
Luna's Visit

"Quite a surprise, yes." She laughed a bit. "May I come in?" She asked even though she has the power to waltz into anywhere she wanted.

"Sure, please come in." I heard my mother say as she closed the doors.

I peeked my head from the floor of the stairs a bit to catch a glimpse of Luna Clara and to know why she was here.

"How have you been lately?" She asked my mother as she stepped in fully.

"I've been good, thank you for asking?" My mother replied. "Would you like something to drink or anything?" She continued.

"Oh no, no, that's alright, I was only passing and I thought to drop by."

They continued their conversation in hush voices as they stood.

"Okay then," she hummed as she looked around awkwardly. This wasn't just a visit I had surmised. It's not everyday the Luna of Ravens fall pack just so happens to drop by while she was on a walk.

I didn't buy it, but then there was nothing that I could think about.

"How are the kids?"' Luna Clara continued when suddenly her piercing blue eyes jammed mine. I retracted my head immediately feeling a bit scared from her gaze.

"They are all good, how is Bryan?" My mother continued, oblivious to the minute exchange just now.

"He's alright, oh, speaking of him, I'm pretty sure you just hit the same memo I did," Ms Clara said, although no cell phones rang out though, my mother replied.

"Oh, I just did as well."

"I was on my way to the pack house, maybe she could come with me, I could use an escort." Ms Clara's voice rang out, I knew they were talking about me at this point when my mother yelled for me.

Stepping out with caution from the doors which led up to the stairs, as though I was being watched by a ferocious predator— Ms Clara's eyes gave off that feeling. I was conscious as I was still in my torn clothes from the earlier incident.

"Greetings Luna Clara," I greeted as I bowed my head in respect.

"Hello dear, what happened this time?" A horrified look replaced her easygoing one when she took in my bloody clothes and appearance. Although I had already started to heal, I had not gone to change out of these clothes yet.

"It was an accident, I fell into a ditch earlier," I lied straight out even though I know she would have known the truth already or if she didn't, then she would later.

"Well, you need to be careful where you are going next time," she said this but I could feel her eyes saying something else.

Putting it off to the side when I heard my mother speak.

"You haven't gone up to change yet?" My mother asked with a disapproving look. "Well go on quickly, alpha Bryan has asked to see you, you can follow the Luna over"

I had no idea why the Alpha would want to see me for this time around or rather which chore he would like to order me.

"Okay," I responded and I quickly went up to change, and came down. My mother and Luna had just finished their discussion when I came upon them.

"I'll see you around then, yes?" She asked my mother as we prepared to leave.

"Sure, you will," she smiled back at Luna.

"Great!," Luna Clara exclaimed before turning to me and asked. "Shall we?"

I only gave a slow nod, not that it matters then followed her out the doors.

"Dinner would be ready when you get home, okay?" My mother whispered as I passed by her. I didn't know if it was her choice to not be loud or she just didn't want the Luna eavesdropping, either way I got the message.

I waved her bye as I fell in tow with Luna, a few steps behind her with my head bowed.

"Don't be so far," she said and I took a few steps closer to her but still far enough for my sake.

"So how have you been?" She inquired as I tried to keep up the same pace to which she walked. My body was still in pain.

"I'm good ma'am," I answered not so honestly but it's not like she'll care anyway.

"That's good to hear," there was silence before her voice sounded again. "So, any changes lately?"

"Changes?" I was confused at the question.

"It's been almost three years and you've never for once shifted, are there any changes now?" Her voice had a tint of irritation when she explained.

I had no idea she kept tabs on these things, especially when they concern me. But then again she is the Luna.

"No ma'am, no changes." I casted my gaze down towards the ground while keeping my pace with her.

"Don't worry dear, I'm sure you're just a late bloomer that's all," she reassured. Nothing was said after that until the pack house came into view.

"Well, he's in his office," she said as we came upon the building. "Go in now, he doesn't like to be kept waiting." And with a smile on her face, she waltzed away, leaving me to my own thoughts.

"That was weird," I thought as I began to make my way towards Bryan's office.

The Luna had never personally asked me questions before, although she had visited my mom only a number of times, her dropping by today was just weird.

I made my way through the pack house. It was mid afternoon on a Saturday, the pack house wasn't quite full as it should be, there were few girls in the living room with some guys, some in the kitchen and few just around.

I made a beeline towards Bryan's office, avoiding gazes as I moved past a few other members. They paid me no attention whatsoever.

Once I had reached the door to the Alpha's office, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

I thought I heard an invitation from the other side of the doors, taking that as my cue, I pushed the doors open and I instantly regretted it, hurriedly pushing myself back out as I closed the door and breathed heavily as I thought, "he's going to kill me."

Bryan and his girlfriend were having a makeout session which seemed to be progressing even further as they had both lost their shirt in the process.

I waited patiently at the door for a while cursing myself to death, until finally the door opened up.

"I'm so sorry to intrude sir, I thought I heard you say come in," I quickly started to apologize with my head bent down, gearing the wrath I'd seen in his eyes.

I slightly peeked at him, he was still shirtless which made me blush a bit, then there was Heather on his arms, her eyes stared daggers at me, probably for interrupting and I lowered my head further to the ground.

She was the daughter of one of the strongest Warriorvoair in our pack, both her parents have made a name for themselves and their family, they were also rich as well. I had no intention of offending her more than my existence already did on a daily basis.

She and her group were among the top of my list of tormentors that made my life a living hell. I knew she wasn't going to let this one slide so I mentally prepared myself for later.

"I'll see you tonight?" She asked in a bathroom voice, I could hear the smile in the way she spoke.

"Of course," he replied as he kissed her rather roughly, grabbing a bit of her bum before finally letting her go.

I resumed my bleed position as I saw she was now staring at me, the hate clearly visible, not hiding anything from Bryan. She walked up to me and threw her hand across both sides of my face with much force as you'd expect from a werewolf.

I was still in pain from my earlier session with my brothers, my face was only just recovering.

I dared not to touch my now swollen face in front of her or groan in pain. I only bent my head. I did not expect the Alpha to do anything, that was his girlfriend after all.

"Stupid bitch." I heard her curse before she began to walk away.

Once she was out of sight, the Alpha Bryan invited me into his office, "Next time, until I say you should come in, then you come in, do you understand?" He ordered as he began to put his shirt back on.

The office was quite a mess, when he had finally dressed more properly did he turn to me with his perfect arched eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry, are you deaf?" He asked. "I asked you a question just now," he yelled.

Cowering in fear, I stuttered as I answered, "I under…st..stand sir." As I remembered the question he had asked me.

Dismissing my behavior, he started, "The reason why you were called here is to inform you of the party I'll be having here in the pack house today." He looked at me to confirm if I was listening.

The only time he was ever allowed to have a party in the pack house was when the current Alpha, his father, was not around. This would explain why there were such little people present in the pack house.

Bryan continued, "I want this house to be tidied up before 8pm when the party starts, so you have about…." He trailed off as he checked his watch to confirm the time. "5 hours there about. You can start with this office," he said passing by me and walking out the doors.

I knew it would be more work so I wasn't surprised. I looked around the office as it wasn't too dirty, just the table that was scattered.

I sighed inwardly as I made my way downstairs to get a few pieces of equipment to begin. I was not ready for another round of beating as I was only getting better.

I started with the office he had left me in after I had gotten what I needed downstairs, I started to pick up the fallen papers that were scattered all over the floor, a few pens, a laptop that was now broken, I didn't know if I should throw it out or not so I folded it and kept it by the side of the table.

The broken teacup I disposed of into the trash can that I had brought earlier.

The books I placed back on the shelf, running my hands through the shelf wishing I could just sit and read a few of the books present but I knew that was never possible.

I picked up the last item on the ground, it was a brown file with the name 'Griffin hale pack'.

That was the name of one of the most powerful packs. So I've heard from pack members here, never witnessed why they were called so.

This must probably be important, I moved towards the drawers, opening them I placed the file in them. Before closing the drawer, something caught my eye .

It was a black small box with golden rims, the size of a book, clicking the locks open I gasped, it was a shiny black revolver.

Why would the Alpha need a gun? They were werewolves. I thought about it a bit, staring rather hardly at the gun as I viewed it when I heard a voice which startled me.

"What are you doing?"

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
it's good, very nice
goodnovel comment avatar
Sharen Jett
it's good so far a little slow

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