Only you

Only you

Oleh:  Z.Ali  On going
Bahasa: English
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After being saved from Mr. Stone, the one who used her as his personal slave, Clair faces days of PTSD. However she is too shy and anxious to share her problems with her well wishers. And to make things worse, she meets Levi, some one who she falls for. However, she refrains herself from dating him because she fears ruining it. Levi is adamant on winning the girl of his dreams, despite the hurdles in front of him. There was one moment that he thought he had won her. That his dreams had finally come true. However, life had other plans for them. Will they ever be able to over come her fear and face her troubles? Will they be able to overcome the troubles that life throws at them and finally be together?

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47 Bab
How it began
To say that Clair was scared would be an understatement. However, she was ready to face it. She has had enough in this hell hole. She has seen and felt enough pain in this grand mansion that she would rather describe as a dungeon.    A dungeon where girls were violated over and over again. Naive, young girls the Mr. Stone and his gang kidnap from the countryside. Then they would simply sell them off as if they were cattle, and now, Clair has had enough of it. She too was a victim. She didn't know if it was her good luck or not that Mr. Stone liked her so much that he kept her for himself.    Clair looked out of the window in anticipation. Lilli had told her that they would carry-out the plan tonight. By the time Mr. Stone returned from the funeral of his friend, this place would have been invaded. 
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I'm sorry
Clair pov. I watched silently as they prepared to leave. My heart continued to weep for him. For us. But how could I give us a chance? He deserved the best things in the world. Not someone like me. Not someone who is still fighting to forget those horrible memories of being forcefully removed from your home. Or those terrible flashbacks of how me and the other girls were transferred in food containers by those heartless human traffickers.  In addition to those unwanted memories, my sleep is haunted by nightmares of Mr. Stone. The one who owned me. Who enslaved me during my mid teens. I was barely eighteen when I got pregnant with my first child, Nolan.  He is the one who fathered my child. But I refuse to acknowledge him as his father. He is not worthy of being called a father. And I most certainly don’t want to let my child know that he is related to such a vile man. I was lost in my own thoughts when Levi walked in front of me and extended
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Next day
NarratorClair managed to fall asleep after a long time. However, her sleep was far from being peaceful. She tossed and turned on her bed. Little beads of sweat formed on her forehead due to her distress.She was running away from him. How in the world did he wake up from his eternal sleep? How was it even possible that he came back from death. Aren’t dead people supposed to stay dead? She glanced over her shoulder as she continued to run through the thick foliage of the forest. But as soon as she did, she wished she didn’t look back. What she saw made her heart want to jump out of her rib cage.There was this ghostly figure running after her – no galloping after her on all fours. It’s face was Mr. Stone’s, however it was rather pale and it looked as if it was partly decayed. There was blood and drool coming out of the corners of it’s mouth. It’s clothes were torn and tattered and pieces of fabric flew with the breeze as
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No time for love
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Clair pov. I hastened towards the living room where I knew Lilli would most probably be waiting for me. She most probably would be already searching the university website, looking for a suitable course for me to start. But I was wrong. She was nowhere to be seen.  Shrugging, I dashed up the stairs. If she was not in the living room, she most probably would be in her room. I walked up to her room and was about to knock when I thought I heard her sobs. Furrowing my eyebrows, I leaned against the door to be sure of it. “Henry.... It has been over a year now. Why isn’t it still not happening?”  It most certainly was Lilli’s voice. She was......crying? But why?  “Hey ....babe. I’m sure it will. With time.” Henry tried to c
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Compelled to go out
Narrator. Days passed by, and by the time Adira and Austin came back from their honeymoon, Clair had successfully taken care of all the awareness programs that they had planned while Lilli and Henry looked after the business and other matters of the empire. Adira and Austin went through the files and they were satisfied to see that everything was in place as they wanted them to be. It is not that Austin and Adira doubted their capabilities. They were certain that they would prove themselves to be the best people to be around.  Henry, Clair and Lilli waited for their approval in the office as they flipped through the papers.  “Great. You guys have done an excellent job.” Austin uttered, nodding with a satisfied smile on his lips.  “Yes. This is commendable Clair. I
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Compelled to go out 2
Clair pov. Still feeling anxious about tonight, I walked briskly from the office towards my room. I closed the door as soon as I entered and let out a whoosh of breath, hoping to calm myself down. But my heart was still frantic. What if I panic there? What if those memories make it so hard for me to enjoy? Or worse. What if I stumble across someone who knew I was the girl Mr. Stone used to keep for himself? My anxiety skyrocketed at that thought. No. No. That cannot happen. No one should know that it was me. No one can know about my past. I started to feel dizzy and I felt as if the whole room was spinning. My breathing laboured. I took desperate deep gasps of breath as I held on to my head and leaned against the closed door. The whole room felt hot, despite the turned on air conditioner and little beads of sweat soaked my shirt.&nbs
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Girls' night
Narrator Clair went into shock and remained in her crouched position as the minutes passed by.  Since Nolan was with Gabby aunty, his little voice was not there to pull Clair out of her mental turmoil, like he usually did. Clair continued to cover her head from what might attack her l, though in reality she was completely alone in the room.  However, she felt that she was being attacked. She felt that Mr. Stone was back to get revenge on her for killing him and keeping his child away from him. She felt that he might once again hurt her. And this time he wouldn’t let her live.  “Please....don’t.... Let me go.” She sobbed through her whispers until she finally lost consciousness. Minutes ticked by. Henry’s mother enjoyed having little Nolan in her room. She was expec
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Narrator Levi groaned as he tossed and turned on his bed. He couldn’t sleep. All I could think of was Clair. Her beautiful dark brown eyes which shone each time they made eye contact. Her beautiful wavy hair that cascaded down her back up to her waist. Her luscious pink lips and her rosy cheeks.   He longed to run his fingers through her long hair strands while his other hand held her soft body against his. He desired to claim her soft lips once again in his. He wanted to make her his and completely his. He wanted to hold her in his arms and never let go. He knew she was saved by his brother in law and perhaps had gone through a lot, though he didn’t know the full story. He desired to assure her that he was now there for her. He wanted to let her feel safe with him and protect her from anything harmful.  But sh
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She needs time?
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