
Left To Die

Hannah's pov:

I stared at the look of shock on Bryan's face which gradually morphed to one of disgust and hate. There was silence all over, the music had died down, you could hear a pin drop as everyone anticipated what next.

I couldn't believe I finally found my mate, I didn't even have to leave the borders of Raven falls pack.

I did not expect 'HIM' to be my mate, my expectations dwindled as the silence was drawn out.

Heather already had a smile on her face as she looked upon Bryan, like she knew what was coming next.

The hand that was wound around her was released as Bryan took a step forward, and another, and another until he was only a foot away from me.

He was so close I could feel his hot breath fan my face. I wanted to revel in that moment but I knew it wasn't going to last long.

Staring into his blue eyes, the disgust was clearly evident.

"There is no way a weak, pathetic, ugly slave of a mutt is my mate," he spat bitterly in my face.

Tears were already brimming in my eyes as I knew what was coming.

"Wait please, we are meant to be together, please." I tried pleading silently as I reached for his arm. He quickly drew back, like I'm some kind of dirt he didn't want to get in him.

He walked back to Heather's side grabbing her by the waist and pulling her towards him, both with a smirk plastered on their faces.

"I, Bryan Ducati—" he started.

"No, wait ple…please don't do this," my voice cracked as I advanced closer, wanting to stop him from declaring his next few words.

"Reject you, Hannah Anderson from being my mate," he finished, pulling Heather closer to him.

Pain I've never felt before tore through me as I screamed before dropping towards the floor. My heart shattered as my last hope of life crashed, the last star in my sky lost in the darkness that seemed to grow even bigger now.

I've felt pain within this pack everyday, but nothing compared to this. It was like my soul was being wretched out of me but it still loomed there.

"Get this piece of thrash out of here," Heather ordered as she cozied up with Bryan.

I looked at Bryan once more, the tears made my sight a bit blurry, hoping he wouldn't do this to me.

Bryan had already turned away, his attention now on heather, not sparing a glance at me anymore.

There was nothing for me again, no meaning to my life, I felt soul-less.

I didn't notice the two pack members who had appeared at my side on heather's orders and began to drag, throwing me out of the pack's house and shutting the doors back.

I sat there, staring at the closed doors. The music was turned back on as they all returned back to partying while I sat on the ground, consumed by grief as the tears continued to roll down the sides of my face.

Picking myself up with the strength I had no idea came from, I began to walk, not knowing where I was going, I continued to walk until I bumped into someone.

"What in the world is this?" a man's voice rang out angrily as I found myself on the floor once more. I didn't know who it was until I looked at the man at his side and realized who my audience was.

"Alpha Jaxon?" The fear was evident in my voice. His eyes portrayed anger as well as disgust, something I have seen too often.

"I'm so . . . .sorry Alpha." My voice was too quiet, I doubted if he even heard what I said as I bowed.

"Alpha Jaxon, what is the meaning of this?" The man I had numbed into asked, wiping his expensive looking clothes as if what had touched him was dirt. "Is this how you welcome guests now, allowing peasants to interrupt them? Unbelievable."

I stayed bowed when a hand slapped me across my face, throwing me back on the ground.

The stranger had hit me. When I glanced at alpha Jaxon, there was anger in his eyes not intending to but he contained it as he addressed the visitor. "My apologies, friend."

"Hurry up and apologize!" He yelled at me. I scrambled to my knees slowly as I apologized to the man. All I felt was a big hole in my heart, pain didn't register in my mind, neither did the insults that were thrown my way.

The man, not acknowledging me anymore, turned to Alpha Jaxon and said, "Weak peasants like this shouldn't be part of a pack Alpha . . . ." He trailed off before Alpha Jaxon cut him off.

"Watch yourself Miguel, don't tell me how to run my pack." His voice was low and dangerous before he composed himself and said, "Why don't you go on then, our business is done, I won't be seeing you off."

Not waiting anymore out of fear, he bid alpha Jaxon goodbye before scurrying away.

I remained kneeling when the alpha finally turned towards me. His heated gaze made me shrink into myself.

"Useless," he insulted as he slapped me across my face one more time. "Embarrassing me in front of the company huh?"

The pain stung much as he put more pressure into his slap. I laid on the floor, hands on my cheeks as I wondered why it was always like this, constantly being bullied, hated by all, I never understood it.

"You are only a burden to this pack, no value whatsoever, I can't have you here again." He said before he had a far away look in his eyes, I knew he was mind linking. This was confirmed when I saw two warriors walking towards us.

"What a waste of my time, I should have killed you a long time ago, If I knew how useless you were." I wondered what he meant by that, but only for a bit when the two warriors picked me up. "She is banished from the pack, take her out!" Other than his words, his eyes conveyed his message as well.

"They were going to kill me," I thought to myself. Although I had no more reason to live, I still feared death. I began to thrash in the warriors arms but their grip only tightened.

The alpha began to walk off, not sparing a glance backwards as the warriors began to drag me away. I screamed as I struggled in their arms, pleading but they didn't budge until finally they stopped walking.

I thought that my pleas had saved me but I could only dream when my eyes landed on the new arrivals. It was Heather and my two brothers, Kyle and Kaleb on both sides of her.

"What are you doing with her?" She asked, although the warriors weren't obliged to answer but she was the daughter of the leader of the warriors, they had to give a reply.

"The alpha has assigned us to do away with her," the warrior on my right said.

"Really?" The smirk on Heather's face grew wider as she no longer stared at the warriors but now at me.

"Well it's about damn time," one of my brothers signed in mock relief.

Heather continued, "Well in that case, why don't we offer assistance?" she suggested with a smile on her face.

"The alpha ordered—"the warrior on my left was cut off by heather.

"See you must have been mistaken, I wasn't asking." The smile that had once graced her face had dropped.

They knew she was powerful and not just because her father was one of authority, she was taught by her father himself which was considered strong and fierce.

My brother walked up to the warriors who handed me over to them without much words said.

"That would be all for now, you may return to your post." Her smile had returned.

Both warriors scurried away.

"Well well well, let's go for a walk shall we?" Although she asked, I knew she wasn't expecting an answer from me. My brother snickered behind me before we started walking towards the forest.

We had walked a considerable distance, probably where my screams would not be heard as they torture me to death.

"Now, I have to ask, what were you expecting when you found out Bryan was your mate? I could see the look in your eyes previously." She laughed.

I wasn't ready to answer. The first hit was across my face.

"I asked you a question." She queried as she grabbed my short hair tightly. "You think you could replace me? Huh? Very funny." She chuckled.

My silence apparently only made her more angry. Her face was so up close and all of sudden, my emotions conflicted within me —anger, despair and with a shot of adrenaline, I spat on her face. This shocked both of us but I quickly recovered as I realized I had nothing to lose anymore.

Heather was so angry, she wiped the fluid off her face as she began to throw punches at me. My brothers only stood back and laughed.

I wretched on the floor as I clutched my stomach, groaning in pain. I couldn't see her face anymore as my eyes had become blurry now but I could hear the anger in her voice.

"Someone like you shouldn't even exist. Weak, pathetic, useless. Honestly, I wonder why you lived this long. Your existence irritates me." After she had ranted, she calmed herself down.

"You both," she said, pointing to my brothers who had been having a fun time. "Finish this!" She ordered them before turning back to me saying, "I would have really wanted to watch you die but I think it's best to spend my precious time with MY mate, Bryan." She mocked me as she began to walk away.

Kyle grabbed me by my hair, lifting me from the ground. Kaleb delivered a blow to my stomach, making me double over and I fell on my knees as Kyle released his grip on my hair.

"Finally, you'd be out of our lives for good," Kyle started. "We can live our lives without you bringing a stigma onto us."

"You really are disgusting," Kaleb said as he blew and kicked me again.

"This is no fun," one of them stated. "How about your favorite game, chase?"

"That's a great idea," they said, planning my death.

I got up with the little strength I had left and I started slowly walking backwards. I knew I was only falling into their trap but if there was even the slightest chance that I might be saved again, that Bryan might come to my rescue once more then I'm going to take it.

"Oh, there she goes," I heard from behind me as I began to walk away, I wasn't even moving fast. I tripped here and there, when I turned back they were not in sight. I continued to limp further not knowing where I was going until I reached the same cliff end as last time.

I felt my hair being grabbed once more, turning me around, rain of punches came down on me, not avoiding my face or any part of me. I felt like a punching bag being used to take out a person's anger and frustration.

One of them held me by the arms while the other continued to hit. With every punch he said, "You'll be out of our lives for good."

Punches turned into scratches. His claws had been drawn and I couldn't stop it. I was open, no part of me was spared.

I had stopped struggling at this point, blood covered my entire body, my vision wasn't working anymore. I noticed my hand was letting go as I fell to the floor.

I felt pressure on my leg as someone stepped on it, a cracking sound was heard before the person finally let go.

"Is she dead?" One of them asked the other.

"I doubt she'd live from your rampage," the other answered as he shook me slightly.

"Let's go." They agreed not after they had pushed me over the cliff and then I lost consciousness before I touched the bottom.

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
it's nice, she can't protect herself from others
goodnovel comment avatar
This is poorly written. Hope the storyline is worth the effort.
goodnovel comment avatar
Helen F Rayford
OM Hannah, oh Hannah may your goddess protect you, heal you or help you to heal inside and out so that she maybe come strong and train to become a warrior so she can protect herself from others like her old pack.

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