram right away. On your way past the barracks, in
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Chapter 7
November 20, 1865 Henry POV “You look like death warmed over, Henry,” Matthew told me at breakfast this morning. “Thanks. I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t for lack of trying. Every time I closed my eyes, I envisioned Abigail in her father’s clutches. The weather is turning colder, Matt. Do we know if she even had coat or shawl?” I whispered, afraid to know the answer. She was most likely in the forest and mountainous area of Arkansas. While that would shelter her from the constant wind it would not provide with much sunlight for warmth. I was worried about frostbite. “After you went to rest yesterday, I went and spoke with Zeke some more. She did have her heavy woolen coat. Don’t know what kind of stockings she was wearing. I would guess, the same as when she traveled here from St. Louis. She should be warm enough. Although, with the weather turning an
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Chapter 8
November 21, 1865 Henry POV The snow had started around nine this morning. I wasn’t worried at first. Matthew and I had just returned from lunch in the dining hall when the snow began to come down more heavily. As I stared out of the window of his house, I asked, “Matt, will they make it? Everything in me is telling me to go and find her! But my brain knows that it’s foolish. I could get lost so quickly in this!” I heard him come up behind me, “Best we can do is wait. I know you don’t want to hear that. But as you said, you could be lost and then what happens to Abigail. She’ll be crushed knowing you died trying to find her in a blizzard. She’s with Wohali. He knows the land and he knows storms. Trust our friend to get her back safely.” I nodded. My head knew he was right. But my heart didn’t want to listen. The alpha part of my brain was gr
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Chapter 9
Abigail POV Earlier today, when the snow began to fall so heavily that we couldn’t see each other, I began to worry that we would be lost in the blizzard. “We are too far from my village to turn back to seek shelter. I think we should continue to the fort. We must stay grouped together and share the reins of our horses. Abigail, I will take one of yours and you will reach back and take one from Levi. This way we can all stay connected,” Wohali explained reaching for one of my reins. Levi nudged his horse next to me and he handed me a length of his reins, “These three won’t get spooked. They are all trained to follow the command of the rider. I have control of the extra horse; so it will be alright.” Then he paused and said, “here, let’s try to pull the blanket over your head. That might help keep you warm.” He helped me to adjust the blanket so it was partially covering my head while still wrapped around my shoulders. The truth was, I was almost soaked through but I refused to say a
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