Never Say Goodbye

Never Say Goodbye

By:  Rosa Kane  Completed
Language: English
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WARNING: MATURE CONTENT "How long will I love you?" "Until my dying breath." From the moment they set their eyes on each other, Ian and Kimberly have been head over heels in love. Their intense love for each other fills their lives with colors and their bellies with butterflies but their happiness is cut short when Kimberly is diagnosed with a life threatening sickness. A sudden death forces the love birds to say goodbye to each other but Ian soon discovers that everything they were made to believe was a lie. How far would he go, to be with the love of his life?

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Kevin Bosch
Amazing story line. Kudos to the author. Will read more . Thank you for this great story.
2024-08-11 23:59:25
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Guille C
Nice story. Short, thrilling and entertaining.
2024-04-01 11:15:13
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I love this story...️
2023-10-30 02:12:50
48 Chapters


"What are we doing here?" Ian asked."Just come with me," Jack replied.Ian moved in front while Lieutenant Jack walked behind him. They got to the front desk and Jack said a few words to the reception lady before she directed them where to go. They finally arrived at a big ward. There were different beds and patients on them. Almost all of the patients had chains on their hands and feet.There was a particular girl who had her back to Ian. Pointing at her, Jack said, "She's number two. Look at her, and tell me if she is the one."Ian began to approach the girl sitting on bed number two and his heart was racing. She still had her back to him, and she had midnight black hair, just like Kim. With his hands still cuffed, he walked slowly, until he got to where she was sitting. He touched one of her shoulders and she instantly turned. When he saw her face, his eyes widened in shock and tears rolled down his cheeks.He took a step back and exclaimed, "Kim!?"
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FEW MONTHS EARLIERIan Thompson came out of his car and took long strides with his hands in his pockets, towards the house in front of him. When he got to the door, he took in a deep breath before knocking. The door was opened, and the face that came into his view was Wendy Jacksons'.Wendy smiled at him and said, "Hi, come in, Ian."The Thompsons and the Jacksons had been friends for years. Wendy was his friend, and they were both in their final year of high school, set to graduate in a few weeks.Ian's family was the wealthiest in the city of Evanston, a suburb of Chicago. Before he moved to the suburb, he attended the best high school in Chicago. However, with reasons best known only to him, his dad had him move all the way to the suburb just as he was excelling in his previous high school as the best in basketball.When he moved to Evanston and met Kimberly, everything changed. All the girls had eyes for him, but he only had eyes for her.She was the most amazing and sweetest pers
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Ian sat on the couch, staring at Mr. and Mrs. Jackson as they came out. They were friendly towards him, and he knew they liked him.Why wouldn't they? His dad had helped them get a lot of money because they went into business together. Both of them sat down and waited for him to say what he wanted. After a while, he got up and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I'm here because I need to ask for your consent to openly court one of your daughters.""Who are we talking about?" Albert Jackson asked."Well, it's Kim," Ian replied."Kim? That's interesting. I never knew you had an interest in Kim. I would have thought you were more interested in Wendy since you guys seemed to be so close," her dad said.Ian smiled, "Well, Wendy is sweet and she's my friend, but the one I love is Kim, and Wendy is already aware.""You're aware of it?" Albert asked Wendy. Wendy nodded, "Yes, I've known for a while.""Okay, that's cool," her mom replied. "So, you want to openly date Kim. Is that what you're sayi
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As Kimberly fainted, Ian carried her in his arms and ran out of the school premises. He placed her in the backseat of his car, put her bicycle behind, and got into the driver's seat. He began driving to the hospital. On his way, he called Wendy and told her everything that happened, asking her to inform her parents that he was taking Kimberly to the hospital."Ian, please take her to my family's hospital," Wendy suggested. "My family doctor will be there to attend to her. I will be arriving soon with my parents.""Okay, I will do just that," Ian replied.He quickly took her to the hospital, and as Wendy had said, the family doctor promptly attended to her. Ian waited outside until Wendy and her parents eventually arrived."What happened?" they asked Ian."Well," Ian began. "We were at the rooftop of our school building, and afterward, we decided to go down. We ran down the stairs, and suddenly she became short of breath and eventually passed out. I don't know what is going on, and I'm
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The next two months proved to be extremely difficult for Ian. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was going to lose Kim. However, Kim had accepted that she would die in two months, so she tried her best to be happy and make as many memories as she could during the time she had left. She became weaker by the day, though, so her mom kept suggesting that she undergo chemotherapy. However, she refused, stating that there was no point because a specialist, brought in by her dad to look into her case, had said the same thing as the first doctor.Moreover, due to how affected Ian was, his dad had arranged for her to be transferred to one of the best hospitals in Chicago. However, when she got there, she was told the same thing – she had leukemia and was going to die in two months.After learning all this, she believed there was no point in spending the remaining time in the hospital trying to get treatment that wouldn't change her condition. Instead, she decided to spend it with
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The call was disconnected and Ian stared at his screen in surprise.He tried to call the number again, but he was told that the number did not exist. He kept trying again and again, but still, the number wouldn't go through. He began to move up and down the porch, thinking about everything that happened between him and Kim up until she died"What is going on? Am I imagining things?" he asked himself. He stood outside for a while and finally went inside. His father looked at the expression on his face and asked, "What is it, Ian? Are you okay?"He said, "Dad, I have this feeling that Kim is still alive." His father sighed, "No, don't do this to yourself, Ian. Weren't you there on the day she was buried? This is just your imagination playing tricks on you and making it difficult for you to move on. You need to forget about her, okay? I'm not saying you should not think about her sometimes, but come on, you have been mourning and crying. Life goes on, and as much as you feel very sa
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Ian left the cemetery and went back home. He lay on his bed miserably, listening to his conversations with Kim, which he had recorded before she died. After a while, he got up and shook his head. "No, I can't just leave it at this. I must do something. I must meet this David Suarez, whoever he is. I should be able to find out why he called me and why his voice sounded like Kim. Kim if you are out there, I will find you."In the morning, when Ian woke up, his father said, "Hmm, you came back quite early. I didn't even hear you come in.""Yeah, the party turned out to be boring," he lied. "So I just left it.""I see. I guess it feels different since she's no longer here. It's been a while, though, since you went to basketball practice. Why don't you try it? I think it will do you a lot of good. Also, you'll be filling out your college forms a few months from now, so I think we should talk about it. Like.. what you intend to do or where you'd like to live.""Come on, Dad, I still have t
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The next two days felt like two years for Ian. After the first twenty-four hours, when he couldn't bear it anymore, he left his room so he wouldn't die of boredom. All he kept doing was thinking about Kim. He decided to familiarize himself with the city of LA. It was his first time there, and he didn't know how long his mission was going to take. So, he got a tour guide to show him around.He spent the entire day, from morning till evening, moving around the city, learning about safe areas and places that were unsafe. When it was getting dark, he came back to his hotel room and slept off because he was tired. In the morning, he met with the private investigator called Bob. But this time, they met in a café, which was much better than where they had met before.The private investigator said, "I found the man you're looking for, David Suarez. I found him at a dangerous club downtown. At first, he refused to cooperate, so I had to use extreme measures. Apparently, he's not the one usin
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While Ian was still staring at Sammy, he rushed towards him again to punch him a second time. But this time, Ian blocked him and punched him back. Helium became excited. He got up and began to clap. "Wow! I love this guy, I love this guy. Go on, Sammy, fight back." Sammy went again and punched Ian in his belly, and all the men left what they were doing and began to cheer.Helium kept watching. He moved away from his chair and was staring happily at the fight. When Sammy tried to punch Ian again, he held both his hands and kneed him in his groin. Sammy screamed in pain and bent down, clutching the bulge of his pants. However, Ian took advantage of this opportunity and hit him with his elbow on his back, causing Sammy to fall flat on his face. Everyone cheered for Ian while he stood erect and, tried to catch his breath."I like you, I like you very much!" Helium exclaimed. "You know what? I think you are good enough. As a matter of fact, you are ready because you have impressed me.
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WEEKS EARLIERKim opened her eyes, closed them again, and began to recall the faces of some of the people closest to her. She remembered Ian, her mom, her sister Wendy, and her dad. She recalled how she got sick and how she died. Her eyes shot open again. "Mom?" she asked.She sat up and looked around. She was in a room and had been lying on a bed, and the sheets were white."Where am I? Is this the afterlife? Mom?" She called again."Ian?" But there was no reply.Everywhere was quiet, and she couldn't understand why. She remembered that she had given up in the middle of the night. She had found it difficult to breathe, but couldn't say anything to Ian. He was lying right beside her, and she was afraid that if she said anything to him, he would panic. Knowing that her death was imminent, she had closed her eyes and given in to the darkness.Or could she have survived? She called out one more time, "Wendy, Ian, Dad, Mom. Who's there?"Right at that moment, the door was opened and a t
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